Ammo Prices SKYROCKET!?!?!?!

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I shoot anywhere from 150-500rnds per visit to the range and shoot every 1-2 weeks. I usually buy 9mm and .223 (.45 is my recent addition) from Wal Mart or Dicks because the PPR was about $.23 for 9mm, and $.30-.33 for .223. I go there today and the PPR jumped to $.30/rd ($.37 after taxes) and as much as $.43 for .223!


Also, $25 for 50 .45ACP???? Lord help us! :mad:
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Yep! just like Food & Gasoline Prices. Word of advice...With Ammo - Only get what you need, and can afford $....better safe than sorry.
ammo prices

A bigger factor is the cost of copper. As the economies in China and India and Brazil expand, the demand for copper increases, and so do the prices.

Ammo prices began to go up in 2006 or so. Lots of that was because so much ammo production was going to the military.
Yep its political

This is why I reload and cast my own pistol rounds. I can get a hundred .40's down the pipe for just over 5 bucks.
Reloading is the way to go. It does cost to get started but after a little all you have to get is dies for every caliber you own and change them in and out of your press. Not only that but it will pay for its self, and you will be able to shoot a lot more.
There has been talk about this on the forums. I have seen prices increase since January, but availablility is still pretty good overall. I attribute the price increase to the value of the dollar, energy costs, and continued high demand.

I suspect if things look encouraging for our President for re-election, there will be a significant gun and ammo buying spree by those that think about these things.
I have three guns and three ammo boxes.(One for each) One contains 400 FMJ .40 cal. rounds, another 160 FMJ 30-06 cal. rounds and the last 75 hollow point 12 gauge 2-3/4 sabot slugs. That way if I decide to take my oldest son shooting I always have rounds.
Right on - think of the cost of putting your kid throught college copared to what it cost us the parents to get a college degree.
I stopped by the local Walmart yesterday on the way home from work to pick up some jeans, and stopped by the ammo case. First of all, the selection was pretty sparse. The prices, though, are what caught my eye. They've gone up 10-15% in the past 3 months. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything.
"I stopped by the local Walmart yesterday on the way home from work to pick up some jeans, and stopped by the ammo case. First of all, the selection was pretty sparse. The prices, though, are what caught my eye. They've gone up 10-15% in the past 3 months. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything."

A fellow Vermonter! Good to see you on here. I wonder if we were at the same Wal Mart...

The biggest surprise to me is Wal Mart rounds (Winchester white box or Federals) were always cheaper than the local gun shop. Now I can get those green tip deeper penetration rounds at the local gun store for LESS than I can get a box of 55gr FMJ .223 Federals!

Seriously, I need to get a reloader and the dyes, etc. and learn how to get the job done. Enough of this nonsense.
A fellow Vermonter! Good to see you on here

I've been here for awhile, waiting for YOU to show up! ;)

Yeah, the one in Williston? Just a few miles from work, and a straight shot home afterwards on I-89 North.

Next month, I'm placing an order for a reloading set-up... been doing my homework, saving brass, think I'm ready to jump in. Over the summer I'll get the basics down, though I'm pretty mechanical.
In 1992 I paid $11.00 for a box of 50 - Fiocchi 115gr. Blazzer Aluminum was going for around 10 bucks. A few months ago I bought a box of 50 Blazzer Aluminum for $9.99 at Farm & Fleet. I got Blazzer Brass there for 12 bucks.

Cabelas has been selling Blazzer Brass for $90 for 350 rounds since last November. That comes out to be $12.86 per box. I was in Cabela's yesterday and they're still selling 350 rounds for $90.

Now I did go to Walmarts and Dicks, and a box of 115gr Remingtion or WWB that used to cost 11 bucks was going anywhere from $14 to $20 but - I think that's just Walmart and Dicks.

I've found that if I shop around, I'm still getting ammo for roughly what I used to pay for it.
Yes, I'd agree that "bargains" are still to be found if one looks for them. I buy ammo online almost exclusively now, and in bulk.

Going to put in an order for 5000 rounds of .22LR in the next week, ought to keep me in business for a year or so.
I can't reload.

About once a quarter I lock my keys in my car. I misplace my cell phone, the remote, my wallet, my glasses.

I forget birthdays, doctors appointments, and dentist appointments.

A week ago I was making hardboiled eggs and I forgot about them. I heard something go BOOM, and I went downstairs - that's when I heard the timer beeping and realized that I'd probably burned the eggs. The water had completely boiled out of the pot and one of the eggs had EXPLODED.

I had egg plastered to the ceiling, on all my cabinets, on the kitchen window - everywhere.

I can't reload. I'll forget something critical and destroy my gun if I shot my own reloads.
I submitted for notification from Cheaper than Dirt when American Eagle 556 55g was back in stock.

Yesterday morning at about 1000 hrs, I recieved notification that they had "plenty" in stock at $5.82/20.

When I went to order at about 2200, they were out of stock. :eek:

I suspect we are seeing the great run of 08 again ...
I just bought 1000 rounds of Speer 9mm at SGAmmo for a little less than 22 cents per round, including shipping. That's still a penny or so more than I pay for Federal at Walmart, but then I didn't have to go to Walmart either. And Walmart is kind of hit and miss as far as if and how much they have on hand.

Going to put in an order for 5000 rounds of .22LR in the next week, ought to keep me in business for a year or so.

Sparks, please let me know where and how much if you don't mind. SGAmmo's price for 5000 rounds of .22lr is way more than what I pay at Walmart.

Still haven't seen this price explosion though.
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