I'm very bummed by on-line ammo venders,,,
For one, someone has to be there to accept when the delivery arrives,,,
I work a normal day shift so I can't receive the delivery.
Also the shipping makes the difference in savings,,,
Unless I order a life-time supply.
Even on a 500 round order of .9mm,,,
After shipping it's the same as at my LGS,,,
After shipping it's cheaper to buy at Wally World.
SGAmmo.com is here in my home town of Stillwater, OK,,,
I was elated as they have good prices on their goods,,,
Until I called them and asked if I could pick it up.
The owner said no.
I told him I didn't want to browse through his warehouse,,,
I would make and pay for the order on-line as normal,,,
He said his policy was no personal pick-up.
I told him I would be ordering in 500 round lots,,,
And would be buying for 5 different calibers,,,
He was adamant about using UPS delivery.
I called UPS thinking I could pick an order up at their local center,,,
The delivery price would be the same as if it were delivered to my residence.
I asked the Evil Pawn Shop Guy about their company,,,
He said the owner is very paranoid about anyone knowing where they are.
He lost a lot of business,,,
His company won't get any of my money.