American Flag = Crime Target ?

Due for replacement

I took mine down due to weathering and have yet to replace it. I need a better flagpole.
While I can't see PDX from here, I'm not too far away from that liberal bastion. If I lived in PDX, I would not fly the colors.

I will replace mine.
You know what makes your house a target for criminals? Your house.
More specifically what's in it. Do people here honestly think "criminals" are going to target their home just because of a flag? How much are they going to get reselling that flag? Do they feel it's worth spending time in prison for stealing a flag? They target your house because they know something of value is in it that can quickly turn and make a profit from. If they are truly thugs and simply don't like the smell of you--more likely they'll round up a gang and find a place to plant you out in the middle of the desert. You think your libtard peaceniks really going to do that?
According to interviews with convicted criminals, the biggest fear for a criminal is to have to confront a homeowner who is armed. It is very scary for them to walk into a place not knowing what they will encounter, and I don't think it is a bad idea to give them a hint of what they are likely to find ;)

I live in the Colorado mountains, the drive to my house is up on a very very steep driveway with two tight switchbacks, about a quarter of a mile long, bordered by tall dark pine trees. As you drive up and the driveway keeps going, you cannot see where the house is until you are almost there, wondering if the driveway will ever end. Half way up the driveway I have a sign that says "Protected by Smith & Wesson" (even if I do not own a S&W pistol, he he).

On Christmas Eve night, 2010, wifey and I had been too lazy to cook, so we headed down to town for Golden Corral (yeah, we are a classy couple). We left at 8 and it was already dark. GC is about 45 minutes away.

While we were at the Corral, it started snowing very heavily. By the time we headed back for the house, there were at least 2 if not 3 inches of snow on the ground and the temperature was near 0 F. As we start driving up our dark steep driveway... there are vehicle tracks going up on the pristine snow!!

The tracks keep going up and up... until past the "S&W sign", the tracks show that the vehicle had stopped... and started to slip rearwards on the snow (obviously not 4x4) and almost skidded out of the driveway down the cliff.

Was it someone lost trying to reach a Christmas Eve dinner party (my wife's theory). I don't think so.

PS: the S&W sign is now gone, and I want to put a conspicuously placed game camera or something similar in its place, with a flash activated by movement. I have not found an affordable one yet.
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Flashing !!!

Basically the logic is flags equal conservative and conservatives equal guns.
That may depend on where you live and for the most part, not so. ... :confused:
Do people here honestly think "criminals" are going to target their home just because of a flag?
Hardly, as there are other factors. One way to flag the bad guys is to "flash" your firearms, in your neighborhood. We are a community of hunters and it's common to see long-guns, in and out of vehicles, boats and whatever. another factor is how effluent your house appears. The best firearm related item I own, is a Gun-Safe !!!

Be Safe !!!
Criminals, unless they are professionals or members of an organized crime ring, look for targets of opportunity and for minimum resistance. They are predators.
Predators turn tail at the slightest chance of injury.

I honestly don't think that the stars and stripes (by itself) is a deterrent or an encouragement, fly it with pride and without concern.

The stars and stripes in an upscale, downtown neighborhood flown by a 80 y.o couple living by the golf course does not give me an intimidating message as a criminal.

Now, the Confederate flag flown in a property with 3 junkyard trucks in it, an emaciated barking dog chained to a tree and a rusty wood smoker?
I live life on the edge I guess. I fly my American flag 24/7 and even have an NRA decal on the back glass of my truck.

I've noticed over the years on this and other gun forums that gun owners have seemed to have given in the antis. Don't fly a flag, don't let others know you're a gun enthusiast, don't display gun related items.

Maybe, just maybe some of us need to learn a lesson from the LGBTQ community. Regardless of your position on them look what they've accomplished since they have "come out" demanding equal treatment and refusing to stay "in the closet". Yet we as patriotic, manly gun owners chose to capitulate to the same political group and go into our own "closet", even now to the point of not flying our nations flag?????
I've noticed over the years on this and other gun forums that gun owners have seemed to have given in the antis. Don't fly a flag, don't let others know you're a gun enthusiast, don't display gun related items.

I don’t think it’s giving in to the antis so much as it’s about keeping a low profile. I like the grey man approach and choose not to stick out like a sore thumb. I drive a 15 yo Corolla— I doubt anyone is gonna bother me driving a grandpa car.
Asa disabled Vietnam Veteran I proudly fly a flag of the USA in my front yard currently itis at half mast due to the biden murder of the 13 US Marines and Corpsman at Kabul.

There are 5 consecutive houses and/or businesses on my side of the road who fly the flag.

If there is an attempted robbery in the neighborhood, I would forewarn the perverts that many of my neighbors are veterans/retired Marines or just gun owners. Very many of us have some sort of practice range set up in our back yards........and we still keep in practice as can be note by the frequent gun fire.

i will always fly my flag, the Flag of the United States of America, and am still prepared to defend her.
I live life on the edge I guess. I fly my American flag 24/7 and even have an NRA decal on the back glass of my truck.

I hope you have a light on your flag when flying it at night. Doing otherwise is improper flag etiquette, and may be considered a distress signal, though fewer and fewer people today seem to realize that.
I'm not even originally from the US, and had to point out to my neighbor that they had the flag hanging against their fence "backwards" (stars top-right).. :rolleyes:

I hate it when people wear shirts printed that way. Clueless..
There seems to be a lot more improper flag etiquette these days than ever.... I respect those who display the flag appropriately. Otherwise it would be better to not display it than to dishonor it by misappropriation.
I did not

I did not fly mine until such time I could get an LED spotlight, with an eye to know when it is dark.
Yes, far too many people do not know that, and it's very primary.

I do need to get mine back up.
I hope you have a light on your flag when flying it at night. Doing otherwise is improper flag etiquette, and may be considered a distress signal, though fewer and fewer people today seem to realize that.

Yes I do. Always have and always will. In addition I'm set up for email alerts for half staff notifications.
Criminals, unless they are professionals or members of an organized crime ring, look for targets of opportunity and for minimum resistance. They are predators.
Predators turn tail at the slightest chance of injury.

This reminds me of the fabricated nonsense that mass shooters will surrender or kill themselves when confronted with armed resistance...only a bunch of them fight it out and shoot or kill more people, including law enforcement officers.

Pigeon-holing criminals like that is how people manage to significantly underestimate risk factors.
Asa disabled Vietnam Veteran I proudly fly a flag of the USA in my front yard currently itis at half mast due to the biden murder of the 13 US Marines and Corpsman at Kabul.

There are 5 consecutive houses and/or businesses on my side of the road who fly the flag.

If there is an attempted robbery in the neighborhood, I would forewarn the perverts that many of my neighbors are veterans/retired Marines or just gun owners. Very many of us have some sort of practice range set up in our back yards........and we still keep in practice as can be note by the frequent gun fire.

i will always fly my flag, the Flag of the United States of America, and am still prepared to defend her.
And Bravo to all of them! And as tlm posted we need to stop the fear of supporting Our Flag,our Anthem our Troops, Police, Firefighters and EMT's. Heck, is was not long ago we could not even mention BLM.
It is time all Americans to stand tall, and be proud.
As far as break in's? I spent my entire career in the Electronic Alarm industry from the ground floor up. No I do not recall burglary or intrusion simply cause of flying the US Flag. However I retired and so cannot say what is happening now. But nothing surprises me now from these Anti-Americans. Some parts of the Country worst than others.
I fly the US Flag and I almost feel sorry for the SOB that wants to take it down or worse enter into my home because of it.
Pigeon-holing criminals like that is how people manage to significantly underestimate risk factors.
By the same token it's also possible to overestimate what people will do steal your x-box or plasma TV. Few common thugs are likely to hit your house with a full-on panzer blitz if they think it's not going to be an easy in-and-out. If it's well-organized gang/cartel thing that's a different story, you're simply living in the wrong part of town and they are going to be hitting everyone they can, regardless of your perceived affiliations. If firearms are involved that almost always raises the bar to felony and jail time.
I don't fly the flag mostly because I haven't gotten round to putting up a pole. I have a flag sticker on the back window of my truck on one side and on the other a sticker with the picture of an AR15 and the words "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."

I wouldn't park my truck in Portland but since my daughter moved out of that hell hole, I have no reason to go there anymore. Polk county Oregon isn't as bad as the Portland tri-county area... However, if I felt I had a move left in me, I'd be packing my bags for Wyoming...

dontcatchmany said:
If there is an attempted robbery in the neighborhood, I would forewarn the perverts that many of my neighbors are veterans/retired Marines or just gun owners.
How would you go about forewarning them? Do you post signs at intersections leading into your neighborhood?
Build a serious fence around your back perimeter. Get a couple of Dobermans, Pit Bulls or Rottweilers and put three to five 30’-0” flags in the yard.