Am I missing something here?....

Grayfox, back when lots of PDs were changing over to high cap 9mms, there was a plethora of good used 38/357 revolvers glutting the market. Prices were good if you were buying, and lots of us dinosaurs were(G).Supply and demand,it didn't last long...

Valuewise, a good used American made revolver may still be the best buy for the price conscious.

Those are some interesting thoughts, especially the NAA in .32 - why not? A four shot .32 in an NAA revolver would be the ultimate deep cover revolver wouldn't it? Hell, you could hide it in a pair of Speedo's!
If you'd like to see some of the "Old Gang", we're still alive at - use the search engine to find "The Shottist Center" forum. Most of those same guys also post over here. Hope to see you around more!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Thanks, Keith. Maybe a 4 shot mini revolver in 32 ACP with full moon clips.

Gonna try to find the folks at your addy. Wish me luck...
Heck, my first revolver was a Matel "Fanner 50" with shootin' shells and Greenie Stickum caps (don't mind me, i'm just geezin' out). As I got back into shooting last year, I picked up several autoloaders because that's what I knew from college and the military, but I soon realized that if I wanted to really master trigger control, I should master a wheel gun. I bought a S&W model 60 .357 with a 2 1/4 barrel. To do over again, I'da gone with a 686 4" or at least a 3" on the 60. Still, it's a sweetie to shoot with anything less than full house magnums, and though I still shoot my autos better, I attribute the improvement in trigger technique to the S&W. Now I think I want a 317 3" as a plinker, along with a 686 Mountain Gun. So many guns, so little time . . . M2
Agreed on so many guns, Mike. Daughter's Sweet Sixteen present was a 3 inch 640 (mismarked 642) and the idea of touching off a 357 in that package gives me the vapors. The flash with my old duty load, 38 +P+ 110 gr, is quite impressive in low light, recoil is,well, challenging.

But to each his own....
Dave - thanks a lot for blowing the lid off the revolvers! (grin) I've done quite well at picking up some of the junky old things. Heck everybody knows their obsolete. (just don't tell everybody that there are still a few police trade-ins out there) Nothing beats a K-frame, 4 inch HB witha set of Hogues in my book. Last one I got for $219.

BTW, email me RE: Dean and Charlie. Have some good info for you..

I think the main reason people talk about auto-pistols here is because they want something to complain about :) My home defense is a colt 1911, but other than that, I am just a big plinker. I have a Rossi modle 51 which is something in the neighborhood of 40+ years old. It's been shot a few times, to say the least, and finally after thousands and thousands of round, I finally wore out the cylinder sprocket. I testimony to their reliablity. Too bad having them last so long makes getting part for them damn hard :)
Anybody got an old Rossi 51 cylinder assembly (or know where to get one) lemme know :)
Gee whillikers, somebody finally wore out a revolver!!!

Sorry, can't help on the new part thing, I've little experience with non USA guns.

As for autos other than the GM, the only centerfire I owned was a P38,briefly. While no major glitches,had one heckuva time hitting with the thing. Have shot Glocks and the State Police Berettas,etc, but am not terribly impressed. However, there's been few if any DA revolvers I couldn't make work for me.

At the same time as professing my lover for the GM, I have to admit the most egregious handgun I ever bought new was the Colt Officer's Model.NOTHING made that thing work.

Sold it and bought the 640....

There is not a thing wrong with a good revolver. Just bought a used (experiencd) Colt 38 Detective Special. A 70's vintage gun that showed very little wear and is a very good shooter. I have several other in my safe and would not part with a single one.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited November 24, 1999).]
Not bashing the nostalgia of revolvers, but I have heard they have problems in very cold weather, Cylinder freeezing stuck?

Only good revolver is same as auto, SINGLE ACTION!If it dont say 45ACP or 45COLT forget it, will make exception for 454 though.JMHOP
Loknload, one of the very nice things about revolvers is the shelf life,so to speak. I've owned, handled and shot revolvers made in the 1920s on that were in excellent shape and capable of giving good service.

There's a First Model Trooper here that was made probably in the late 50s, with a buttery smooth action, nicentight, and there's no way of telling how many thousand rounds have been through it. It likes my old duty load, 38 Special +P or +P+,and Wonderful Wife likes it.There's been a number of other vintage revolvers in my past, and hopefully more in my future...

As for FTFs in very cold weather, ask someone from Minnesota, it doesn't get that cold in Md.
Wheels rule!

Nuthin' else to say.......

.......except my always mouse is a wheel......and my wifes' primary and back-up are wheels...........but I keep growing fonder of my 1911.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I can still outshoot my Beretta 8040 with my Smith 29.44mag. As far as concealment nothing beats my Smith model 37 airweight.
My kid busts my chops about that one,But I keep telling him, If you can't hit it with two or three your not going to hit it with ten either. He's big on the Autos and the high cap mags. He'll learn practice makes perfect.

gun control is people control
I will admit I skimmed most of the posts on this thread. Here is my two cents worth. All of them I read were in the ball park. I was weaned on the 1911a1 and the P-35. I have spent my fare share of time in Indian country and am now just acting as an average joe. I always travel armed and as well prepaired as practicle. With well over a dozen different autos available it depends on what I want to wear and where I am going.
Most of the time I will have a S&W bodyguard or a Kel-Tec .32 on me. When Traveling I go with a S&W MD.58 customized by Cylinder and Slide, Marlin .41 levergun and a Savage 311.
I have settled on these three guns as a valid answer to most acts of Violence that might occur. I do have a good selection of Colt,Sig,Browning,Inglis,Walther autos to choose from. It just depends.

The bottom line as stated earlier is that Revolvers work as a rule with no muss or fuss. The medium you are on now is the venue of the techverks. If you want to talk wheelguns feel free to email me. There is not much out there I have not tried or shot in 34 years. We can swap stories and information.


Some day it will come to pass that I will purchase my dream gun... a S&W Model 19 like my fathers... It's the "like my father's" that is the hard part.

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I would be PROUD to have the gun my father used in the line of his duty...
It was a supressed Colt Woodsman .22 and he will never be allowed to tell me his war stories.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
This topic has caused me to pull out and use
my Colt Python again, a gun which I haven't
fired, for various reasons, since 1987. I
had forgotten how well it shoots and how
sweet the action is. Its DA is so smooth and
light that I shoot better with it than some
of my handguns fired in SA. Thanks for re-
minding me of this nearly-forgotten treasure
in my closet.

This is not a knock on autos, and I'll still
be buying a Kahr MK40 in the near future for
carry (with a 6" bbl., the Python's way too
big for something like that, unless you're
built like a linebacker, which I'm not) when
my newly-acquired S&W 642 .38 snubbie won't
fit the dress/season (I've only put about 50
rounds through the 642 so far, but it is 100%
better than my Charter Arms Undercover piece
of junk.)

Maybe I'm wrong on this point, but I also
think that firing the Python just might make
me a better shot; only time and practice will

Thanks again.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Sorry, Dal, maybe I got you started on a slippery slope(G). And, I'd have to have many guns indeed before I let a Python go unfired for a decade!

But to each his own.
Revolvers are history! ;)
They just plain suck! ;)
A hundred plus year old design isn't anything any sane person should stake anything of importance on, least of all your life or the life of a loved one! ;)

Now that you have all been educated, you are instructed to pack up all of your revolvers and send them to me. I will even offer to pay the shipping as a gesture of good will.

Yeah, right like that would happen! The only person on-line that I have run across that deserved a good old fashioned butt kicking was the little creep that had the nerve to describe an N-Frame Smith & Wesson as ugly. The little drip had no class.

If the word pinned evoke's a response of recessed in a word association, then you got the right idea.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Agreed on pinned and recessed, Hal. One of my first guns was Pop's old S&W 38-44 N frame. An outstanding piece of craftsmanship.
I hope the $%^&*() that broke into his truck and stole it is burning in Hell...

Also, shot an Officer's Model Match one time. It took all the restraint I had to not clutch it to my chest and start running with it(G)....