Alternatives when you can't carry?


New member
What have you guys found are the best non lethal alternatives to carry when unable to CC due to regulations and what not? Thanks.
Here in IL ive gotten in the habit of holding my car key in my fist.

I should get a rape whistle.

with the attitude turned off- you'd probably be best served with a high quality pepper spray.

Martial arts is good too. Wish i could say i practiced, maybe someday. I cant afford it right now.
I have a little insignificant looking "Old Timer" 3 blade pocket knife.

The 2 1/2 in blade on it can be practically razor sharp, . . . and has a super sharp point.

More than once it has been opened, palmed, and I go on about my business. It is unfortunately only an "up close an in your face" weapon, . . . but I always figured that a sharp knife was a better defense than any vocabulary if it really got down to the knitty gritty.

I'll also open it, . . . drop it point first into my shirt pocket, . . . and it is handy at that point.

An old WW2 sailor from Oakland, Ca. taught me about it.

May God bless,
Not non-lethal, but even without a CCW you can often carry a knife up to 5" (depending on state/local laws).
A good bright tactical, I hate that overused word, flashlite will blind a person temporarily, possibly giving you a chance to get away. I tried mine in broad daylite & I saw big spots for 10 minutes!:eek:
If I am unable to carry a dedicated weapon, I usually don't bother with anything else. I have a bandanna, I know how to use it like a fighting chain. It's not perfect, and I'd likely never use it. I have a lot of Martial Arts/Combatives training so I don't feel uncomfortable.
"non lethal alternatives"? I think just about anything that could serve as a weapon would likely be lethal under the correct (even if rare) circumstances. "Less lethal" would probably be a more accurate term.
I have a small lock-blade knife,,,

It only has a 1.25" blade,,,
But it's very sharp.

It's on my key chain and it comes to hand very readily,,,
If someone were to physically assault me,,,
I'm hoping to get one good swipe,,,
Preferably in the femoral area,,,
Or wherever big veins will be.

Any time I am walking towards my car,,,
it doesn't matter day or night,,,
That knife is in my hand,,,
It's my key chain fob.

In February following 911,,,
I had to fly to Boston.

I was not happy about getting on a plane at that time,,,
Especially as I knew they wouldn't allow me to have my "weapons".

So I wore Levi's with the heaviest trophy buckle I owned,,,
The belt is a weapon most people don't consider,,,
But as a short flail it's quite effective.

Most people will laugh at the thought,,,
But I will take on just about any box knife wielder,,,
If I have 18 or so inches of leather with a big buckle on the end of it.

My Black Belt has turned gray from 30+ years of disuse,,,
But I do recall the effective belt/sash techniques Mr. Chan taught us.

I may be old and getting fatter by the minute,,,
But I am never ever totally unarmed. ;)

Just wait until I start to use a cane. :eek:


If possible, I carry a knife. If that's a no go, then it's just me and my terrible fighting skills. Years of training and I'm still a bad boxer and a worse wrestler. Oh well, I fight dirty, so maybe that will help.:p
Luckily, I live in Missouri and have lenient gun laws. I have only been carrying since April 2011 and don't see myself giving it up. I learned very effective self defense techniques from a former Navy seal. I learned S.C.A.R.S. if any of you are familiar with it, than you know how effective it can be.

Unfortunately, a disc in my lower back has degenerated and herniated so bad that I can no longer work or go a day without excruciating pain. So hand to hand combat is really no longer an option for me.
What have you guys found are the best non lethal alternatives to carry when unable to CC due to regulations and what not? Thanks

The places I go that I can't carry are well protected by LE. ( Court house,LE sub station,) other than that I carry. Can't even get a 1" blade pocket knife through security so there or no options in that situation
I once stuck a guy with a pencil, he was wanting to re arrange my face....

In public, I take a dog on a leash :) But really, most folks see my smile and they smile too. :)

A good walking stick does the trick, a shelaylee is in order as I do have one and yes it is kelly green with little knobby items upon it that will leave a mark on whatever encounters it....
Broke my leg a few years back doing dumb stuff and my wife got me one of these:


Cold Steel Shillelagh

Still have the limp, and also the cane.
I typically carry a Leatherman Wave which I can expose a blade with one hand. Or I can use it as a kubaton if I keep i closed.

Also I fell in love with the Zebra F-701 Stainless Steel Ballpoint Pen I found at Staples a few years back. I carry it everywhere I go.


But it's hard to find lately.

By the way, just because it's not a gun does not mean it is "non lethal"