Isn't concealed carry a state issue? Perhaps a president with the support of Congress could link a CC ban on some federal funding? I don't believe Congress would tell states what to do in this regard and most states would probably keep their current laws.

All the feds have to do is to link the CC Ban to money. Witness the 55 mph speed limit. There are extremely few states that would tell the feds "No" and lose many millions (or billions depending on the state) of dollars in federal funds in order to preserve the rights of 1-2% of their population.

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That's why I don't vote for the demies. Anyone one of them is bad news to me. Vote replican and not demies. Also don't vote Juliani cuz he is too liberal. I happen to like Huckabe and Thompson. Vote for them instead.
Let's see, we can vote for the party that openly and loudly proclaims its desire to disarm the American public or the party that at least for now is pay at least lip service to the 2nd Amendment.:confused:
Obama is part of the Chicago twit left. Apparently well educated but very politically correct and hollow. All effeminized pop-hype with no complex advocacy or historical understanding. Like a robot being operated remotely to act as a point of adulation for the adoring mob. As he is a light skinned Negro who doesn't shuck 'n jive like Jesse Jackson he is socially, intellectually, and otherwise not a perceived racial critter and can be safely lionized by liberals.

They can say they have no racial animus toward him, wear his campaign buttons, can show how liberal they are in supporting him, and yet be oblivious to the disasters he can lead to. On the other hand some of his own people may not vote for him because he sho' nuff ain't no niggah and sounds like a white man with an advanced education.

For the Democrat white Irish establishment and its hirelings Obama might be a bit independent of Daley on some major issues and how to accomplish them. This is irrelevant to their victims who in northern Illinois have been reduced to an assortment of pandered to specialty groups. This state needs a good colonic irrigation as the foundations of morals and constitutional protections are being eroded.
I hope he's not president, but even if he was, there's the historical political fact of candidates for nominations tacking to the far end of their parties spectrum: For Obama, far left, in order to get the nomination. Then, if nominated, swinging more center, as the center is what will get you elected. Nixon was far more to the right when running for candidacy, than he was as an actual candidate. And, for at least some things, became more centrist once elected (opening US to China, pretty good civil rights record etc.)

I'd take anything any of them say in primaries with a bit of salt - or at least a wait-and-see attitude. They could be speaking their hearts, or they could be posturing for political purposes.
gvf, you make some valid points. Once in the do tend to govern in a more centrous way. Even Bush has done it although you'd never know it by the histrionics of the left.
The main problem for me is, given the immense power the Supreme Court has gained (another issue), who they put on the bench will effect us for at least a generation, considering those who will retire soon after the election.
Republicans Will Lose Again

If the US is still in Iraq by the Presidential General Election, the Republicans will lose, just as they did in the last Congressional General Election. There are enough Americans who are sick and tired of Iraq (after 6 years who can you blame them) that no matter how bad the Democratic candidate, he/she will win, solely due to the fact that we are STILL in Iraq and Osama and his ilk have not been killed. All the Democrats are anti gun, which will mean four years of relentless attacks on our gun rights.
The Bottom line is this

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

What Candidate can say that with a straight face.. If you don't believe in the constitution of the United States as it is written, you have no right to run for the office of President
I wasn't planning on voting for Obama anyway, so no worries. :)

As others have said, the President doesn't make laws, so his/her opinion has little to do with actual legislation. I can see it having a long term effect, though, if they get a chance to nominate someone to the Supreme Court. Of course they can exercise their veto powers, but there is always a trade-off there.

In any case, everyone should be stocking up on guns and mags now. So if there is another ban, you'll be able to make some money. :)
Obama had me at "Driver's licenses for illegals". I didn't even get to his 2A feelings. I have a sinking feeling, though, and I am definitely in H.A.M (handgun acquisition mode). The 24th and 4th of the month are going to be busy days for me this year. Purchase day & pick-up day. Plus, I live in Kalifornia, so multiply all of your concerns X 100.
