I appreciate you starting this thread. I didn't actually know Obama's stance on gun control. I would like to hear him actually say it in front of a crowd or in a debate and see crowd reaction. I don't think Romney will advance the gun control agenda if present, but I am not so comfortable with Guiliani.
Duplicate threads from two different forums merged.

DHart - Please don't do that again. :mad:

sw_florida - You obviously made your first comment in one thread and your second comment in the other thread. Is there anything else you'd like to say? :confused:
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. More than likely, a democrat will be elected president because the nation's public is angry about the war in Iraq.

I don't feel the anger much any more. The Democrat candidates talk "angry", but they have few alternatives.... let's see? Get out of Iraq, raise taxes, gun legislation, national health care system... sounds like they really want to be elected.
I don't feel the anger much any more.

I think you are right to an extent. A lot of the people who are against the Iraq war are also against the bullheaded foreign policy of Bush in general. We are pissing a lot of people off and not accomplishing much while doing it. We are putting our security in a precarious position, stretching our troops and resources thin fighting wars that are getting us nowhere and instigating more conflicts, especially with Iran.

Since the report came out about Iran stopping it's nuclear program, the aggressive rhetoric from the President has seemed to slow to a trickle. Many people are resigned to Iraq now, and are just glad to see our standoff with Iran, which many people saw as pointless, drop to a simmer. It seems to have taken the edge off of the problems we have in the Middle East.

I don't think we should have invaded Iraq to begin with, but now that we are there, what choice do we have but to make the best of it? Personally, at this point, I am more upset about the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and other violations of privacy in the name of security. I don't see that any of the Republican candidates (except Ron Paul) will stand against these things. Their message seems to be all about national security and law and order. These things are important, but they do not need to be at the expense of the Constitution, our privacy, or our liberty.

I am having a difficult time deciding who to vote for as a liberal who is in favor of strong gun rights. I feel the country is in need of some immediate fixing up and I don't think the leading Republicans are the ones to do it, with their do-anything-it-takes attitude towards national security. None of them invoke Bush much, but they don't seem to depart from his views much either. Of course, the Democrats in congress don't seem to be doing much better at standing up to him.

I'm pretty much disgusted with the whole situation right now. When I was younger, I couldn't understand why people were always so cynical about politicians and politics. I'm starting to understand. Most of my politically aware life has been with Bush at the helm. I'm ready to experience something different. Anything different. Not the same old over-ambitious foreign policy, rampant budget deficits and treatment of Americans like little children. Americans are bad-ass and we love our freedom. We say "let 'em try" to anyone who wants to take it away and beat the living hell out of anyone who takes us up on the offer, but we don't take freedom away from ourselves to accomplish that. At least that's what I learned from the Revolutionary War books I loved so much as a kid. It seems like nowadays we take every differing opinion from the national community as a challenge that has to be met with a stronger response. If a country wants to mess with us, let 'em try. If they do try, we'll beat the crap out of them. If they don't try, then let's continue business as usual with that country. That's the non-interventionist policy Ron Paul has in mind. It is far from the Isolationist foreign policy that the mainstream media keeps saying he has.

Why are terrorists so different from kids who go shoot up their school and then kill themselves? We have laws to deal with murder, other than that it is a risk we live with. There is no reason to give the government omnipotence with regards to our lives due to terrorism when getting shot by a classmate is a greater risk.

I guess I'd better shut up now. Anyone who read all the way through from semi-coherent start to rambling finish, thanks for reading.

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You "True Liberal" (Libratarian Independent He Men outdoorsman types) will have to hold your nose and not vote like a Irvine California Soccer Mom in the Next Elections (Who woulda thunk it) !:eek:
Huckabee can't even operate the safety on his own rifle, let alone know not to shoot a shotgun a couple of feet above the press corp's head that he had gathered. The guy is a competent with firearms as and a life long hunter in the same mold as John Kerry was.
If Barak Obama gets in the White House, we can probably count on losing our rights to carry concealed weapons! Not only is he tough on gun rights, he supports a law which would ban anyone but retired military & retired police from carrying concealed weapons.

Ummm, last time I checked, legislation doesn't come from the Executive Branch. The only thing he could potentially do is not veto it assuming it passes in the House and Senate. Don't lose focus on the Legislative Branch.

Just sayin'.
Vermont said:
I'm pretty much disgusted with the whole situation right now. When I was younger, I couldn't understand why people were always so cynical about politicians and politics. I'm starting to understand. Most of my politically aware life has been with Bush at the helm. I'm ready to experience something different. Anything different. Not the same old over-ambitious foreign policy, rampant budget deficits and treatment of Americans like little children.
Stick around and eventually you'll draw the conclusion that there is no real, substantive difference between the parties. They would have you believe we've got Team Alpha vs Team Beta trying to do the best for the country and only the other guy is unAmerican. The ultimate conclusion you will eventually draw is we do not have two teams; we've got shirts and skins of the same team. And the name of the team is Team Them. Team Them does not have the best interest of the country in hand. It is all about power and its exercise.

Don't fall into the trap of
I'm ready to experience something different. Anything different. Not the same old over-ambitious foreign policy, rampant budget deficits and treatment of Americans like little children.
because you will get the same nonsense painted a little different color. I've said it before and I'll say it here, again. We are a two party country. The parties are Them and US. Democrats (shirts) and republican (skins) merely provide convenient distractions from the reality of the situation.
Thats why Issue driven Politics is the Best outlook ! (Abortion) (Gunrights) (Marrage between a man & woman only) (Off road motor vehicle use legality) (Anti-Pediphelia) (Border Security) ...
Stick around and eventually you'll draw the conclusion that there is no real, substantive difference between the parties.

I fear that's the conclusion I am coming to. I'm not ready to believe it quite yet. You'll forgive me if I hold on to my optimism for a while longer? I'll probably be right there with you in a few years.
It should not come as a surprise to any of us that Obama and the rest of the Democrats who stand a chance of being elected POTUS are oppsed to concealed carry.

Do some googling and find out that convicted felons vote in at least 38 states. Who do you think they vote for? Law and order Republicans? Not a chance. Convicted felons make up a large portion of the Democratic constituency.

"If disenfranchised felons had been allowed to vote, they would have swung the 2000 presidential race to Al Gore, according to a national study Republicans are touting in their fight to overturn Christine Gregoire’s victory in last fall’s governor’s race.

The study posits that since racial minorities and the poor – groups that tend to vote for Democrats– make up a disproportionate number of felons, a hypothetical felon voting bloc would be so overwhelmingly Democratic it could swing national and statewide elections.

On average, 74 percent of felons would have voted Democratic in presidential and U.S. Senate elections dating back to 1972, according to the study’s analysis of demographic and voting data.

Of Democratic presidential candidates, the study predicts that Bill Clinton’s successful 1996 re-election campaign would have gotten the highest percentage of felon votes, at 85.4 percent. Jimmy Carter’s failed 1980 re-election would have gotten the lowest, at 66.5 percent."

This one may make you puke:

"A voter registration drive, aimed largely at felons whose voting rights were restored this month by Gov. Tom Vilsack, will be held at two Des Moines locations on Saturday.

The event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at Union Baptist Church, McCormick Street and East University Avenue, and at Creative Visions, 1343 13th St.

"We want to get as many ex-offenders registered as possible" for the upcoming school board election on Sept. 13, said JoAnn Hughes, a spokeswoman for the African American Leadership Coalition political action committee, which is sponsoring the drive."

Now, if someone will only tell me why all the front running Republicans for the position of POTUS are anti-gunners. As a long time Republican i cannot see how the RNC can support this bunch of anti-gun whacks.
A good indicator of how a politician will vote, or treat issues, is how they handled those or similar issues while in a lower office. As a State Senator, Barack Obama supported gun control bills 100% of the time, and has never shown even a shred of tolerance for any pro-gun or pro-2A legislation. All of the segments of his constituency are strongly anti-gun, and combine that with his past record and how could you expect anything besides a strong gun control stance by this individual? But despite this, I think Hilary would be worse. She is clearly ideologically committed to maximum government control, and every government in history that sought to amass overwhelming power over their citizens or subjects has embraced the concept of keeping the public disarmed. Barack Obama is your standard run-of-the-mill liberal who is anti-gun; Hilary Clinton is a true believer in disarming the American people.Those of you out there who like Hilary based upon her relationship with the unions, her devisive calls for higher taxes on the "rich", and her bleeding heart phony concern for the little people (just find out how she treated the "little" people, like State troopers assigned to protect her when she was the first lady of Arkansas, or the Secret Service agents doing the same when she was the wife of the President), will find they are supporting the most potent and dangerous enemy of those who believe in and defend the 2nd Amendment.
Huckabee can't even operate the safety on his own rifle, let alone know not to shoot a shotgun a couple of feet above the press corp's head that he had gathered. The guy is a competent with firearms as and a life long hunter in the same mold as John Kerry was.

Your statement completely lacks any substance. Tell me ONE person that has ALWAYS operated a firearm 100% of the time throughout his/her LIFETIME. Nobody is able to cast the first stone. Just because there's some stupid vid of him mishandling a firearm doesn't mean he doesn't support the 2A.

Glad you judge a person's belief by a video...:rolleyes:

Have a little respect for the dead and leave Reagan out of this.

Allow me to clarify....William Jefferson Clinton is what I was implying...;)
Isn't concealed carry a state issue? Perhaps a president with the support of Congress could link a CC ban on some federal funding? I don't believe Congress would tell states what to do in this regard and most states would probably keep their current laws.