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I just read this while reviewing the positions of candidates on gun rights. If Barak Obama gets in the White House, we can probably count on losing our rights to carry concealed weapons! Not only is he tough on gun rights, he supports a law which would ban anyone but retired military & retired police from carrying concealed weapons.

As we all know all to well... those of us who are law abiding citizens would refrain from carrying our guns... all the while, the crooks among us will be armed and even more dangerous because we will be unarmed. That truly SUCKS!

Obama needs to LOSE his bid for the White House!

In other news, HUCKABEE is not only totally supportive of gun rights, both he and his wife EACH have concealed carry permits and carry guns themselves! These are people who truly understand what's really going on with regard to supporting our right to personal defense.
That's quite a claim you make there. Since you just read it, could you post a link? I'm not personally very familiar with Obama's intended firearms policy, so I can't say how likely this is one way or the other, but a credible source (definitely more than all-caps assertions on a message board) would be wonderful.
don't worry too much

Yeah, that's alarming, but even if (and I don't think this is very likely) he is elected President, how likely is it that Congress would back a law that would almost certainly kill their chances of re-election. The man can (and will-it's been done many times before) twist the second amendment until it no longer resembles itself, but he can't just wipe it out by passing one law. It's blatantly unconstitutional. Oh, and even if by some tragic miracle all this goes through, it will surely be over-turned in another 4 yrs. when the dimwit is replaced (Klintions' assault weapon ban, anyone?).

I wouldn't lose any sleep over this.

Oh, huh. Wow. The Assault Weapons Ban is one thing, a high-profile issue that candidates can't dodge, but a suggesting a national CCW ban alienates a lot of people who fought (and are fighting) for shall-issue (or even may-issue). Regardless of his actual stance on the issue, I wouldn't expect a candidate to come out with such a provocative statement so early in the game.
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Hmm, I'm interested how many keyboard commandos would vote for a candidate that gave you 100% gun right freedoms but would completely destroy America with his leadership.
There are a lot of issues that would make one either vote for a candidate or not. There are more issues than just the second amendment to consider. That being said, I'm of the opinion that the 2nd is the most important issue that we face. An armed citizenry has many advantages, not the least of those being self preservation and the protection of all those other rights that we hold dear.

I'm not sure I would vote for someone solely because they were pro-2nd, but I most certainly would vote against someone who was anti, regardless of their other stances.
Treat the second amendment with respect and chances are good a candidate will treat the others as well as the constitution with due respect.

Treat the second amendment with contempt and chances are good the rest of it is treated with contempt.

That is why I consider the second amendment to be a litmus test for any candidate. It reveals a whole host of attitudes which will never be plumbed in an election.
...he (Obama) supports a law which would ban anyone but retired military & retired police from carrying concealed weapons.

I'm retired military. I can tell you, there's a lot of retired military people I know that probably should not be handling any weapon; concealed or not!

I wonder if this ever came to pass, how many States (if any) would stand up against it?

Personally, I believe Obama to be one of those that fit the category of "the enemy within." I'd write in Howdy Doody or Homer Simpson before I'd vote for Obama or any other 2nd Amendment anti.
The majority of Americans don't understand that guns are good for the democracy. If the Americans put Obama to power they will of course re-elect him again after a gun ban, because leftwingers don't like guns. How scary places like Miami will be if the law-abiding people can not carry concealed weapons anymore, as a moderator to crime. I would have to leave Florida if I could not carry my handgun, because all the macho Latinos here, half of them seemingly criminal, would carry as usual, with renewed confidence in their "abilities". Jesus...
I think it was already known that Osama wants to take away our rights . It would not just be concealed carry . He also wants to take away your 30-30 and your pump shotgun . IMO 1. Osama would try to take all guns except maybe single shot 22 and shotgun . I think he would really like to totaly abolish rkba.
2. Rudy G. would ban " aussalt weapons " , concealed carry , and make it VERY difficult for law abiding citizens to own guns .
3. Hillary would ban " assault weapons " but I really think she would leave all other gun laws the way they are .
4 IMO , all the other top candidates will just leave gun laws like they are . [ Biden , who thankfully doesn't have a chance , has said that he believes that only the military and police should have guns ]
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. More than likely, a democrat will be elected president because the nation's public is angry about the war in Iraq. So, to "get even," a lot of people are going to vote against the republicans, convinced that the only way to end the situation is with a democrat in the White House.

I think that we really need to fortify the legislature with pro-gun advocates. We just need enough to keep anti-gun rights bills from passing one house, and we take away the ability of the future liberal, communist, anti-gun extremist president (be it Hillary or Obama) from creating new laws that hurt us. So, if we anticipate the possibility of a president who will try to vindicate us, let's at least tie their hands with enough Congressmen and Senators in our favor.
I sure hope he doesn't make it, I almost prefer Billary. But I doubt that would happen, the president can influence and rally ideology via the bully pulpit but it would take the house and senate to make it a federal law. It would be a law that would radically change our constitution and would be a major fight, one that they would lose. In other words, even if he really wanted it, the party would reel him in because they know it would be political suicide. Nothing would help Republicans more.
Well, I don't know where the source of DHart's info. is, but Obama is a big supporter of HR1022. I basically will outlaw ALL semiauto guns and anything chambered in .50cal. This, in turn, will most likely have muzzleloaders in the mix.

Obama has no experience in politics. People are so naive/borderline stupid, to believe that he's the answer. He's a smooth talker. That's what has made him come this far. Sounds eerily familiar....
When I wrote that criminality would likely rize and that I would have to move from Florida if carrying a gun would become illegal, the moderator removed my post. What kind of reality-fearing nuts run this forum?