Alaska - Tell a cop that you have a gun?

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Conn Trooper,

As a cop, you well know that not every cop is the same. And neither is every person that gets stopped. Cops make discretionary decisions all the time based on their mood, their prejudices, the condition of the car that gets stopped, the way people talk, the way they are dressed, their age and their bra size. I have two in the family and know a slew of others and it turns out that cops are people too.

So while you may appreciate the honesty, the guy that was 2 minutes from coming off his shift 1 mile away from the barracks and bothering to pull me over in the pouring rain seemed like he had some frustrations that he needed to work out. Anyone that assumes that any cop pulling them over is going to do them a favor is a fool. And what I meant about revenue generation is completely true. Numerous municipalities in Rhode Island have gotten in trouble by instituting quotas that are illegal by state law- illegal so that police enforcement is not used as a tool for revenue generation.

I have nothing against cops. But I treat them like every other person I bump into, I assume the worst about them and hope for the best.

I am certainly not going to lie to a cop about having a legal weapon, but if he's going to tell me to get a new muffler and get back into his car without even asking for my license, I'm not going to prolong my interaction with him. As soon as I need to go fishing around in the car for paperwork, then I tell him about the firearm.
I lied to the cop before he cut me a break because I assume a cops job is to give tickets and collect revenue.

A self-admitted liar.

That is what cops do in Rhode Island, enforcing the law is only secondary as it relates to revenue collection.

I COMPLETELY disagree. In fact, it was a Rhode Island police officer who without hesitation and second thought risked life and limb to pull me from my wrecked car. I am pretty sure he didnt get a monetary bonus for that even though I think he should have.
I'm in Indiana. I'm stopped at a Wendy's driveup on my 30min lunch break from work.
Had to unfasten my seat belt to get my billfold to pay for lunch.
I was pulling my seatbelt back on while pulling out into the street, but didn't have it completely 'clicked' until my vehicle fully entered the street about 50ft.
I get less than 1/2 a block and an ISP Trooper lights me up. I pull over when it's safe, within 1/2 block.
He comes up to my truck. I hand him my license, insurance & registration (but don't offer my CCW permit because I wasn't carrying).
He tells me I was driving without my seatbelt fastened.
I said, "It's fastened".
He said "I just saw you at the Wendy's drive up window and you pulled out on the street without having your belt properly fastened".
I asked "where were you"?
He said he was "in the car lot across the street & you didn't click it before you rolled". "I'll be right back he says".
He goes back to his car.
Up pulls a unmarked ISP trooper next to his car and they talk thru their windows. The unmarked leaves.
After 3-minutes (fastest ticket in history?) Trooper Dan comes up with a paper & hands it to me. It's a summons for sealtbelt violation.
I'm reading it & he says "what's the matter, can't you read it"? I reply that "yes I can read it, but I've never had a ticket or been pulled over in 42 years of driving, so what do I do with this and what's the fine"? He told me how I could pay the ticket & said the "fine was only $25.00". I said "only $25.00"? He said "yes, what's the problem, I'm taking it easy on you & giving you 30 days to pay it". I thanked him for going easy on me.
when he was finished & back in his car I decided I wasn't going to leave before he did, but he just sat there. Finally running short on time I left & he followed me all the way to my work parking lot & after I pulled into the lot he drove by real slow.

I know Indiana has a zero-tolerance "click it or ticket" law and I did roll my vehicle onto the city street before completely fastening my seatbelt. Trooper Dan crossed 3-lanes of traffic to get behind me to pull me over. I was easy food.
I admit I was in the wrong. Zero-tolerance. I paid the ticket but by this one incedent, Trooper Dan has lost my faith & respect completely.
It's just amazing how these threads turn into "waaaaaah, waaaaah the bad cop was meany to me":rolleyes:

WildnobodygetspulledoverfornoreasonAlaska ™©2002-2010

The only difference between this self-admitted liar and you is that I am not delusional. The fact remains that in Rhode Island, policing is primarily a source of revenue. The word "primarily" means "most of the time". Not all of the time. Start paying attention to the local politics and you can't miss it.

Yep, some cops do heroic things. Others are just plain jerks. In my home town, some jerkwad cop decided to rip down a 40 mile an hour road at 90 mph and killed two kids who crossed into traffic and didn't see him coming over the rise at 1 am in the morning. Because he decided he was above the law, he killed two innocent teenagers. Just the other day, I'm going 70 in a 65 on I-95 and a trooper passes me at easily 80 with no lights, gets off the exit in front of me and gets a donut. My personal opinion is that most cops break more laws than most civilians. But who am I to say, I only know half-a-dozen of them...

Feel free to have your unabashed love affair with every cop you see but it just demonstrates that you are delusional.

To keep on topic, this self-admitted liar has never lied to a cop while armed and stopped by said police.

Personally, I've never had a cop be mean to me. I've only ever had them be people. And WildAlaska, who finds it amusing to try and demonstrate how erudite and multilingual he is will know which famous philospher thinks people are all hell- cops included...

I'm not bashing cops, the truth, however, is often unfortunate.
And WildAlaska, who finds it amusing to try and demonstrate how erudite and multilingual he is will know which famous philospher thinks people are all hell- cops included...

I don't try...I suceed:p:D

WildandyouradhominemsmakemypointAlaska ™©2002-2010

PS It's either Hobbes or Calvin...Or is it Calvin and Hobbes:p
It's just amazing how these threads turn into "waaaaaah, waaaaah the bad cop was meany to me"
WildnobodygetspulledoverfornoreasonAlaska ™©2002-2010

Wild, you're exactly right. Nobody gets pulled over for no reason. I didn't think I deserved the ticket but zero tolerance means exactly that, no exceptions. Sorry for my rant. I shouldn't have posted it. It had nothing to do with the topic of this thread. It won't happen again.

You're right, nobody gets pulled over for no reason. Sometimes they just happen to have the wrong skin color or the "popo" is light on his quota. Neither are admirable reasons for an illegal stop but they are both the stark reality of life in America. But feel free to kneel at the altar of WildAlsaka and say your penitence.

The philosopher I was thinking of was Sartre. Slightly more continental than either Calvin or Hobbes, and a lot less cartoonish. I thought your vast knowledge of Francais would give you more mileage?
What I have learned so far

1.The orighinal question has been answered
2.Wildalaska (Ken) seems to be a well informed, reasonable man
3.Swamp Yankee is a "self admitted liar"
4.Most folks seem to have a grasp of the real situation
Oh, and bye the way, could it be possible that Swamp Yankee has been on the wrong side of a Police encounter or 2 in the past? How else do you explain his case of the a$$ over Police in general.
Hey Mods, see point 1. I think it's time to close this. The question has been answered.
I was stopped in AZ for expired regsitration many years ago, deputy was informed, was toldf to leave it alopne, given ticket, went on my way. Called his supervisor to compliment the man on a professional job.
Haven't recieved a speeding ticket in 19 years, only time I ever got pulled over for speeding, I was driving an armored truck, and could not be disarmed. Got my ticket through the gun port.
Only time I was ever disarmed by LE was when my debit card was listed as stolen by my bank, and I tried to use it. Police showed up and disarmed me, being in full ATS uniform, as well. Everything came back roses for me when it was all called in. Was asked what brand of ammo I liked. :) No harm no foul.
Nowadays anyone carrying must inform IF asked. Better to just get it out of the way. Got stopped for a headlight out, (I didn't know), told the officer I was carrying, no issue, fixit order issued.
I agree with an earlier poster, "professional courtesy" needs to end, LE should be held to a higher standard, not lower, irks me when my staff occaisionally brag about getting out of a ticket because they showed thier Dept ID.
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