AK-47 or AR-15 or something else ?


Hello all -

I'm on market to buy not quite expensive from the top line rifle and I'm considering one of those two, ak-47 and ar-15... Anyone has some experience with those two? Maybe something else on the line ? Perhaps better one for the price ? Please comment.

Thank you for any ideas or thoughts.
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Welcome. If you search TFL for AK vs. AR, you should find a plethora of threads addressing the question.

As Wannabe said, try both they are very different but worthy weapons.

Good luck!
What experience do you have guns? Is this your first rifle? If it is, then neither. You don't want this type of gun for your first rifle. You need something more simple to build shooting skills. Don't buy into the have to have semi auto hype. It's a myth. These guns have no real use in the real world. They can be used to hunt but they aren't really practical. I do own a Draco and like it but its more of range toy. I would like to try out deer hunting with it however. But for a new shooter I recommend a single shot, might be all you really ever want. We need more information to help you.
Yeah, some people likr one and hate the other. I have one of each and love both. They are really totally different animals though.
The AK is rugged, inexpensive, cheap to shoot, and will eat any ammo you feed it and ask for seconds. It is not very accurate, will not do long distance well, and has fewer customization options.

The AR is generally more tightly machined, offering better accuracy potential. It has practically no recoil, and is also cheap to shoot. With the right setup you can throw heavier bullets accurately well past 300 yds. There are countless customization options. A lot of ARs can be very picky about ammo and they can be picky about cleaning an lubrication depending on the specific rifle you have and the environment you are in... not a problem if you clean it well and learn how much lube it likes.... I personally shoot mine pretty dry, but others swear by drenching them.

So yeah... its all about what you like and what you want to do with it.
I can't speak for an AR or AK, but a comparable rifle that's tons of fun is a Ruger Mini-14.

Accurate enough, reliable, simple, and can fit multiple purposes. Plus it's just fun :D
Yeah, AK-47 AND AR-15 AND something else AND something else ....Anyway that's what a lot of us have done!*

^^^^We have a winner!!! I got 1 Ak47 and 3 Ar15's and I still couldnt give you an answer, besides get both. Heck be a man and get an M1 Garand.....:D
I can't speak for an AR or AK, but a comparable rifle that's tons of fun is a Ruger Mini-14.

Accurate enough, reliable, simple, and can fit multiple purposes. Plus it's just fun

And good magazines for it cost what? $50?

At least you can pretend you are part of "The A-Team"...... :D
One was made to be used by untrained peasants and illiterate conscripts, living in the worst conditions imaginable, with no support.
The other was made to be used by soldiers with hands-on training; and routinely cleaned and maintained, with the option for support from the rear.

One poops where it eats.
The other doesn't give a poop.

One was designed for reasonable reliability, with minute-of-soldier accuracy.
The other was designed for supreme reliability, with "if we shoot at them enough, we might get lucky"-accuracy.

If I just wanted a "blaster", I'd buy an SKS (stripper clips are more fun than AK magazines).
If I had any expectations for accuracy, I'd buy an AR-15.
One poops where it eats.
The other doesn't give a poop.

Lol, lol, lol. This comment made me think of the part of the world many AK's come from. Thinking about how many left hands may have touched the fore-end of an Asia made AK, I'M NEVER TOUCHING ONE AGAIN.
Sierra280, that's just wrong.

But, it reminds me of the advice I used to give new guys, when they'd show up for their rotation: "Never shake hands with a man with one hand."
it was said in the second post,
ar=accuracy ak=reliabilty
ar=small fast bullet ak=slower heavy bullet

if you want something for 100yard or under and just for fun, id go ak, bullets are really cheap, the gun is very simple for a new shooter and the good ones go for under 600$, if you want a top of the line ak go with a VEPR or a Saiga, but i would personally buy the vz58(vz2008) because they are lighter and cheaper and still accurate as the others, ak bullets have incredible penetration btw, they are just fun guns, slap a red dot on it and go to work or even just leave iron sights, remember thatthe predecessor of the ak is the SKS, also a great fun rifle that uses the same bullet as the ak 7,62x39

the ar15 is a little more advanced(alot more advanced mechanically) but is a great all-around gun, if you want something with a magnified scope and learn how to do any long distance shooting, ars are awesome for it, but they are more difficult to maintain, more prone to have problem, not they are not reliable guns, it just takes some learning on the shooters part, a GOOD ar will run you about 700 bare-bones, you will need to add optics on your own, i have always had both platforms but just sold the russian because after getting into the ars i never used the 762x39 anymore, but i am still glad i went russian for my first :TACTICOOL: rifle

the other good thing about an ak, you can sell it for pretty much what you paid for it, or more if you time it right

so get an ak type first, load up on cheap bullets, get the ar next year when your ready to get into more advanced shooting