AG nominee "unsure" about waterboarding

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-- Right, his family. One thing the phony Michael Moore, got right in his film was the fact that right after 911, when all other civilian air traffic was grounded, the Bush gang secretly flew the entire bin Ladin family OUT of the USA!

Back it up with some facts. Something more substantial than Michael Moore and blogs.

-- This is the absolute last thing that real Islamic suicide bombers would do the night before giving their lives for their god. getting drunk would preclude their entry into their heaven!

Really, do you have a lot of time spent with suicide bombers? I can tell you for a fact that the suicide bombers that have been hitting Islamabad smoke hash. The area of Pakistan they come from hash is prevalent and used by nearly all of the locals.

-- Another thing that they real suicide pilots would never do is leave their Korans behind, and yet the official 911 story says that their korans were left behind (as well as a book in Arabic on how to Fly A Plane (!) ) and somehow these were found right away!

Not being found and being left behind are pretty far apart. I bet there were several wallets they never found, but no man leaves home without his wallet and ID. Once again, show some proof to back up your argument.

-- Nothing about the official 911 cover story makes any sense or bears the slightest scrutiny! Nothing!

Repeat lies and flawed conspiracy theory long enough and you will start to believe them as truth. It's your prerogative.
Can the "blog" and "tinfoil hat" BS and all that other junk that you picked up from the talking heads on your radio and tv and challenge me on any specific thing I say - and i will prove that I am right and you are either misinformed or ignorant of the facts or lying - and if I am wrong about anything i will be the first to admit it!

Nice, except I got my info first hand by working in these countries. I've pointed to several of your theories as wrong. There is plenty of data on the internet from credible sources to back my claims up.
The difference between us is; I don't believe it because it's from a credible news source, I believe because I was there when it happened or I've talked at length with credible sources who were there.
You latch on to whatever conspiracy theory strikes your fancy and fits they way you wish the facts were.
Don, why are you wasting your time arguing with this guy who just started posting like 5 min. ago. I think it's pretty clear that he's just here to taunt guys like you. They have a word for that I think....
Enough of this.

This is not a board for the discussion of conspiracy theories. Debate those somewhere else, please...and this will be the one and only time I say "please".
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