actual experience with Taurus

actual experience with taurus

  • Never owned one, but would if the right deal came along

    Votes: 42 11.8%
  • never owned one and never will

    Votes: 22 6.2%
  • owed/still own taurus handguns with no issues

    Votes: 198 55.5%
  • owned/still own taurus hanguns with problems

    Votes: 95 26.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Similar to the poster above me, I'll burn through 300 rounds in a session or two. Call me when you have 3k rounds through it

Pushing over 6000 now. Still going strong
My comment was based on the fact that people state they have a great gun that runs flawless! And then you find out they've only put 200 rounds through it...

In my eyes, that's like saying, "My Ford Pinto runs great! I've driven 500 miles and it hasn't blown up!" 200-300 rounds seems to be this number that people use to show they have a great gun with no problems. Sure, I mentioned 3k rounds, but that's just as arbitrary as 300 rounds, in reality. The difference, if there's a problem with the gun, it'll likely come out in the 3k rounds. But 300 rounds is simply not enough to find problems.

And if you really want to find out the reliability of a particular gun or brand, it's pretty easy to find it online. Taurus has an earned reputation. If you're ok with that reputation, well, have fun, and hopefully you're able to save some money. For me, I'd rather spend $1500 on two, high quality guns made by companies with a good reputation, than 4 guns, at the same price made by Taurus. But that's just me. I've never been burned by Taurus, but that's because I haven't let them burn me, just the same as I haven't been burned, literally, by a Ford Pinto...because I haven't ever driven one, and for good reason. But, I have seen MANY people burned by them. I see their rating on the BBB. The LGS I go to the most stopped carrying them last year because they have (store owners words, not mine), "...ten times the problems of any other single manufacturer we sell."

There are plenty of other good manufacturers out there that sell guns that are comparable in price to Taurus, that have much more reliability. It would take a lot to convince me that a Taurus is a bargain.

And I thought Glock fanboys got defensive...
If Taurus would really get their act together, they could smoke the competition at their price point.
A true statement??
Let’s look at this another way. Why are they cheaper?
Where are they built? Brazil.
What is there minimum wage? Minimum wage is per month. 543 BRL which is 321$ USD.
Little wonder their guns are cheaper.
I’ll pay the extra money and buy a better gun made in the good old USA by American workers.
I voted for "owned/still own taurus hanguns with problems."

I purchased a Taurus 608 .357 revolver a little over a year ago.

It has never worked right from day one. Pulling the the trigger the cylinder would spin several times around and doesn't lockup right. Even firing by single action the pistol would go out of time.

Taurus customer service is terrible. Offering a lifetime warranty, with useless service, is no warranty at all.

Needless to say I'll never buy another Taurus product again. I will dump this piece of junk back off at the LGS where I bought it and use the trade in money for another reliable firearm, possibly a Sig P938 or XD-S 45.
I am pretty new to owning a Taurus. I recently purchased a millineum pro 9mm and have only put about 100 rounds through it. But what I will say is that my wife can shoot it with no issues (soo far) and my Glock 26 would jam with her almost every time. It would shoot fine with me but would jam every 1-3 rounds with her. I was told that it's just the way that she holds it. Not as firm of a grip as a man has. Well, that wouldn't cut it in a situation where she needed it so I got rid of it.
Hopefully I will feel the same way about it in a few years. If I even keep it that long.
I have a PT940 that is about 10 years old and I've put about 4000 rounds through it. Not a single FTF, jam, etc and I do not keep it as clean as I should. My Father just picked up a Millennium Pro 9mm and for a 3.25" barrel gun it was extremely accurate. The trigger was a little gritty and has a long travel(I assume that has something to do with the SA/DA) but has a short reset. After 3 or 4 shots to get the trigger down I was laying them in just as good as my M and P 9mm with a 4.25" barrel. I was definitely impressed and it has me looking at a Millennium Pro 40cal. Besides the G27, I can't think of any 40cals that are under 20 ounces, about 6" long and hold 9 or 10 rounds in the mag.

I think all gun manufacturers have their share of problems, but Taurus does seem to have more that many others. However, I think the much larger problem is their customer service. If they had better customer service and corrected their problems quickly and correctly the first time I think there would be far less complaints.
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I have owned several Taurus handguns and never had an issue. My first gun was a pt 24/7 in .40 and I have yet to get rid of it. It's my winter concealed carry gun. But due to the size, I carry the 709 or the 740 slim in the summertime. I've bought and sold a couple of Millenium Pro's in 9mm, .40, and .45 and never had any issues with shooting them. I also finally broke down and bought the judge. It's a fun gun to shoot, just not a practical carry gun IMHO. The whole reason that I like Taurus is the price tag. They're cheaper than a lot of other brands and I don't feel like I'm paying for brand name. It's a working man's gun.
Over the years I've gotten the impression that, Taurus revolvers have been the most problematic. I know when the PT709 came out, I heard a lot of complaints about the magazines falling out of them. Knock on wood, mine has been great.
The day it breaks, is the day I hammer it into a pancake and call it quits. I would never send it in to the factory for repair. As far as I'm concerned, thier ''lifetime'' warranty is worthless.
I have owned 3, a PT945 which worked perfect as long as you used only factory mags, and 2 85's (still have the 85CH), which have never missed a beat. Guess I'm just lucky, but I wouldn't even think of trading it (85CH) for a J-frame.
If a range toy breaks, no big deal.

If a carry pistol breaks when it is needed, that is very different.
Absolutely and both can happen at any given time, any given place regardless of round count.
I like to compare it to, you arrive home park your vehicle and all is good. You get in the vehicle to leave and click, click, dead battery. Never know when it will happen.

After a break in of 2-300 rounds I expect any gun when used to go bang when asked to do so.
Had to polish feed ramp on TCP to make HP feed smoother. That's about it. No problems from PT745 either.

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Well so far I have 3 Tauruses

PT1911: Most accurate gun I've ever shot, put enough rounds through it where it started to burn my hand and discolor the slide and never had a problem, after close to 1000 rounds its never had a problem.

PT111: Never heard of limp wristing before so I can't say much about how good it actually is, but the sights on it confused me at first.

Tracker .44 Mag: Can't hit anything with it, and I've only put about 125 rounds through it, but it hasn't been anything special.

So so far I've had 1 that's been great, 1 that hasn't been that good, and 1 I didn't know how to shoot because I've never shot a plastic gun before.
I own 3 Taurus handguns:

PT92 9mm
PT100 .40 S&W
Model 85 .38 Spl.

The PT92 was made and purchased in 1991. The other 2 were made and purchased in 1993. All have been trouble free out of the box and good performers. By contrast, I purchased a new S&W model 29 Classic during the same period, and I had to send it back to S&W because the hammer would not fall in DA. SA was OK.

The PT92 and PT100 are every bit as accurate and reliable as my CZ 75's and Berettas in the same calibers. I keep the Model 85 snub as my bedside gun.

While I am completely happy with the older guns that I own, I would be disinclined to buy a Taurus of new manufacture. That many people can't be wrong all the time.
Actually every time I squeeze the trigger of my Millennium 145 Pro it goes "bang!" Not sure what more I should expect??

The reality of guns is that if you do a website forum search for any make of gun you are going to find persons writing that are very unhappy with that make of gun and have had reliability problems with it. I was always taught that when you get a new gun you test it thoroughly. If happy keep it. If not satisfied, take it back. Kind of the same rule for anything you purchase, isn't it??
I've only owned 1 Taurus, a model 44 with the 8 3/8" barrel. I've put many hundreds of rounds of 44 mag, (if not thousands) through it and never had a single problem with it.
They are all junk and should be sent to me ASAP. Especialy the pt92/99 Beretta copies are extra junky and need sent to me right away before they explode or get your daughter pregnant.
My PT745 has the oddest DAO trigger pull of any pistol I've ever shot, I still like the point and shoot simplicity. When chambered, there is almost no trigger pressure at all the entire length of pull until just before firing round.

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