Active Shooter Targets GOP Congressmen

I'd like to say I am at a loss as to how police could mistake an SKS for an M4; but I've read too many police reports describing .9mm handguns to be very shocked.
DNS said:
I don't know, but how could TAG determine it wasn't an assault rifle without actually seeing the gun?

Because an SKS isn't an assault rifle?

DNS said:
Okay, well IF it had any of those features listed, then by Virginia law, it IS an assault rifle.

"Assault Rifle" doesn't appear to be a term in the VA code. Virgina eschews the common "assault weapon" used in so much other code, instead using "assault firearm".

As a general matter, betting on the perfect accuracy of initial reports in a big news story is a poor investment.
"Stopped by good guy with a gun"

Yes but they were Police, not Joe Schmuck with a CCL and a Colt. "Good guy with a gun" full media coverage only happens when the "good guy with a gun" happens to be the police, or a security officer.

Notice that the homeowner who apprehended two prison escapees at gunpoint is barely mentioned in today's news.
"Good guy with a gun" full media coverage only happens when the "good guy with a gun" happens to be the police, or a security officer.

Notice that the homeowner who apprehended two prison escapees at gunpoint is barely mentioned in today's news.

While this is the usual way things work, its not always because of media bias. Sometimes, it's simply because the media has nothing to report.

There was a case a while back, in the Seattle area, there a civilian "good guy with a gun" dropped a hatchet wielding attacker in a coffee shop, after the attacker sliced open the counterman's belly. One shot, DRT. The good guy with the gun, talked to the cops, REFUSED to speak to ANY media/news people. All the news got was that he was middle aged, a regular customer, and had a concealed carry permit. They didn't even get his name.

That news item disappeared from the news after two days. The bad guy was a minority, with a history of criminal violence and mental issues, and was dead. The good guy with a gun was unnamed, and every witness called him a hero.

There was simply nothing for the media to beat their agenda drum about, so they dropped the story ASAP.
Notice that the homeowner who apprehended two prison escapees at gunpoint is barely mentioned in today's news.

Actually the escapees surrendered to the homeowner as the police were hot on their tails. While armed, the homeowner never drew his gun.
Back to the Congressional assassination attempt - do we have a definitive on the rifle used, photos thereof perhaps? I know it really doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but inquiring minds would like to know.
I have seen the usual suspects jump up and down about "gun control, gun control", but I have also seen Congressmen start hollering, "more CCW permits, let permit holders come to DC" and other mind blowing statements I never expected to hear after something like this. Notice it fell off the radar very quickly?
armoredman said:
Actually I did see that, Aguila.
Further proof that we can't rely on any early-breaking story from "the media." The first articles I read reported that the homeowner and a neighbor held the convicts at gunpoint after he caught them trying to steal his car, while calling the police and awaiting their arrival. Based on this article, it seems those early articles got basically every detail wrong.

Where's my surprised face?
Early articles frequently get everything wrong. That isn't the least bit surprising. In the media, at least some of it, being first to report is far more important than being accurate.