Active Shooter Targets GOP Congressmen

At least 5 people shot, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise during a GOP baseball game for staffers and congressmen. At least one shooter is in custody.

Steve Scalise, an unnamed staffer, and two of the security detail among the wounded. Number of attackers still unknown but the one guy they caught had some type of semi-auto rifle.
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At the link Rep. Mo Brooks is giving a firsthand account. The shooter is the fifth wounded person; and based on the account given by Rep. Brooks knew he was targeting GOP congressmen as he had surveiled them and spoken with Rep. Rick Dunn. Others present include Jeff Flake and Rand Paul.
Yes, but there is no indication at this point that there is any relevance to being GOP versus just targeting congressmen.

Nobody has reported there being more than one bad guy shooter.

Also, nobody else there seemed to have any guns other than the Capitol Police, local police, and the shooter.
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As part of the Congressional leadership team Rep. Scalise has a protection detail. That's why Capitol Police were at the event.

It might have gone a lot differently had he not been there.
Stopped by good guy with a gun:

Yep, stopped by armed professionals who were on the job for the sole task of providing security for the GOP baseball practice. The shooter was not stopped by any of the pro-gun GOP contingency, any of the public in attendance, or any of the residents who live around the park.

Fortunately, the shooter was rather inept, shooting at some folks from less than 90 feet with a rifle and not managing any COM hits. Reports so far are or low hits.
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Police are describing the rifle as an "M4-type rifle." The shooter apparently had a pistol also. A lot of the Congressmen very shook up as they are being interviewed. CNN took the time to share Gabby Gifford's tweet and work in an op-ed.
Yes, but there is no indication at this point that there is any relevance to being GOP versus just targeting congressmen.

Rep. DeSantis stated a man approached him and asked him if it was the Democratic or Republican teams practicing. The implication was the man was the shooter but it was being reported third or fourth hand.
At this point, it is still breaking news, and all we know is that there was a shooting, and people were injured, including a Congressman. One person is reported to be in custody.

Until verifiable facts emerge, I suggest we not speculate, there is already more than enough of that elsewhere.
The shooter has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson, 66.

A witness (Katie Filius) states that after the firing began, a Capitol Hill police officer drew her pistol and ordered the shooter to drop his weapon. The shooter instead shot her.
There are crazies from the far ends of both parties that are capable of violence. None-the-less, it appears that Senator Bernie Sanders has condemned the act publicly as it has come to light that the suspect was a volunteer to his presidential campaign. The only politics that should be involved is to acknowledge that some people actually take the shenanegins and hijinks in politics seriously enough to try and murder people with opposite political views. This is what is truly sad.
Appoarently, according to press reports, the shooter has died and with him, in all likely hood, his real motive for the shooting.

The media is already on a feeding frenzy as are the politicians.

The anti gun sentiment started almost immediately too. in a press briefing about the incident Virginia Gov. McAuliffe wasted no time to say: 'There are too many guns on the street'. He then got on his usual anti gun horse and started to ride it before being pulled back to the reason for the briefing.

At least some politicians saying it's time to tone the vitriol and combative rhetoric way down and try to actually show some civility.
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A witness (Katie Filius) states that after the firing began, a Capitol Hill police officer drew her pistol and ordered the shooter to drop his weapon. The shooter instead shot her.
I suppose may be S.O.P. for police to holler "POLICE! Drop your weapon!" before opening fire but, as has been seen multiple times in the pasr, doing so is just plain DUMB. A handgun against a rifle is bucking a stacked deck to begin with -- why give the shooter any more advantage? He's an ACTIVE shooter, for Heaven's sake. Who wasit who said, "When it's time to talk -- talk. When it's time to shoot, shoot." When you're looking at an active shooter, that's NOT the time to talk, that's the time to shoot.
JWT said:
he shooter has died and with him, in all likely hood, his real motive for the shooting.

Yup, the man who was a member of a social media group called "Terminate the Republicans" died while trying to terminate the Republicans and taking his motive to the grave. All we have to divine his mysteriious motives are a Ouija board and about 9 years of online statements.
Aguila Blanca said:
When you're looking at an active shooter, that's NOT the time to talk, that's the time to shoot.

Many agencies, especially in the current environment, spend a lot of time emphasizing escalating use of force starting with verbal commands. I can see where if you are in a stressful situation, you reach into the brainbox for whatever training you have to help you deal with that situation. I know I've certainly done stupid things out of habit or training under much less stress than that officer experienced.
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It's great that Scalise will recover given the kind of blood loss possible after a pelvic injury.

BR said:
Yup, the man who was a member of a social media group called "Terminate the Republicans" died while trying to terminate the Republicans and taking his motive to the grave.

Indeed, his motivating anger is not a mystery at this point.

DNS said:
The shooter was not stopped by any of the pro-gun GOP contingency, any of the public in attendance, or any of the residents who live around the park.

Being in favor of protection of constitutional rights doesn't mean that one can shoot another. That requires a firearm. These people (all of the people on the field and many people in that area) work in DC and in government buildings no less. Routine carry isn't a legal option for most white collar DC workers.

I don't know whether Alexandria restricts carry within a public park.
Last I read was 80 shots fired, 4 hits landed. It is always amazing to see a shooter not really hit much. People who haven't see combat (myself included) can't seem to overcome the nerves of the moment. Thank God! Because he could have hurt a lot more people than he did.

I find it really interesting watching the news coverage of a left-wing crazy with a gun purposely attacking Republicans.

Kudos to the Reps, staffers, and security people that took cover, treated the wounded, and responded to the shooter. Awesome that one of the reps was a physician :)

As far as the people criticizing the neighbors and other people in the park... the security detail on site was returning fire, the cops were there in 3 minutes, I don't think I'd get involved either. Honestly, if law enforcement is on site, I am getting out of the way. I look like any other civilian with a gun!
What is Scalise opinion on guns? It would be hilarious if he gave a press conference and told everyone he was pro 2nd Amendment. I need to check his NRA standing.

Just checked. He gets an A+ rating from the NRA.
Being in favor of protection of constitutional rights doesn't mean that one can shoot another. That requires a firearm. These people (all of the people on the field and many people in that area) work in DC and in government buildings no less. Routine carry isn't a legal option for most white collar DC workers.

Uh-huh. All sorts of irony as well as a testament to the fact that we have so many pro gun people, so many permit holders and those able to Constitutional carry and they can't or won't carry. All of the residents around the park, however, certainly could have guns in their homes. There are no rules or regs prohibiting guns in parks.

By and large, most people don't/won't carry, even when it is legal, and folks are not inclined to get involved to stop such shootings.