A Ron Paul thread...........hopefully without flames

Actually, I think Dr. Paul understands the interstate commerce clause very well, and wants to keep it limited as it should be, not expansive as it is now.
He also voted against legislation that protected gun dealers and trade organizations from being sued for the wrongful acts of third parties.

Wasn't that part of the same law that protected firearms manufacturers?

If not, can you tell me the name of that law?
He also voted against legislation that protected gun dealers and trade organizations from being sued for the wrongful acts of third parties.

Wasn't that part of the same law that protected firearms manufacturers?

If not, can you tell me the name of that law?

Are you trying to use a single law as 2 or 3 examples of anti-gun votes?
No, I'm giving you an example of two of Ron Paul's votes. JMHO, the vote against gun manufacturers was the most anti-gun, but a gun shop owner who was sued for the actions of a criminal probably wouldn't agree.

But I still like him. I just don't think he's the most "constitutional."
No, I'm giving you an example of two of Ron Paul's votes.

So you are saying there were two seperate laws, one for gun manufacturers, and another for dealers?

What was the name of the law for dealers?

I just looked at the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and it applies to manufacturers and dealers. I think this was all one law, not two, so RP would have only voted once. Do you dispute this? As far as I can tell, you are incorrect if you think there were two seperate laws.
And this is why you just can't win an argument with Fremmer.

And that's a good point, M, although I don't want to try and "win" or "lose", and I certainly don't want to argue.

So I've decided to modify my opinion: Ron Paul is the most constitutional when it comes to Ron Paul's version of the constitution.

Who can argue with that? :D
I can name one Ron Paul accomplishment without having to look anything up: He's got me to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries.

The Republican party left me -- and you, too, probably -- a long time ago, and left me votin' for third-party guys and gals who I know don't stand a chance but who stand for me. He's a GOP candidate I can vote for with a clear conscience.

Who knows, if the man gets enough votes, his party might take notice. Maybe they'd at least stop running Democrats in elephant suits?
All too often "accomplishments" in the politics of America today come along with comprimise, cow towing, and being on the take. It is a big money business, closing in on oligarchy, I often think.

Ron Paul's accomplishment to me is voting far, far more often than not (and more often than anyone else on a major ticket, as far as I can yet tell) for the the constitution of the united states. He could, as president, try to give us back more freedom than your average american could likely handle, but a country that would more closely resemble what america started out as (minus the lack of rights for women and african americans! ;) ). Just check out his voting record. It is a list of accomplishments in my eyes.