A little help here, please?!?

I know there are views for and against answering TV polls etc., but here in Oz things are slightly different.

The Australian Sixty Minutes ran the US segment on the Columbine shootings last night. Today, they have a poll on their website seeking public comment as to the cause of incidents such as that at Littleton.

I'm afraid the results are *heavily* anti-gun, with access to guns carrying by far the major votes.

This will be trumpeted nationwide unless we can redress the balance.

Perhaps some of you kind people might like to help out?

The URL is: http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/news/23081.asp

The site won't be there long -- and it'll be taken down even faster if the anti-gun votes start falling.

Funny...I picked poor parenting (since they lack "mental ilness") and it is still at 0%, with easy guns at 66%. Either they are cooking the numbers or ?

Seems we are wasting breath on these polls. I respolve to spend my time on the offensive.

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Voted & "posted" the poll on 5 other sites !

Please vote as Gun Boards & Posters are few & far between here !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Cornered Rat:

Hmmmm -- I just checked:

Now says 21% for parenting and 64% for guns.

Your comment wouldn't be the first time we've heard rumours (and I stress that's all they are) that "Sixty Minutes" doctors the figures.

Still need more help, guys.


Thanks heaps, mate -- I've done the same.
Just as we thought. It's rigged ...YOU CAN POST MORE THAN ONCE. Go help the cause and vote as much as you can. Also I got the anti-gun percent down 2%.

Fight fire with fire.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited May 03, 1999).]
Anti-gun down to 58%
I could only vote once. Only showed results when I went off and back on the site.
Must be ccause of my IP ....i'll keep voting...it seems i'm the only one voting right now.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
It took me about 700 votes but we are winning now. Even if it gets discredited at least it the lies that guns are the cause won't be reported so we win both ways.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
Well I got about 2000 votes in and I slipped and locked myself out. Guns are at 28%. Time for me to go burn some powder and get off the puter.

As the public school taught me....

Just say NO!!..to gun control.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

I just voted and the current stats are:

Violent movies/games 4%

The Internet 0%

Poor parenting 62%

Easy access to guns 25%

Violent society 9%

4282 total votes.

Looks like we are making a point! Wonder what they will say now?

John - NRA - Lifer
you had some help there, pal. I spent about an hour hitting "Submit" and "Back" over and over again, and every time the results loaded, there were anywhere from 4-6 more votes on it, so I knew I wasn't the only one. :D I don't know how many votes I actually made, but we have a s-l-o-w T1 line here (heavy traffic and bandwidth), so I kept on plugging along until I had to get back to things. What a riot! Take that, you RKBA pukes.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I can personally attest to the fact that "Freefinklemann" did in fact vote continually for nearly 6 hours. It was quite a sight to behold. 2000 votes would not be stretch.


I like guns!

[This message has been edited by walkin' man (edited May 03, 1999).]
Oh, wow!!! I just got into the office, cranked up the computer -- you guys have blown me away!!

I can't believe the result. Aussie shooters owe you all a huge thank you -- and mine comes from the bottom of my heart. We get a bit lonely down here ;)

If ever any of you blokes come to West Oz, the drinks are on me (well, for a while anyway ;)) I don't want to single anyone out of what was a group effort, but I must say thank you especially to freefinklemann and DonL -- outstanding!

I'll keep a watch on 60 Minutes -- just to make sure -- bet we don't hear any more about it.

I put in my vote..or 10...or20 :D

Poor parenting 65%

Easy access to guns 22%

Interestingly the internet stands at 0%.
Wasnt 60 minutes the show that staged that car blowing up?....the one were they had to set it off with a rockett to try an make there point that the car was unsafe, ....fubsy.
Yes, a BIG thanks to freefinkleman & everyone else who participated !

We all owe you a huge debt that we could never repay.

We'll reciprocate on your next poll - ok !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Thanks for the help. What a blast.

HS and Bruce,
No thanks needed, just trying to help the cause.

When they come for your guns, be nice and make sure they take their Minerals (copper,iron and lead).

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
I worked out how to vote multiple times. Just hit your back button straight after you vote and keep doing that. Although if you go to another site and try and come back it wont let you vote again.

Drop by and visit at www.gun-center.com
To all, didn't know that it was still going today. If you get locked out, just leave the site, dump your cookies from it and you can vote more. Looks like it going good.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate