A gun for the wife

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I would have her put her hands on a Ruger SR9c. The glock grips are a little big for my hands, but the SR9c fits my hands just right. The trigger is really nice and they're a great bang for the buck in my opinion, plus they have a manual thumb safety which would probably make her more comfortable than not having one at all.
The Sig P238 fits nicely in the hand and the slide is smooth and easy to operate. Recoil is manageable and the sights make it easy to hit the target. These are awesome little shooters. I love my P238 Equinox!
4V50 Gary, thx for the suggestion but the wife has already found "her" pistols: A Kahr P380 for CCW (she can barely rack the slide) and a SIG P250sc .380 (her range/nightstand gun, very easy for her to manipulate and very pleasant to shoot).
Having instructed many ladies to shoot over the years as both an NRA instructor and NRA/USAS coach, I have picked up some things. First off they don't have the upper body strength, they have a different center of gravity, and their hands are smaller than guys. These things all play into how they shoot. There is a technique that will help with slide operation. It is best to practice this with an unloaded firearm. The very first thing I teach is trigger finger off the trigger and along side the frame. Stand with the muzzle facing down range. grip the firearm with the shooting hand, and bring the off hand over the top of the firearm and grip the slide. bring the firearm up to chest level and push with both hands shooting hand is pushing the grip frame forward, and off hand is pushing the slide back. My Wife had problems shooting my 1911 until she learned this method. The big thing about "which gun" is how much will they handle this firearm? Will they be able to put it into action in the middle of the night when someone kicks in the door? The actions to operate an automatic must be natural and instant. Do they have to look at the firearm to remember which is the safety, and which the slide lock? Revolvers don't have these things so may be the better choice. I would stay away from the very short barreled revolvers, and the ultra lite models. The recoil and muzzle blast can be intimidating in even .38 cal. Some shooters that have had a gun store guy sell them on one of these guns have had trouble shooting them. I let them shoot my 3" all steel J frame, or my SP-101 and they have no problems. I would tell you to find a shooting range with a good instructor that lets you shoot various guns. Take your wife to the class. When she is done with the class, she will know what she likes and what she can shoot well.
I'll have to disagree with those who suggest that les femms have trouble with pistols due to lack of upper body strength. I've never met a woman, teenager or child who couldn't hold a couple of pounds in firing position or rack the slide, pull the trigger, manipulate safeties, cyl releases etc. It simply doesn't take a lot of strength.

I believe that disabusable belief on our part comes from us (men) trying to impart our particular way of stance/grip etc to the girls.

My 109 lb girlfriend doesn't look like a lot of men when she shoots. But she kills the target with the best of the men. She didn't always. Her ex-husband, who was almost three times her body weight and had arms about the size of her waist, tried to get her to hold and aim "his way". That frustrated the heck out of her. When I suggested "hold it however you want and make the bullet go into the target" she relaxed and shot great.

** Note the lack of the article "the" when referring to my girlfriend..:rolleyes:

Sgt Lumpy
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