9mm vs .45 ACP (not what you are thinking)

My son and I were shooting steel plates suspended from a pipe at 50 yds. The 9mm would make a nice ringing noise when you hit. My .45 made the plates dance all over the place. At 25 yds. the plates would wrap back around the pole. Undoubtedly, there is a difference.
Big Boom

I've been shooting 45 ACP's for mucho decades(since 1965) and I decided to give 10mm a try for SD CCW and range fun.I picked up a barely used Glock 20 with 2 15 round mags and found that the transition from 45 to 10mm is nothing dramatic at all.The Glock seems to dampen the recoil a lot.
The round does definitely let you know you are shooting though:D