9mm Ammo going to get cheaper or not?

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I just returned from two gun stores in my area. Both shops were selling Blazer Brass 9mm, fmj for $13.99 for a box of fifty. One of the stores imposed a two box limit; the other one had no quantity restrictions. On the other hand, my local Wal Mart hasn't had 9mm ammunition of any type on their shelves for the past several months.
Nope,, you better start thinking about reloading...Montana Gold Bullets supplies me with 9mm 115 FMJ bullets at 9.2 cents a piece....primers add 4 cents to that, and Win 231 powder is less than 2 cents per shot....that's 15 cents per shot....I don't know that I"m saving money, but I do know that without reloading, I'd not be shooting much. Rod
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My local Wal-Mart (which never raised prices beyond normal inflaion) is starting to have ammo again. .22 is still hard to find, but if you pop in regularly .45, .40. and 9 can all be had. I think it's $23/100 for 9mm WWB.
They've had enough stock that I'm actually back to buying what I want rather than what's available.

Locally, that means the small shops have dropped their prices back down as nobody's willing to pay double just to get it a couple days sooner.

I imagine - as we all continue to build our personal supplies back up and feel less obligated to buy everything we see - that trend will spread to the more populous parts of the country.
I think it's going to be a "crap shoot" jsut to find some. I stop at gun shops when I see them (or other chain stores that carry ammo) and it's always seems to be the same - "nope, haven't got any". If the supply eventually does loosen up, I think the price may drop some but like has been mentioned, I don't think they are going to be at the pre panic prices.

Just my thoughts . . . . I wonder why I can go into a store and seem to find oodles of shotgun shells . . . but very little in terms of CF cartridges? I know all about "production runs", etc. but I just think it's a little odd?

I was talking with a guy in a LGS the other day and we were discussing the fact that firearms sales are still up . . . but when you buy one, there's no ammo on the shelf to shoot in it. i've shot for 50 + years and I have to say that I never thought I would be looking at getting handguns in a variety of calibers - .380, 9mm, 38 spl/357, 45ACP, etc. to use based on the availability of what caliber ammo you could run across in stock on the shelves. Crazy.

It certainly makes reloading look like a good option . . . but then, how are the supplies of primers, powder, etc.? Last winter, when I was in AZ, all of those reloading supplies were in very short supply as well. Has that improved any?
bedbugbilly said;
I think it's going to be a "crap shoot" just to find some. I stop at gun shops when I see them (or other chain stores that carry ammo) and it's always seems to be the same - "nope, haven't got any". If the supply eventually does loosen up, I think the price may drop some but like has been mentioned, I don't think they are going to be at the pre panic prices.
Locally, prices are only a few dollars more than before the buying craze, and they are coming down. As long as gun owners can control themselves, the price will continue to fall. For the record, the supply never changed. The demand went up, and drove the prices higher.
Pre panic, 9mm 50 count was $11.99-$12.99 for range ammo. I just saw the same ammo for $14.99 at a LGS. Down from $19.99. Be patient.
What are the chances that military surplus 9mm will ever come to market, again?
If that happens, we'll be awash in cheap 9mm, like back in the early 1990s.
Well under $100 per thousand, then.
It kept the factory prices down, too.
One can hope.
Well if you go on the conspiracy theories about the military buying billions of rounds of 9mm, then I would say we should have some surpluses. Then again, if we go into syria like they want, that stash may be depleted.
I can get the Tulammo @ wally world for 10.00 a box of 50, sometimes when they have it, if I am there at 7 am, if the truck came in the night before and if somebody didnt bring his wife, brother in law and old retired neighbor to get 3 boxes each.
I have gotten into the habit of calling from the parking lot or close to the store to see if it's worth coming in.
Scored last week picked up 3 boxes of PPU Serbian @ 15.00 and was happy to pay that..
What sucks is having a brand new pistol at home and no rounds to test it out!
I used to go shooting and shoot whatever qty of rounds I brought. Now, no matter how many I bring, I take home enough for full mags for my pistols..thats 2 mags x17 rnds each and 2 mags at 8 rounds each. So I need to reserve a box of 50 at all times...
I've been watching the cheapest internet prices go down a few cents per round every week or so for 9mm. So it's getting better.
Stopped by my lgs and shooting range.
Had LOTS of Remi 115 grn 9mm at 15.00 a box. No limit.
I can live with that.
Dropped by Wallyworld to pick up some packing tape. Dropped by the gun counter to do a status check and they had fifty round boxes of Tula 9mm for $10.37 apiece on the shelves.
Post #66; 9x19mm prices, milspec & defense-carry....

I disagree with part of post 66.
Milspec or surplus grade 9mm/9mmNATO is different than the high-end/LE grade pistol ammunition most US consumers use for duty/concealed/home protection.
Those rounds I'd say will still be in the $1.00/1.50 range for the next few years. They may lower in retail price if the interest in the shooting sports/defense weapons levels off or lowers, but I highly doubt it will.

As noted in another topic post, more & more US citizens are buying defense guns & the related gear/ammunition/scopes/holsters. The new shooters honestly don't know what would be expensive or what is a rip-off because they have nothing to compare it to.
If you were in a armed profession or were a hunter since the 1980s/1990s, you'd feel differently than a gun buyer or shooter who just started in 2010 or 2012(and there are 1000s of those now ;)).
Some major firms like ATK or CorBon or Hornady may claim they are increasing ammunition production but no company is flooding the US market with enough pistol rounds(like China or the Warsaw Pact countries) to reduce the costs.

FWIW; I saw on one well known online site that they no longer sold any .357SIG rounds. 0.
There is no such thing as price gouging on ammo.

*price gouging (noun)
The act of or an instance of charging services or pricing goods at unreasonably high prices.

With the definition out of the way, I’ll tell you a condensed version of a post I made here a few weeks ago.

Stopped by a local GS because they had a huge sign out front that stated “We have plenty of .22 ammo!”

No pricing on the .22 ammo, and I figured if I have to ask, I can’t afford it. But they did have pricing marked on center fire ammo. $25.00 for a box of 20 rounds of Wolf steel cased .223. Went home and looked on ammoman.com. Same .223 Wolf for $9.00 a box.

By definition above from Wiktionary. My LGS is price gouging.
Prices will keep going up and up as the NRA, manufactures and other people with vested interests in selling more guns/ammo continue to feed everyone's fear of the boogie man and/or the UN is coming to take everyone's guns and ammo.

So every time I find a good deal on 9mm, I buy a 1000 rounds or so.

Keep your eye on gunbot.net to track where the online ammo prices are going.
Prices will keep going up and up as the NRA, manufactures and other people with vested interests in selling more guns/ammo continue to feed everyone's fear of the boogie man and/or the UN is coming to take everyone's guns and ammo.
That's a truly impressive amount of "fail" for a single sentence.

It starts out with an obviously false statement since prices are clearly falling, not "going up and up" and then when one would think it can only improve, the wheels really come off.

The original question has been answered. 9mm ammo IS getting cheaper and all indications seem to point towards it getting cheaper still.

I think we can put this particular topic to bed. At least for the day or two it takes someone to start another thread on the subject.
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