9mm Ammo going to get cheaper or not?

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They use the term because they are showing how it dies not exist, watch it again. There is no such thing as gouging - you either willingly pay the asking price because you believe the item has a value you are willing to trade money for, or you don't and walk away
gouging happens and its chit- and im sure it comes back to those asshats too, like karma, I know i laugh my ass off when i see some D!ck get pulled over after he speeds past like a maniac and i wouldn't stop to help change a tire either.

Gouging is a cheap lesson in life as who not to deal with if you dont have to. I choose not to do business with lots of people because of their personal choices.
9mm prices will go down some, but I don't think it will ever return to pre-Obama levels. In fact, I think 9mm and .40S&W will be equal in price from here on.
BigD in FL wrote:
OH, fer Chris'sake - now the mods are in on this mythical "gouging" BS?

May I ask a serious question BigD?

Let’s say Joe’s Gun Shop bought WWB 9mm ammo in 2010 for $6 a box, and put it on his shelf for $10. Fair price, fair mark up at 60%. Joe can keep his doors open, pay his bills at home and feed his family. Good for Joe.

In 2013 Joe’s Gun Shop buys WWB 9mm ammo for $10 (inflation plays it’s role) then puts it on the shelf for $30. Mark up of 300%. Was 60% now 300%.

What would us “Commoners” call what Joe is doing? Gouging!

My local Walmart sold WWB 9mm in 2010 for $10. They are selling it now for $15. The very same ammo, might even be the very same lot number as the ammo at Joe’s. Walmart is making a profit, otherwise they wouldn’t be selling it.

What would us “Commoners” call what Joe is doing? Gouging!

May not be a 100% correct term, but it’s fitting.

*Be advised that Joe’s Gun Shop is a mythical title used for dramatization. If there is a Joe’s Gun Shop out there, no harm intended. No one named Joe was injured during the filming of this documentary.
I just walked in the door back home from a visit to my local gun shop. Big sign out front of it, “Plenty of ammo in stock”. First thing I noticed (because my Saiga loves it) was Wolf steel cased 62 grain FMJ in .223. The shop was asking $25 per box of 20. Ammoman.com has the exact same stuff for $9.20 per box of 20, I know because I just checked.

Is that price gouging? Heck I don’t know what you’d call it. I guess saying or typing the words “price gouging” is quicker then typing “That guy is immoral, unethical, bad businessman, a crook and a thief…….

I hate to see a gun shop close up from lack of business, but I would not shed a tear if this one closes.
What would us “Commoners” call what Joe is doing? Gouging!

Joe's gunshop relies on the sell of guns, ammo and accessories to pay his employees, overhead and feed his family. When the gun and ammo shortage started Joe was left with little to sale because of the panic buying of consumers (that would be us).
As a result he had to mark up what little product he received in order to survive.. Joe knows how much he needs to make to stay afloat.

Walmart sells everything imaginable. If there were no guns or ammo to sell it would not affect their bottom line at all. They will survive just fine on the sell of everything else so what guns and ammo they receive does not require any additional mark-up.

I guess Joe should start selling groceries and household products also...

Now, while I'm sure some LGS's priced their product to the moon there were just as many consumers (again, that would be us) buying up all the ammo they could get (from Walmart) and asking crazy prices for it.

Now, if everybody quit buying from their LGS because they did not like him marking prices up above Walmart then Walmart will soon be the only place you'll be able to by from.

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9mm fmj was, across the board, a dollar more than comparable .40 ammo at THE big sporting goods dealer in my area. Limit one box per person per day. $19.99 9mm vs 18.99 .40 for Blazer.
Now, while I'm sure some LGS's priced their product to the moon there were just as many consumers (again, that would be us) buying up all the ammo they could get (from Walmart) and asking crazy prices for it.

Now, if everybody quit buying from their LGS because they did not like him marking prices up above Walmart then Walmart will soon be the only place you'll be able to by from.

I always expected to pay more from my LGS and didn't mind because buying locally is good for the economy. But a dollar a round? I'd rather buy from a corporate giant than be raped by a local.

I'll bet the LGSs suffered about as much from this "ammo shortage" as the oil companies have suffered from the "oil shortages."
box of 50 federal 9mm fmj from lgs - $17
pack of 50 9mm reloads from same lgs - $17

Finally found some at another place and got their last box which was 147 gr winchester for $18
We have at least one gun shop here that still sells 100 round boxes of Mini-mag .22 for $10.00. The "normal" cost is about $3.25. Is that gouging, YES. Is it selling, NO.
I still don't see anyone selling gas for .99 like it was just 10 years ago, or diesel for 1.59 like when I bought my first diesel pickup.

There is an unwritten rule that once a price barrier has been breached, it is very difficult to get back below it.

Thin about the first time you saw gas at $2...or $3. Shock, then anger, then acceptance. Do you expect to see those prices again? No...because the shock has passed. the anger has passed. there is only acceptance. depending on where you live, the $4 barrier may have been passed too. If you once paid $4 for gas, you are now grateful to "only" pay $3.50. Gothcha.

Same with ammo. We used to consider $4.99 a box for 9mm "normal". You will never see that price again. A few years ago, WM sold 9mm for just under $10/box. New normal. Now it is $20 a box. How "grateful" are you when you see it for $15 per box?

The sooner you start reloading, the farther ahead you will be. :D
Bought Federal 9mm at walmart for $11.97 limit 3 boxes. Paid the same amount year ago at same walmart (although there was no limit back then).

Ammo supplies are getting back to "normal". My 2 LGS I frequent both now have 9mm, where as 2 months back they didn't have any. One sold out quickly (selling at $14.99 for box, 3 limit) while other still had his (selling at $19.99 for same box, 5 limit). That LGS is not selling and he has plenty to sell. I bought from neither as I've picked mine up from Walmart.

Price will come down. How much depends on demand and price people are willing to pay.
In 2013 Joe’s Gun Shop buys WWB 9mm ammo for $10 (inflation plays it’s role) then puts it on the shelf for $30. Mark up of 300%. Was 60% now 300%.

What would us “Commoners” call what Joe is doing? Gouging!

My local Walmart sold WWB 9mm in 2010 for $10. They are selling it now for $15. The very same ammo, might even be the very same lot number as the ammo at Joe’s. Walmart is making a profit, otherwise they wouldn’t be selling it.

What would us “Commoners” call what Joe is doing? Gouging!

May not be a 100% correct term, but it’s fitting.

*Be advised that Joe’s Gun Shop is a mythical title used for dramatization. If there is a Joe’s Gun Shop out there, no harm intended. No one named Joe was injured during the filming of this documentary.

Retailers do NOT price their goods based on what they paid for it, but on what it costs to replace it - look at your gas station when prices change - if he sells it too cheap so folks like you come in and clean him out because everyone is selling it for higher prices he not only loses money, he cannot pay for new inventory which will cost him more nor will he be able to draw customers since he has nothing to sell. Without a constant cash flow he closes. Just because YOU do not like his prices, does not mean that someone else isn't WILLINGLY going to pay his asking price.

Let me post this little analogous story -
Mary goes into Joe's butcher shop and asks hims how much his whole chickens are. "$3.79 per pound", Joe replies. "$3.79 per pound!, why that's robbery. Max across the street has his chickens priced at $1.79 per pound!", she cries in exasperation. "So why aren't you over buying his chicken?", asks Joe. "Because he doesn't have any!", she says. "Well", says Joe, "When I don't have any chickens, my price will also be $1.79 per pound"...........;)
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I have seen the price drop steadily. I just purchased 6 50 round boxes today at Cabelas for $13.99 each. This same ammo was $18 a box a month ago.
I stopped by a couple of local gun stores on the way home today. One had American Eagle 115gr 9mm for $13.99 a box of 50.

The prices are definitely coming down and availability is also improving.
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