90gr. JSP 9mm as a carry load

Don't count on 'light and fast' pistol bullets being extremely effective. They're not rifle rounds.
I wouldn't use a 90 grain .355 cal bullet unless it was non-expanding, and I wanted that kind of performance. Heavier bullets are better, especially when you want them to expand.

Expansion limits penetration. Increased projectile mass helps penetration. It's about a balance. I want expansion and exit wounds. It's not very likely a light for caliber expanding bullet would give you that reliably.
I don't buy the whole 'energy dump' argument ESPECIALLY when we're talking about a 'mere' ~300ft-lbs muzzle energy.
IIRC, the ISP used a Winchester Power Point @ 100 Grains weight in their Model 39's when they went to a SA. The Power Point was a heavier constructed bullet deigned specifically for the Model 39.
Penetration in flesh will be hindered by weight, but the small fast round are better at defeating armor. I keep a couple at the bottom of mag just in case