8 Weeks to go and I Still Don't Know What to Buy

Makarov problems??!!!

Which Makarov site did you find with bunches of horror stories? I've got three real ones and a BB one, and they all work perfectly. Yes, the firing pin lacks a return spring. OTOH, you'd have to land the gun on its muzzle from over 10 feet up to drop-fire it. It'd take something like Superglue to stick the pin forward hard enough for slamfires.

I don't think that the "straw buy" is an issue here, I have been married 12 + years and its all community property.
My wife and I both have each purchased guns that we both shoot and belong to the "family".
My favorite pistole is one that she bought and does not care for anymore and Her favorite is my HK MK23 SOCOM.

Mike, you sound like an intelligent and wealthy man,
My advice to you is just buy the P7 and be done with it.

But then again, there are some pretty good Daisy products out there!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

(isn't it amazing how a thread can be buried on this board in only a matter of hours?)
Tommy Lee Jones says...

Get a Glock 30
- don't compromise or settle for less than the best!

Remember what Tommy Lee Jones said in the movie "U.S. Marshalls:"

"Get yourself a GLOCK, and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol!"


The Makarov slamfire issue is a little like Kb's for Glock owners who still have their nose and eyebrows ;) FROM WHAT I'VE HEARD, ahem, it is primarily caused by the lacquer sealant used around the very popular Russian brands of ammunition such as Wolf/Tula Cartridge Works (TCW). this stuff chips off when the FP hits home and can accumulate in the FP channel causing the pin to stick out. Simply chamber a round for an instant slammy, and possibly full auto, it is quite rare, but a consideration for owners, both potential and actual, nonetheless. It is of course howled down by the legions of Mak owners who have safely put 10,000 rounds through a used Bulgie and have never cleaned the channel, just like Glock owners in other words, so who am I to disagree, I haven't even shot one.

The site is http://www.hotboards.com/plus/plus.mirage?who=mak12

I just watch the discussion there, and the issues crop up.


Thanks, but my bank manager and high school teachers would probably beg to differ ;)

Current favorite by the way is a Ruger P-97, seems like a good all rounder and cheap too.

Regards to all

Mike H
Dress up like Star Wars characters? What the hell are you talking about?

Yes Mike, they all suck. Every last one sucks. You need to get your self a good high quality British Webley-Fosberry Auto-Revolver.

My Makarov's safety flew out the firing pin channel, my Sig rusted the day I brought it home, my feeble old hands are too arthritic to work the slide on my 1911, Kahr is owned by the Moonies, my Titanium .454 Glock Kaboomed, my Beretta's slide flew off and put out my eye, the manual for the CZ is in some weird foreign language, my Ruger killed itself in despair once it realized how ugly it was, and the HK factory reps were mean to me and wouldn't install a special issue Navy SEAL skull crushing spike on my SOCOM. Boo Freaking Hoo.
"A Sig P226 then, nice but we haven't tried one and it looks very big, anyway Sigs are rust buckets and seem to be more expensive than a slightly more expensive than a new space shuttle."



Where do you get this crap?

Believe it or not Mike, I own most of the guns you mention and like them all very much. Why not just get the one your wife shoots best?
If you think Maks are mechanically challenging...

A Webley-Fosberry will drive you absolutely freaking nuts.
That's gotta be the weirdest mechanism I've ever seen in my life, and that from someone who likes shooting unusual 15th-16th century toys.

Aside from being wrong about everything...


Here is my advice to you:

1. Actually decide what the hell you want a gun for. If it's for CCW, get something compact. If it's for competition, get a fullsize. NOTE: fullsize guns will be bigger. DUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. :p

2. Don't spout off about stuff you don't know jack about. New Sig-Sauers aren't rust buckets. Heck, I had an ancient P228 ("Made in West Germany" :D) that wasn't a rust bucket. SWAT teams and competitive pistol shooters use tons of 1911 pistols for a reason (hint: it isn't because they suck). If you are too stupid to not pull the trigger when you aren't supposed to, you shouldn't get a Glock -- or any other firearm. And so on.

3. If the gun is for your wife, let her pick it. She will have to use it, so it only makes sense for her to decide what SHE wants. Oh, and she can't possibly have worse firearms judgement than you since you have rejected virtually every worthwhile pistol on the market... :)

Don't take the comments personally, but your post was total flamebait.
Mike H, I really liked the story about Mak problems.
It's particularly valuable to hear it from the person like yourself who never shot one. BTW, I have one for quite some time, shoot these darm Russian ammo all the time and really
would like to see my Mak produce some slamfires just for a heck of it...also, frickin safety lever does not want to fall out... those bloody Commies probably hammered it dead into the frickin slide...at least you read something about it, you lucky dog you...

Any other stories you can tell us about pistols we have?
I have a couple of CZ's besides Mak, what's your expert
opinion about CZ 75 and CZ 97? Junk or worth keeping?

BTW, what's your favorite beer brewed in U.K.?
Whoa, I think we just ran out of Lithium doctor....

and they say you guys don't have a sense of humor.

Apologies to all offended parties. All your guns were crafted by the Lord himself, shoot sub MOA at 100 yards, are pretty, mechanically perfect, functionally reliable self cleaning wonders of the modern age. As for reading up on various makes and their "alleged" problems, I promise to never ever do advance research ever again.

In the same vein as the above paragraph, the original post was dripping with irony and was intended to be self deprecating (to me - get it) in the extreme by showing my confused logic and misplaced distrust of several brands, anyone who took it seriously as a genuine critique of the manufacturers mentioned read, but did not understand. Most picked up on that but some plainly did not, to the latter I apologise ( I should have that as my automatic signature).

Truth is, I like 'em all, be happy to own any one. I don't think there are any truly "bad pistols", just better pistols.

FWIW - Favorite British Beer = Flowers Original, favorite American beer = Coors Lite Draught, favorite world beer = German Weissbier. But I do remember reading somewhere that they spit in Budweiser as part of the recipe, there darn it, I went and did it again ;)

Mike H
Wow Mike H, you are so TERRIBLY witty, so very very witty... we are all boorish lunkheads, don't you know, just chaffing at the bit to take offense at some good-natured kidding about... soo bloody un-ironic of us...

[But, um, you're affronted by my post with the smiley-faces... hmmmm.... ]

What about a good double action revolver? It sounds like your just not a semi-automatic pistol man. Some are not. A nice .357 double action revolver could be your remedy. .38 for practice, with the .357 option for defense.

If you are looking for a good 45 ACP then the H&K USP45 is rather nice. Sig is my second choice (never had one rust on me though...). The 1911 shouyld not be left behind either, nor the Glock. Since your wife will be using it possibly a lowe recoild like the USP45 Compact would be great.

HKs in Stainless Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Castlebravo - I would prefer to e-mail you directly regarding this, your user profile however states that you choose to withold your address, there is however one on your web page that you also provide a link to, but I will respect your wish not to be contacted directly. In short, please accept my apology for any offence caused by my heavy handed response, on occassion I'm apt to be overly playful (read sarcastic), like I said, apology offered.

And So - On Topic

I confess that I can't shoot revolvers worth a hoot, I also had a bad experience with some lead reloads in a .38 snub where I was on the receiving end of hot "spall" that somehow managed to find its way back to my face.

I was long an advocate of .38 J frames with concealed hammers as the most efficient gun for concealed carry, unfortunately I now find myself committed to autos, even for .22LR.

I do however hope one day to be able to hit something with a revolver, I am still painfully reminded of how I missed a 10 inch target from all of 8 yards during my first ever range session.

I am also a fan of all USP's (in spite of previous observations), even the big bulky full size .45's which are hard to better in that caliber. My wife also has a strong preference for the USPc in 9mm, but has yet to shoot one, it remeains high on our wish list nevertheless.

Mike H
your info on delays of handgun purchases in Raleigh/Durham is on the money. I live in Durham and in took over 40 days for my pistol permit to go through. I hear the situation is quite a bit faster in Raleigh.

You're lucky, they are allowed upto 90 days for processing. Unfortunately, NC state law precludes me from ever being granted a concealed carry permit since I am not a US citizen. My research of various County Sheriffs web sites would appear to show that most if not all are unaware of this requirement, ignorance on their part does not however tempt me to knowingly break the law and apply for a permit, so only my wife would be eligible. I confess that I find this requirement difficult to understand, especially since I cannot immediately think of any other state with a similar stipulation.

Congratulations on getting your permit.

Stay Safe,

Mike H
Mike, I have had more fun reading this thread... Please keep it going.

You never explained your frown over single action. Just a religious issue?

I vote with those who say Hi-Power.

Its slim profile and short trigger pull work well with smaller hands (if your wifes hands are large, please disregard). It rarely needs reloading (holds 18 if you use the 17rnd SA magazines from http://www.dcdnninvestments.com). It has a well-earned reputation for reliability, accuracy and ergonomics. Someone once titled a thread here at TFL "Sex or BHP--which is better?" As far as I know, no one has ever compared a Glock with sex.

The single-action trigger means every pull will feel the same, which contributes to accuracy. Or at least consistency. Though I'll confess I'm not an SA bigot. I own and enjoy DA pistols.

Also, there are many gunsmiths around who know the HP, and many "add-ons" if you enjoy such modifications. Spare parts are readily available, perhaps even in the UK.

If the BHP is not for you, you strike me as a SIG kind of guy. I have no experience with them, but what I have "researched" indicates they are well-engineered and well-made DA autos that are size-efficient and accurate. I have heard no independent verification of the "rust bucket" reputation.

But again, I enjoy shooting my Hi-Power more than any other pistol I have shot. It just feels the best, and it puts the holes where I want them.
Dave R,

Glad you enjoyed the thread, it was never , meant to be at all serious, but it kind of drifted in that direction, didn't it. I'd love to keep it going but I seem to rile too many folks, you know what they say about never criticising a guy's dog or his gun.......

On the Browning HP, I believe they market a DA version now, and also offer it in .40 S&W (the Capitan ?), so any original objections I had would now be null and void anyway.

So far as single action is concerned, I'm afraid I'm one of the Charlatans who would be uncomfortable carrying condition one or condition three, it's condition two or nothing for me. You're right that I have a thing about Sigs though, you certainly made me laugh when I read that "you sound like a Sig guy to me" line, kind of like a compliment and an an insult all wrapped up in one ;)

Mike H