8 Weeks to go and I Still Don't Know What to Buy

Mike H

New member
We are due to travel to the US from the UK in maybe 8 weeks time, the dates keep changing but 8 weeks seems about right for now. The first thing, indeed the very first thing I intend to do is buy a handgun on my wifes drivers licence in Philadelphia (Maybe Pittsburgh) before we head down to North Carolina, and here it begins, a rare and privileged look inside my head.

Originally it was just going to be a .22, maybe a S&W 22A with the short 4 inch barrel, then the new P22 from Walther, but S&W (who seem to field all enquiries) have told me via e-mail that the gun won't now be shipped until July/August so it may be too late, forget the P22. Rugers then, oh God they all look so awful just like tose old Nazi pistols, the P-08 that's it, and how the hell do you clean one anyway, everything seems to be inside the things, hidden away from all cleaning implements, no Ruger then.

What the heck, go mad and get a decent carry piece ready for when the permit comes through in 90 days time in NC, but I want to do some club shooting and a compact 9mm is not really much use for serious target work or pin shooting. So how about a full size, but what caliber, .40 is too darned costly, I'd never shoot it and anyway the wife is not keen on heavy boomers, a .45 then, also costly and light on bullets unless it's BIIIG, and it's still a boomer, ok so maybe a full size 9mm then, but what make ?

How about a USP, hmmmm not bad, but they're sooo ugly, ok a Glock then, ugly but functional, but I could never feel comfortable letting my wife use it except at the range, that trigger is an accident waiting to happen, and it would HAVE to be a 9mm because otherwise sooner or later it would blow my face off.

A Sig P226 then, nice but we haven't tried one and it looks very big, anyway Sigs are rust buckets and seem to be slightly more expensive than a new Space Shuttle. A Beretta then, a 92FS, not bad, but they look large as well, the wife tried a Taurus copy (PT-99) and it looked ridiculously large in her hands, ok a Cougar, but they have no hi-caps and she had trouble racking the slide at the rental range. How about the new Elite II Brigadier 92G, looks a little cissy with all that fancy printing down the side, I don't know about that non existant super slim front sight either, shouldn't that be big and bold for target acquisition, oh I see it's specifically for target and IDPA work, but it feels great and oozes quality.

OK a Kahr then, no good for competition work, a Makarov - they fall apart around the safety, not particularly sound, and anyway they suffer from slamfires by virtue of having no FP return spring, maybe a CZ, neeeever even seen one, all these euro guns are great but noone ever seems to stock them. A HS2000 then, still a euro gun and I don't like the look of that razor blade sticking out the back of the upper grip, oh so that's a safety like a 1911, aha, a 1911 then, hey do I look THAT OLD, anyway it's single action, only peope who dress up as Star Wars characters like single action pistols.

All this may amuse you, bore you more likely, please don't take any of the negative comments too seriously, but if you still have any suggestions and care to post them, please do, I really need all the help I can get.


Mike H
1911 and a Ciener .22 Conversion unit.
CZ 75b and a Kadet .22 Conversion unit.
Beretta and a .22 Conversion unit.
Glock and a .22 Conversion unit.
(Notice a pattern? ;))
Let's you plink with cheaper ammo, and still have something major for defense.

BTW, the offer still stands to throw some lead downrange if you're near Ohio.
The solution to your quandry is quite simple. You have just described a Browning Hi-Power. An excellent choice if I may say so myself.
I would like to make a suggestion, but since I disagree with most of the stuff you already wrote, it wouldn't make any difference anyway.
Gun gonna be fo wife.

Wife has already covered your rear whilst ye met bear.

Wife has shot an assortment.

Let wife pick wife's gun.

Thanks guys.

RAE - I'd still love to.

M16 - Browning Hi-Power = single action = :(

444 - ok so most/much of what I said is BS, I'd like to hear your suggestion, even the opinionated can be educated.

Jar - Thanks for the Philly tip, we were thinking of heading over to The Walking Quail in Shippensburg or even going way over to Pitts because so many stores only seem to carry a dozen or so pistols. Because just about everyone seems to say that Philly is pretty bad for gun stores, I was considering going to Colossimo's until someone said you needed a carry piece to GET YOU THERE SAFELY. An obvious message and a hidden message in one I think.

C.R.Sam - I'm totally impressed that you remember my post from October about the wife covering my behind with a .22 while I gathered wood for a fire in bear country up near Clarion, Pa. We still laugh about what the bear would have made of the strange stinging sensation it experienced every time it ate a new part of me. I did like that Smith 22A.

We've actually just got back from doing some shopping in Altrincham, Cheshire. They have a store there that sells extremely high quality replica pistols, so we tried out a Walther P88, USPf, Desert Eagle (for laughs), Colt .25 pocket, Beretta 92 and a Sig P228. The P228 won hands down, size, grip, sights, everything - but of course you can't buy new ones, so the P229 in 9mm may get a close looking at.

Hmmmm, .22 conversion kits, good idea. Now can someone tell the US Consulate in London to hurry up with my darned visa.

Thanks all and come on 444 tell me what I SHOULD be looking at,

Mike H
Nothing personal, it just appears that you and I have different tastes in guns. Most of the stuff you said you didn't like, I adore. I just thought that was funny at the time. I like the 1911s, I like the Browning Hi-Powers, I like the Makarovs, I love Rugers......... That is why "they" make so many different ones, everyone likes something different.
The conversions cost a lot & it would make it more hassle to shoot both at the range.

Get a Ruger MK-II competition with a slab side barrel & wood grips so it looks a little less luger. (I agree & don't like luger looks).

Get a large 9mm. Maybe a CZ75b. Lots of people like them and it looks like the grip circumferance is smaller which your wife will appreciate. The bigger & heavier the easier it will be to shoot.

But, definitely get two guns. The 22 first. You can afford to shoot it way more.
How about a Browning Buck Mark for a .22? They're not too Lugerish, and they strip down pretty easily.
Why not wait until you get down to NC, and rent a bunch and buy what you like?

If you're going to RTP, the Davi's in North Raleigh has a wide rental selection.

Mike P. Wagner
a Makarov - they fall apart around the safety, not particularly sound, and anyway they suffer from slamfires by virtue of having no FP return spring,

I honestly don't know what you are talking about. The Makarov is the soundest gun I know of. The Glocks of the Eastern Block. I own three. We can do that here across the pond. ;) Anyway, are you speaking from experience, or from the vile Brit propaganda?????
Just plain kid in a candy store spoiled for choice......

Mike P

I don't want to wait until we enter NC because :

1. some counties still enforce the Jim Crow "bring a friend" regulations ; and

2. we will have to wait for our drivers licences, then wait to get our permits, by which time we could be dead, I've heard about Raleigh/Durham. So why wait and be unprotected, buy early in a truly gun friendly state seems the way to go.

Denfoote (interesting handle - were you with the French at Yorktown ;) )

I heard about the Makarov problems via the Makarov web site that has clearly documented occurences of stuck FP slamfires and many, many horror stories about safety catch problems, mostly where they just fall out when fired. So I guess you're part right, it is an Eastern European Glock ;)

The search continues

Mike H
Hi Mike,
I think a pellet gun or a BB gun is what you need.
I think a 9mm Sig,Glock or HK would be the way to go (I prefer the .45 but that is just me)
LMAO your wife covering your butt in bear country with a
.22, now thats funny.
I really think you should check out the red ryder series,
they don't have alot of kick and they are pretty too!!!
Mike H, you collected a wealth of info on handguns and stuff. I think in your present state of mind you're overqualified for a handgun. I say stop worring and as soon as you step on the American soul. go to WalMart and get yourself a nice slingshot. It has no known mechanical problems and should be 100% reliable right out-of-box.
A Red Ryder it is then, with a slingshot in an ankle holster for backup.

Tell me can I get either with Trijicons or Mepros ?

I'm considering an IWB carry for the Ryder but it will probably make me walk a little stiff legged until I get some of those big gang banger pants (my second purchase).

I guess my summary would read something like :

Glocks are a plastic surgeons meal ticket
Sigs turn redder than Clintons underwear
Rugers are made out of re-cycled soda cans
Makarovs are Rugers that failed quality control
1911's are another way of saying "owner has personal hygiene issues" or "owner always says that things were better in the old days" i.e. Jurassic period
H&K's are pretty like Rosie O'Donnell is thin
Beretta's are bigger and heavier than a Sumo wrestler locked in a deli for Christmas.

Doesn't really leave me much does it, is there any owner out there that I haven't managed to offend ;) . Which idiot said that you can't do too much research. I may just close my eyes and pick at random.

Mike H

I have read your posts before, and you seem like a nice fellow who is truly an earnest firearms enthusiast. Indeed, I share your enthusiasm, and I am glad we over here in the US can still indulge that enthusiasm (exercise that right) (albeit with many many restrictions).

I am truly not trying to be a jerk here, but I have to ask everyone here about something:

Mike wrote: "The first thing, indeed the very first thing I intend to do is buy a handgun on my wifes drivers licence in Philadelphia (Maybe Pittsburgh) before we head down to North Carolina, . . ."

Since it was put in that context, does not the above quote describe, in detail, by definition, a federal felony, or am I missing something? Correct me if I am wrong. I thought that was called a "straw-buy" and doesn't the 4473 ask for attestation that the person is the 'actual buyer' of the firearm? If, on the other hand, your wife just bought a firearm and let you shoot it, that is perfectly legal.

Again, I am not trying to be a jerk, just a devil's advocate for everyones' good in this instance, because, if the above assumption is correct then there is the issue of conspiracy to commit...

Semantics and context can make a BIG difference.


(I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV)
I know, I know.

Sooner or later someone usually points this out.

My wife will shoot the gun, whatever it is, she will live in the house where the gun lives. Husbands in this and many other forums (fora ?) regularly talk of how they "lost" a gun to their wives. I have never heard mention of anyone saying they completed a certified FFL transfer (a requirement for any and all private sales in all but maybe 2 states).

As for the 4473, my wife IS the actual buyer, it will be her money. The FBI certainly wouldn't have any trouble filming me giving her C notes on a regular basis, but I think they call that "being married".

Call me overly optimistic, but I have a feeling I'm safe from the Federalis.

I appreciate the concern though.

Mike H

Doesn't really leave me much does it, is there any owner out there that I haven't managed to offend

Yeah.....Thank God, you left out the Kimber owners like me, but you did get me on the Beretta and Ruger.:(