7 Year old gets the boot for bringing shell casing to class!

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I've tried getting to this citynews site without luck. Has anyone heard of this organization?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 15, 1999).]

Tinley Park, IL is a southwestern Chicago suburb. Someone who may help you is a great guy who owns and operates a gun/bow shop in "downtown" Tinley Park called "Freddie Bear Sports". His name is Fred Lutger and he can be reached at 708-532-4133 (or http://www.bowhunting.net/fbs/fbs.htm). Fred is very good friends with Ted Nugent and understands this game being played. Although he probably doesn't know about this shell casing incident. He may be able to get you names and numbers of other interested/involved parties.

This incident is all about making an example out of this kid...and the link to guns. Smells like an anti-gun school administration.
This is very second hand:

The cousin of a person I know at work lives in Arkansas and is in high school. He went hunting and forgot to remove his guns, two, from the truck. The school has a policy of doing a daily, random search of vehicles on school property. The vehicle to search is chosen by drawing. His truck was selected and when the weapons were found he was suspended and the authorities notified. The guns were unloaded and there was no shells found in the vehicle.

The principal has relented and the young man has returned to school. The district attorney has latched onto the case and is prosecuting the man and no amount of common sense will deter him from "his duty". My understanding is that he is an unstanding student and person. Now should he go to trial and is found guilty he is facing five years of hard time. This just does not seem right to me and I can not believe this is happening in Arkansas.
Another idea...

If the child's parents can be located and care, let's use our money to fund a private and unbiased education for the child - instead of buying into the lawsuit mania.
shortcut; The lawsuit is "necessary" to show the school administration (and others like them) that the rest of us wont allow any more of this idiocy!

Better days to be,

Rich I can spare some ammo money, I work at a school and you should see all the propaganda about tobacco on the walls of the class rooms, many others with the "Global" tolerance theme, makes me sick, the Ruskies would be proud of this disinformation.

What is good in life? To crush your enemies and see them driven before you.
Thanks, guys.
I got to citynews this AM and posted the following email to their editor:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Dear Sirs-

I read with astonishment your report on 8 October 1999. The grandiosity of the school administration, in persecuting this child for a harmless bit of brass found on their property, is monumental.

If you are able to put the parents of this seven year old in touch with me, I would appreciate it. Some friends and I have pledged up to $5,000 in support of legal action by the parents against the school administration, should they wish to pursue. No strings. No Joke. We do not represent any organization and have no hidden agenda. We are just a group of individuals, fed up with such nonsense.

Should you wish to use this email in print, please refrain from publishing my name, phone number or email address.

Richard J Lucibella

I leave tomorrow for a week and may well be out of pocket. We'll be quartered at an army base and I do not yet know if phone is available for internet activity.

I'll try to follow up on your contact today. Thanks for the info.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 16, 1999).]
I contacted Fred, per your suggestion. Good guy. Unfortunately, he's not able to shed any light on the subject, as he was not aware of the case.

We'll keep trying!
Parents should find out exactly what the children's teachers and school administrator think. In many cases they should just YANK them out of government schools and keep them at home and teach them themselves. Most parents who care about their kids can do a MUCH better job than any other teachers! Many administrators should get a REAL job, like scrubbing floors, windows and toilets for a change. At least this would keep them from causing harm to little innocent children.
Am I surprised at this article. Of course NOT. I've taken enough classes in "education" to know how the establishment NEA, teachers and administrators think.
What surprises me is that parents send little Sissy and Buford to schools where they teach the "evils of guns" and demonstrate to primary kids how to stretch a rubber over a banana and have anal sex. Teacher says, "Now lets get into pairs of two now...One's hold the banana, while 'two's put on the condom...." Sick garbage in schools today.......

If you think I'm going a little bit over board with my opinions here, just look at our society and ask youselves how good a job the government does of raising children.

PS: My kid will not only have live ammo at school, but will also be allowed to have a gun at school. No crime. No violence. The BEST education available. You KNOW where he's going to school........ ;)
"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

Some wonder what is wrong with ENFORCING the gun laws already on the books. After all if the NRA supports this philosophy it must be right. What you have stated in your post is exactly what eventually happens to innocent men, women, and children, when gun laws ARE enforced in all situations. What NRA and other lobby groups SHOULD do is try to get RID of the stinking gun laws and prosecute the criminal for the CRIME, not because a certain tool was used to commit the crime. We both know this Thomas. I just wish that gun owners would open their eyes and realize this too.......
[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 19, 1999).]
I've been away but have received three calls on my machine from CityNews...including the author of the article and the Editor!

Heads up on the followup Story came from the editor today: http://www.citynews.org/zanoza106.html
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>School makes Informal Apology
to Parents of Suspended

By City News writer Dan Zanoza

(55 seconds)

19, 1999 (CN)—The parents of a
7-year-old who was suspended
from Memorial Elementary School
in Tinley Park for bringing a spent
shell casing to class told City News
USA the school’s principal gave
them a verbal apology last week.

The 7-year-old was suspended for
two days. The child found the
spent shell casing on property
owned by School District 146, of
which Memorial Elementary School
is a part. The school district
reportedly gave permission to the
Illinois State Police Tactical
Response Team to conduct a
mock drug raid on the property.

A total of nine shell casings, two of
which were intact rounds, were
found in an abandoned home at
18222 South Oak Park Avenue in
Tinley Park.

The 7-year-old’s father told City
News USA, "The principal
apologized for perhaps being too
hasty in his evaluation of the
incident. But he also said my
child’s suspension would stand,
even though it would be stricken
from the record after the current
school year."

The Illinois State Police are
currently investigating the incident.

For membership information
City News USA, Inc.
Telephone: 630-848-0750
Fax: 630-848-0752
Rich, IMHO, that's chicken ****, and I don't mean salad.

Too little, too late. There ought to be a formal apology, a public apology, the suspension ought to be stricken from the 'record' immediately, and a token gift would be appropriate - like a year's membership at the local range!

Rich, thank you for helping these folks to stand up to the school bozo's. I still hope incidents like this will help others wake up to our existing insanity.

Take care.
Not only a formal apology...the Principal should be suspended without pay for the remainder of the school year, and pay a fine to the colege fund of the child.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You know what that is?
That is a political Slap in the Face.

Is that a Gauntlet is see on the ground?

To quote a modern Classic movie line:
"To the PAIN!" - The Princess Bride

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
An informal apology is nothing. Expunging the record at the end of the year isless than nothing.
I personally thought DC was too easy on the principal. It is time that these so-called responsible people learn what responsibility really means.
This child is a VICTIM He is 8 ears old and is being branded a criminal for a purely innocent act which we have allowed our society to classify as unacceptable. We can be thankful that we have individuals willing to help financially, but where is the NRA,GOA ETC.? Whereis the outcry?
Academia-of all people-hides its collective lack of courage and good judgement behind aZero Tolerance Policy. WE have to enforce OUR own Zero Tolerance Policy!

Better days to be,

It almost makes you want to take about 10,000 fired Berdan primed cases and pile them on the un-Principal's front steps, in his car and on his desk at school.

Stand near him and drop a couple loaded round in his coat pockets so he sets off the metal detectors at the doors. Maybe they would suspend his sorry a** for a few days.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Why don't we mail a few boxes of spend shells to his school office?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
When I was in 11th grade (1991), I brought a (presumably borken, but I did not know enough to check) .32 break-to prevolver (S&W?) to school. I used it as a prop for a Public Speaking presentation. It was done with explicit OK from the VietVet Asst. Principal of the school. Times have changed, here at least.

One more argumant for homeschooling -- loaded arms would be mandatory in that classroom. Which, BTW, was a sentimant I saw alot on Usenet right after Columbine shooting.

Cornered Rat
http://dd-b.net/RKBA RKBA posters
http://dd-b.net/olegv Portrait, nature photos
Double what I said in my last post and double what you all said. Well put.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
John/az2, that's actually a pretty darn good idea. Imagine thousands of empty shell casings arriving at this bozo's school ... I'll bet that would be a highlight of his next personnel review. ;)

I like the comment about our own 'zero tolerance policy'. Hear, hear! I think we've all had enough of this rot. I try to be civil with everyone, but I don't think I'll be civil with people like this when I encounter them locally. They're dangerous, they hurt children, they're generally either liars or fools, and they are out to hurt me and my family - either intentionally or through their own stupidity. Their behavior is unacceptable, and we have to confront them at every turn that we will no longer accept this kind of crap. [Boy, this story really makes me testy ... ;) ]
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