7 Year old gets the boot for bringing shell casing to class!

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7 Year old gets the boot for bringing shell casing to class!

This is out of hand....but doesn't surprise me!


Shell Casings Lead to 7-Year-Old's Suspension

By Dan Zanoza

(45 seconds)

TINLEY PARK, ILLINOIS, October 8, 1999 (CN)-- A 7-year-old student at Memorial Elementary School in Tinley Park, IL was suspended for possessing a spent shell casing on school property.

The name of the student is being kept anonymous by City News USA.

The 7-year-old was playing in a next door neighbor's backyard. The vacant home at 18222 S. Oak Park Avenue had been used by the Illinois State Police earlier in the year for practicing a mock drug raid. The property is owned by School District #146 which reportedly gave state police permission to conduct their exercise.

Sources tell City News USA that both live and spent shell casings remain on the site.

While playing, the 7-year-old found one of these shell casings and brought it to school. The parents were notified by certified mail of their child's suspension. The 7-year-old's mother said "This is ridiculous. If there's anyone to blame, it's the school." She added, "Imagine, live bullets being left for children to find. And who gets blamed? The children!"

Keith Hagen, the principal at Memorial Elementary could not be reached for comment.

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Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Everybody I know has taken a spent shell casing to school at one point in their life. This is completely ridiculas. Every body has to be Politicaly Correct, give me a break this makes me sick.
IMO the school has way, way overreacted. Whoever decreed the suspension has betrayed ignorance, poor judgment, and a contemptible lack of perpective. When schools squander their resources in insignificant matters, they have nothing left when real problems come along.

I feel sorry for the child and his or her family--and for our society, which is battered more and more by such actions.
Actually, I am beginning to take heart from some of these stories. The crazier they get, I believe it gets better for us. Makes me think the pendulum is reaching it's natural limit in this phase. I think stories such as this will cause more and more people to wake up and really start thinking about what is happening around them.

We'll see.
when has any body been hurt by a spent casing :) my qustion if the ploice watever useing the property next to were children live play ect.on school property, why didnt they clean up after themselves i mean comeon leaving spent and live shells lying around were any body could pick them up

Time to stand up to the "little" battles?

Someone find and contact the parents. If they're willing to fight, we're in! TFL is offering a $5,000 contribution to the legal attack on this action. This is a serious offer. We'll ask for Member contributions to offset the cost at a later time...and we promise not to ever invoke the "for the children" phrase.

Enough's enough. Let's kick some ass.
Shucks, in college I draped my jacket over my chair and a bunch of brass and bullets came tumbling out. Opps... and in my pre-college days, I did a presentation on terrorism and showed how simple it was to construct a boobytrap bomb. Despite my checkered past, I became a normal middle class tax paying citizen.

Folks have been so conditioned nowadays that they're too scared to think rationally and reasonably.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Not entirely relevant, but in Albuquerque, NM two kids were expelled for one week for engaging in a sexual act on school bus. A singular kid was later expelled for two weeks for smoking. There currently is a big 'to do' about it. If it were my daughter, I would much prefer a Malboro over a *enis. But alas, with the new administration in Washington :( :(
ZIP: Well, let's be honest: You can get a pretty nasty "cookie cutter" wound by stepping on one barefoot.

I remember one time, returning from a business trip, I happened to stick my hand in the pocket of my jacket, and what did I find? A LIVE 9mm round I'd left there from the last time I was at the range; It had gone through airport security all of four times! My supervisor really did a double take when I pulled it out and said, "Good thing they didn't notice this, hm?"

Sic semper tyranus!
I have heard of kids getting sent home for simple PICTURES of a gun.

I agree with Rich - it is time to take the offensive. PC has gone too far - suites not just against the school - but also Personal Civil suites need to be filed as well against these small time despots who are enforcing this PC faith.

We've got to bare our teeth. The Anti-Gun groups have cities suing companies... We need to get together as a whole - all of us - every shooter out there - every company out there as a gun industry & members of the Gun-Culture... And SUE THEM. Sue them into the ground. Sue the cities - sue HCI and sue any persons who are jumping on OUR rights!

Lets paint our faces blue and stand up and fight!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
A cartridge case with a spent primer,(which I assume is what we are talking about) is not a hazard. If he actually found it on school property, then someone else is responsible for "bringing it to school". The child is a triple victim. Once victimized by the irresponsible act of the person who allowed the case to be on school grounds. Next victimized by a school administration who considers this possession to be a crime and again victimized by a sick society that allows this stuff to be business as usual.

Rich-If you can make something good happen here-GO FOR IT!!! I personally applaud you for putting your money where your mouth is!
We all dream about being able to make a difference...

Better days to be,

brett good point some times i dont think of things that wouldnt affect me :) (my feet are store bought)

STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! Gary's comment really struck me, though. There is a numbing/comditioning effect here, getting whacked over inconsequential PC crap you can't do much about as a kid, then when you're older and PC is optional (that is, you can't force that crap on a thinking adult with free will and a lawyer), you're conditioned to go along anyway. VERY scary, sick.

Yes, by all means, sue the bastards! I'm in for a few $$$. M2
Somebody track this kid's parents down and get a read on their intentions. We may not be able to make a global difference, but we can certainly blow off some steam....one moron administrator at a time!
As the kid is a minor, there will be security on the family name.

I suggest you call the newspaper (listed in article) and tell them of your offer and have them pass the deal on to the parents. That seems to be the only way until the parents come forth

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Your the man! Count me in for some dough when the time comes to anti up for this cause. The City News website does exist, and I have found the above article listed on their site, so this story should be legit. In a separate article on the same site, it mentions how the state police are investigating the site where the shell casings were found. I was going to post that story too, but their articles are pay for view only except for Friday's. The website can be found at http://www.citynews.org

I think DC has the right idea. The newspaper may be willing to relay a message to the child's family. I don't know if the child's name is widely known by the locals in Tinley Park, IL, but if it is, maybe a call to some local phone numbers up there would get us the info we need. That city is bound to have some 7-11s or something that directory assistance could provide numbers for. Heck the directory assistance operator may know the name of the child's family as well.

Good luck! When I have more time, maybe I can track down who this is for you.

Rich, maybe you should notify the school board of your offer - it might make them hurry up and straighten this mess out, without the expense or time of going to court. I bet if you called them and told them, they'd be calling the parents within the hour to try to undo this mess.

If that doesn't work, you can put an ad in the local paper there stating your offer - I bet you'd hear from the parents very quickly.
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