7/11 robbery with robbers shot

2 robbers walk into 7/11 in Hamilton, NJ and attempt to rob the store. They are foiled when an armed security guard walks in and calmly shoots them. I don't particularly care for his verbal commands like put your hands behind your back or his act of climbing over the counter (puts him momentarily at a disadvantage), but he got the job done and wasn't hurt.

Be aware that the video contains NSFW language.

Security guard fires two shots.

"Ahhh! It's fake!"

Security guard fires another shot.

"Ahhh! It's fake! It's fake!"

"Oh well... Mine is real..."


Looks like 3 shots fired and 3 hits made with a revolver.
I love a story with a happy ending.

Another example of a failure in the victim selection process. Not quite as bad as trying to hold up a barroom full of off-duty cops, but close.
Stupid prizes for stupid actions.

My favorite line was the 'duuuuhhh' question when the robber on the right saw blood hoping for a different answer:

Robber: "Am I shot???"
Guard: "Oh F... yea!"
lamarw said:
I would be willing to bet the guard was armed with a .357 Magnum.
I would almost be willing to be he wasn't. Many states limit the caliber firearm that armed security guards can carry. I'm not from New Jersey, so I'm guessing, but it wouldn't surprise me if the gun was a .38 Special.

Which makes the same size hole in the shootee ...
One thing that caught my interest is how a differently a cop would have responded.

Guard is very much like Dirty Harry. Walks in, begins firing.

Most cops would wait for backup. Flank the entrance and out of sight. Confront thieves outside the store to prevent hostage situation. Shotgun out and aimed at suspect. Shout, "Police! Don't move *expletive* Hands up *expletive*" or "Police, drop the gun *expletive*!

Instead the guard walks in blasting and then tells guy hands up. Then hands behind the back. That's a no-no. There could be another firearm behind his back. Keep the hands in sight please. Climbing over the counter was a shocker. He's at a disadvantage while in transit. Turns his back on a suspect.

Still, despite all his mistakes, he came out Dirty Harry cool and clean. I give the guard a lot of credit for his bravery and coolness under stress.
4V50 Gary said:
Still, despite all his mistakes, he came out Dirty Harry cool and clean. I give the guard a lot of credit for his bravery and coolness under stress.
I didn't quite catch it, but I think at one point the security guy said something like "You f***ed with the wrong one," or something along those lines. Basically, I think the security guy knew he was the big dawg, playing with puppies.

"Am I shot?"

"Hell, yeah!"
In my state an armed guard is required to attend 20 hours of classes to gain certification.
The police academy is many times that. Then officers usually receive a lot of additional training and oversight on the job.
An armed guard better hit the ground running. Armed guards also tend to do a lot more brawling. Many are pushed to exceed their legal bounds.

Certainly not perfect, but he stayed as calm as the rest of us do in the best of our fantasies.
Bottom line: A good guy with a (REAL) gun stopped 2 bad guys with a (fake) gun.
The pair have been nominated for a Darwin Award.
The security guard reminds me of Ving Rames.
The loser in blue is leakin’ pretty good. He’s gonna feel that one tomorrow.
I really didn't like the way he handled that. Just walked in and shot them without knowing what the situation was. A cop would have fried.
Why isn't the "media" picking it up ?
They can't play the race card with this one.
That guard gets the Jeff Cooper Award for Combat Mindset.
Looks like he has a 38 Special revolver. Yes, I know-Minor Caliber.
Hits with Minor Calibers hurt worse than Misses with Majors.
I've watched this a few times to try and figure out what happened. I originally thought the first shot was a miss. But it looks like the guy in the blue hoodie was going to the ground after the first shot. So, maybe the first shot hit him in the arm and the second was a miss.

And then he reaches over the counter and shoots the guy crouching down. I assume another arm shot? He was talking but not sure he had been shot.

Also, when he walks in and starts shooting, the clerk was right beside of the blue hoodie guy.
I really didn't like the way he handled that. Just walked in and shot them without knowing what the situation was. A cop would have fried.
I think he may have either been watching through the window or responding to an alarm or video feed, possibly watched by a dispatcher. He may have been very familiar with both the clerk/establishment and the two robbers.