6.5mm against elk.

I'm actually quite amateur, that was my second year hunting them and was my first elk and yes, it was extremely difficult. however my AR is no heavier than the weatherby but is much shorter and easier to pack in the woods so it would actually make things a little easier on me. as I said, there are oportunities for both long and short range hunting so if there the elk where in a place requiring long shots I would take the weatherby again. for short range, I think the 6.5 would be easier.
How about the 140 Berger Hybrid? Anyone tried it out. That's what I use in my comp rifles and wondered how they would do. I realize Berger says they are a no go though.
this thread has kindof died but I figured I'd resurrect it rather than start a new one with an update.

due to poor performance with the 120gr Etip I decided that monolithic bullets probably were not going to perform well at the velocities I can muster from the 6.5 grendel. I decided to pursue slightly heavier bonded bullets(non accubond) instead which seriously narrowed the playing field. I wish that speer would do a 130-ish grain deep curl but that's beside the point. my two main choices were were accubond long ranges which are designed to open at lower velocities than standard accubonds and hornady interbonds both in 129gr. however hornady has recently discontinued their entire interbond line and the noslers are overdue to hit the shelves everywhere I went. so as a final desperation move I decided to go with a lot of suggestions here and try 125 grain nosler partitions.

I had to play some guess work with loads as I don't have any of the powders that nosler uses and hornady and berger(my only other sources for 6.5 load data) don't offer data for 125 grain bullets. I loaded a single round for use with butchering a pig for my mother. my brother in law didn't get his shot angle steep enough so rather than entering the skull between the eyes and exiting through the throat the bullet ended up traveling down the nect and exiting through the shoulder. there was very little fragmenting with the tip separating and lodging under the skin near the front hoof and the rest remaining intact but landed in the dust somewhere and couldn't find to recover it. even though this is best case scenario muzzle velocity speeds I am fairly happy with this bullet's performance, a full foot of penetration and a 2 inch exit wound out the other side, assuming a good shot at the vitals, this should preform nicely for elk if I keep my shots close range. thank you all for your help.
due to poor performance with the 120gr Etip

Really? I'm surprised.... can you elaborate what happened?

I thought the E-Tip was gonna become the new shiz-nizzle, performing at a wide range of vels.... This saddens me.

however hornady has recently discontinued their entire interbond line

For good or temporarily due to demand and re-allocation of resources? I had assumed that all their many "discontinued" bullets situation was temporary, no?

In any event, definitely hard to go wrong with Partitions - that'd be at or near the top for my for 6.5 grendel on larger game.
I thought the E-Tip was gonna become the new shiz-nizzle, performing at a wide range of vels.... This saddens me.
don't get me wrong the thing held together perfectly and have a beautiful 4 peddle mushroom, it just didn't expand nearly as well as I would like and it was a point blank demonstration, at 100 yards it probably wouldn't even open up at grendel speeds. I have no doubt I'll be able to get them to perform in my 6.5 swede or my long barreled arisaka but for slow carbines, they just don't open.

according to hornady's site it's temporary but there have been a great many products over the years that I've liked that were "temporarily discontinued". seeing as 223, 308, and x39 are both nearly back to the same pricing and availability that they were in 2012 before the panic and they are still working on meeting heavy demand products... I wont hold my breath about their return.
Well now I'm curious. What sort of velocity were you getting? and what size bullets in your 6.5G? If you're taking a 150 yard shot, I would expect that you'd be fine.
Where I hunt there's lots and lots more dark timber. I've often thought about taking an AR for elk. I take my 7.62AK upper with me to chase deer sometimes as 150yard shots are the upper end of some places I go. I would think a 6.5G would be fine for cow elk within a couple hundred yards, even with a monolithic bullet.
I thought I'd said... 120gr etips, maximum load data, should have been pushing 2300FPS. due to poor expansion I didn't bother with loading enough to chronograph.
Well, those numbers would look okay to me on paper. I guess that's why people test stuff.
Thanks for the heads up, sorry that I re-asked.
it's all good, I'm sure they'll perform wonderfully from my 6.5 swede or jap(from a long rifle), I don't think they'll be a total waste.
I would have thought an AR15 would be a horrible choice for elk.
Purely because I find AR15s extremely uncomfortable to hold and carry, especially on a sling compared to a conventional hunting rifle, and considering elk usually like places that involve a lot of walking and climbing, for me it certainly wouldn't be my first choice.

I would use the Grendel with lightweight bullets though, provided I wasn't expecting to see them past 200 yards Id have no problem. If you can trust yourself to pit the bullet where it counts I'd go for it.
as counter intuitive as it sounds, I learned last year while trying to develop deer loads for my 9mm that heavier is better if you are handicapping yourself.

under most circumstances the AR is a pretty poor idea for elk but more because of the cartridges that it uses rather than the rifle itself.

last year for elk I packed a 9 pound weatherby vanguard setup with a 24" barrel for many miles through thick timber and brush... a 20" AR with a sling swivel higher on the handguard would make the going much easier without a sizable increase in weight, keep in mind I'm not going to be packing several spare magazines stuffed full of ammo and weighing myself down with flashlights, bipods, vertical pistol grips, lasers, and other worthless doodads.

for the purpose of hunting, an AR can be a great tool as long as you go about it the right way.
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So you feel like the E-tip needs an impact velocity of say, 2200+ ? Or 2300+? To give the desired radical expansion. How fast is a 120 doing out of a 6.5x55 at 250 yards?

You're ready for the whole wolf-pack to attack now, aren't ya?
So you feel like the E-tip needs an impact velocity of say, 2200+ ? Or 2300+? To give the desired radical expansion. How fast is a 120 doing out of a 6.5x55 at 250 yards?

6.5X55 would probably have more than enough to do it at 250, but the 6.5 Grendel the OP is using won't.
assuming a muzzle velocity of 2900fps from a 6.5 swede with a 120gr bullet, by 250 yards it's still traveling about 2400FPS, still well above what the grendel is even capable of pushing with a 20" barrel.

why are the wolfs out to get me?:confused: