6.5 Creedmoor.......Love affair???

OK, just saw your edit and the video. Yeah, at 100 yards, the .308 did more damage to the jello, unsurprising, since at 100 yards it has a lot more energy.

I bet the .338 RUM would do even more damage.

The point I am trying to make is that you don't really NEED that extra energy. The damage from the 6.5 in that video was still substantial, with excellent penetration, and would be fatal to any game animal with a hit to the vitals.
It's kind of like...

You have to go 20 miles to the lumber yard to get a dozen 8' 2x4s. Outside you have two trucks; a 1/2 ton with an 8' bed and 3/4 ton with an 8' bed. Both run great, have 4 wheel drive and full gas tank. Which one do you take?!?!

It probably doesn't matter... right?

WRONG!!! You absolutely have to take the 3/4 ton because it is engineered for more weight! And since you're not going more than 400 miles, no good reason at all to use the slightly more efficient 1/2 ton.
I think it's more like...

Two trains are going down tracks side by side at 100mph..and in between them a buffalo is standing. One hunter has 20 lb lead ball he's ready to drop out the window to hit the buffalo--while in the other train another hunter has a 25 lb ball of lead ready to hit the buffalo with.

Which ball will hit first and kill the buffalo?
I have to wonder if this thread is about the merits of the Creedmoor. Could it be that we only want praise for our babies that bring us such joy?

I have been shooting all of my remembered life and enjoyed many fine guns and rifles. I have been reloading since '75. I remember how sexy my first Magnum rifle was. Silky deep blue barrel. Seductive walnut stock, 7mm's of wildly wicked magnum muzzle energy, all found beginning to rust on the shelf of a Gibson's going out of business sale,for $89. you couldn't get more power for the money at the time. But did I resent it when the Speer Manual said that the 264WIN was flatter shooting or that the 300WM had more energy? Only a little.

Now I have decided to rejoice with my brethren in the joy of the excellence of their 6.5's, or 24's, 25's, 27's, 28's, 30's and 33's. I no longer resent the effeminate liberals that reject the sublime beauty of the grossly overpowered Weatherby rifle. I rather now, embrace those who countenance the usage of of the most feeble 51mm cartridges for game up to size of elk.

So even then all but the drooling imbeciles among us must realize that the 300 Weatherby Magnum is "God's Chambering" Given to mankind to fulfill all shooting needs, henceforth. Amen. From the Book of Saint Roy.
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I'm currently learning how to take down big game with a single karate chop. All other arms are merely a reflection of their owner's insecurities/inadequacies.;)