.380 Opinions?

The NAA Guardian is a good pocket gun. I know because I have one in 380ACP. I carry it when I can't carry anything but a pocket gun. You can get ten round mags for it I carry one for a reload.
I've got an LCPII....great pocked pistol, definitely not a range gun.

I also recently picked up a Shield 380EZ. While it's not really a pocket pistol, it's one helluva' fine shooter with easily manageable recoil., It makes trips to the range much more enjoyable.
Aside -- I was among those who snorted at the Shield EZ when it was first announced, mainly because it comes with 12 interlocking safeties LOL :)

But when I actually shot it, it was like "Dang, this is a well executed pistol right here." Very low recoil, very easily controlled. I'm not snorting anymore.
Thanks to everyone who posted opinions. After reading everyone’s thoughts and comparing several of the weapons side by side my final choice was the Ruger LCP2. Mainly because for my preference it had the best trigger pull. My second choice was the Bodyguard but the LCP2 trigger won. I also looked at the Taurus Soectrum but have read so many poor reviews of light primer strikes and FTF situations along with probably the worst trigger I felt on any firearm in my life. It felt like there was sand in the mechanism on the Soectrum. Very gritty and choppy. And I handled more than one. They were all the same. I was very interested in handling the Beretta Pico as was recommended by a few here. Unfortunately none of the retailers in my area had one in stock. Many refused to carry it saying they couldn’t sell them. While I could order one online fairly inexpensive, I took it as a bad sign that I couldn’t find one on a shelf anywhere. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to fire all the choices but I am eager to take my LCP2 to the range. All of the weapons had some good features that set them alart. The LCP was a nice little gun, But for me the choice was the LCP2 which feels like my LC9S so it seemed like a no brainer. Thanks again for all those replies.
Enjoy the LCP II! It's a nice little gun.

I went with the Pico mainly because I really liked the trigger, and it has usable sights -- although as someone just said earlier, pocket guns are really intended for very close-quarters situations where sights don't matter much. I also found it online for under $200 which helped. The mag release on the Pico is frustrating to operate however, and I haven't ever become used to it.

You'll get a lot of mileage out of your new Ruger. (The LCP II also looks like a scaled down "real gun" whereas my Pico looks like...you have to love it because it's so ugly it's cute!)
Can’t go wrong with the LCP II, I have an original LCP, trigger is horrible, but it is small and concealable.

I dropped the Galloway Precision kit into my BG .380, it made the gun enjoyable to shoot and is a huge improvement, flat faced trigger, reduced travel to break on the trigger, trigger pull ‘feels’ lighter but I think it is just the flat trigger and reduced pull.....it is also my most expensive .380 now.

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You guys aroused my curiosity, so I used my Lyman gauge to check my Kimber Micro .380.
It averages between 3 Lb 9 Oz to 4 Lb.