.357mag/.38 Spl Leverguns scarce these days!


New member
:mad: I'm aggravated! What in the world is going on! First Remlin isn't producing a .357mag as of now, Rossi seems to have dropped the .357 R92, it isn't on the website. Seems the only choice I have is a FACKIN Henry with that STOOPID tubular loading. IMHO that CRAP doesn't belong on ANYTHING CENTER FIRE!!! Its absolutely ridiculous on a big bore lever gun. Its clumsy and SIMPLY doesn't belong. If the Henry had a side loading gate I would have one already. I guess I'll look and see if Winchester or Browning is still producing something. If not, I guess I'll bend over and take it up the tailpipe on a used Marlin. :rolleyes: Thanks for listening to my rant! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the recommendations guys! I had my heart set on either the '92 action or a Marlin. But the '73 may be the only option at this point, new that is.
I only find them when I don't have any money in my pocket. When I got money they are no where to be found so I understand your pain.
Why Rossi discontinued their .357 92's has me shaking my head. I certainly don't get it but I guess they have their reasons.
Why Rossi discontinued their .357 92's has me shaking my head

Me too, Jump on the web to order one and NONE to be found! Disgusted was an understatement! I'm currently eyeballing the Miroku Winchester. Seems I can still get one of those.
Yep. I called Marlin in June 2016 and asked if they were putting the 1894C back in production. A pleasant young lady told me they were looking at August 2016. I called again this summer. This time I was told that they had no plans to produce it. Now I have to decide if I want one badly enough to cough up $800 - $1000 to get a decent 1894C. :mad:
You were told wrong.
Marlin is working on a re-intro of the .357, and you may be pleasantly surprised if what they have planned for it comes to be.

And.....don't give up on Henry.
Denis we appreciate you but so far these have been empty words. Marlin has been saying this for many years.

Clearly, there is little demand for .357 lever guns. New Marlins and Rossis can both be had in .44 magnum and .45 Colt, they must obviously not be selling enough .357s to even keel them in production.

Henry lever guns are fantastic. The OP has no basis in reality for putting down the Henry loading tube. In fact if you stop and think it through, you'll find it far better than a loading gate. They've been making lever guns since the 1860s, and know how to do it right and are American owned and operated.
the original henrys are not related in any way shape or form to the new so called henrys. buy them if you want, but not be cause of hype that's not true. eastbank.
No basis in reality? Dude, I sell Henrys EVERY day! I've shot the Big boy line on more than one occasion. They shoot great and have a very smooth action. But the tube loading is simply not my cup of tea. So the reality is, I don't care much for it at all. Which is the whole reason I wrote "IMHO" before I made the statement.

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Deer Slayer,

He was referring to the fact that Henry is not the same company it was in the 19th century. It is only the name that has remained the same.
It's getting to be like a broken record the way we (own a bib boy .357 myself) bitch about the tube mag.

It is clumsy--- like when you pull it too far and it drops on the ground. Lol

Gates pinch fingers and that sucks too but I'd gladly go for that over a tube.

But these Henry's are excellent guns. MAGA
I really like Henry's, the tube fed mag does not bother me and every now and then I find it to be a nice change from loading gates, with that said it DOES NOT MATTER!! One thing is certain, anytime a thread is posted about not wanting a Henry because of the tube feed someome is going to try and come to Henry's rescue to convince them that their opinion is wrong and that they should like the tube feed..:D
This surprises me. I have a Marlin 38/357 so I really haven't been looking.

I would think it would be a huge seller, using cast bullets I can shoot mine cheaper then shooting 22s at todays prices. Since I have tons of brass it cost me about .049 a round for powder and primers. That figures $2.45 per fifty. A little more then half of what I find for 22s around here. 357s a bit more. .085 per round or 4.25 per 50, right at the price of 22s.

Not to mention they are a heck of a lot of fun and with 38s a great rabbit gun.

Somebody (manufacturer) is missing the boat.
Three years ago, Marlin was working on the .357 re-intro.
They were saying it'd be out in September of that year.
They sent me a pre-pro sample which I wrote up in a Kindle eBook.

The project was delayed, the gun did not (obviously) come out in September of that year.

Since then, I've kept up with a Marlin/Remington project manager. The latest from him, a couple months back, was that whatever the problems that have plagued the .357 project are, it's been very frustrating inside the company, because resources that have been allocated to it are bottlenecking other projects.

I can't say what the plans are for the .357, exactly, but I will go a shade outside the confidentiality requested & say they intend to do more than one standard offering in it.
What they ARE planning, if they can ever get it together, I think people will like.

And the timeframe "should" be not all that far off.
Best I can tell you.

And again- don't give up on Henry.
There's another hint.

Just might be worth waiting a bit longer on both companies.
Thanks a ton Denis. We are a Henry Dealer and I have no problem waiting, just got a little frustrated is all. Sounds like something good is coming. I love everything about a big boy Steel. Just not the tube. My Marlins are sweet, after having the loading port massaged and a lighter spring put on the gate.

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