338 RUM - Need opinions.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out. This week I'm catching up on my other boomer, 8mm Rem Mag. The RUM is rare, the 8mm is extinct.
The RUM is rare, the 8mm is extinct.
A quick question/suggestion. I shoot and load for the 7mm STW; most of the brass I use I formed from the 375 H&H--I had originally looked around for the 8mm RM which was originally used for the 7mm STW but couldn't find it so reverted to the 375 H&H--can't you do the same for the 8mm RM (even if you have to fireform it)? I used PPU brass which is quite cheap and has held up very well to repeated firings.
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Ah c'mon, it's only money. As you well know, this is not a cheap game. But it could be worse: I don't fly airplanes, I don't sail, and I no longer play with Italian cars.

PS: I did load some 270 ELD-X over Ramshot Magnum this morning. I should get about 2,700 with 90.5 gr, and QL says I can go a couple more. We'll see.
I really like Hornady's big .338 bullets--they shoot extremely well out of my .338 LM--I bet they do really well out of your RUM as well. Nosler brass? I've always thought it's a bit over-priced for the quality, but I've had to splurge on it too.