338 Lapua vs.300 Weatherby

Folks , that's why I don't post much here.....ask a question,its never answered with a simple word! Always with "too much" gun etc...shoot something else!...try a hamburger instead of a hot dog....26-05 is better...the 7 mm is superior to a German 88!......tanks kill deer.....trucks kill deer......Simple Sendero question turns into holy Gospel for 338....AR15 will kill a deer as well as a 22 mag at nite....on and on....please quit trying to answer a question if you don't know the answer...:D;):eek:
No need to get your feelings hurt. As for which caliber for sendero hunting (which I've done a good bit of), both of the ones you mentioned are way more than you need, but if those are your choices, go for the 300 Weatherby (the smaller caliber of the two).

That said, back when I was doing a lot of hunting and guiding in south Texas, the 25-06, 270, 257 Weatherby, 270 Weatherby, and 30-06 were common choices. The objective was a flat shooting caliber for the 400 yard shots on the sendero. Load up a 110 gr Nosler Accubond in a 270 Weatherby, and that ought to do ya. And a 257 Weatherby will push a 110 gr Accubond bullet to 3500 fps, but so will a plain old 270.

And then..I have a buddy that shoots a 30-378 Wby with a 125 gr Nosler BT.

Anyway, shoot what you want, but don't fuss at us for having opinions. You'll do fine with the 300 Wby.
603 , I hunted south Texas and Mid Texas(San Angelo) We had our own lease in Brackettville...almost twenty years....I am not a novice when it comes to some fire arms, but I do get tired of making post and being harangued for looking at comparison...stay on topic about the question....I own a custom 300 Weatherby as well as a custom 257 Weatherby....Looking down a road are a Sendero 1/4 mile and farther...trying to think about Weatherby's new 6.5-300....but I don't think the ballastics makes much difference..See you folks in the funny papers...:rolleyes:
I suspect that if you'd given us at the start what you just mentioned, regarding experience and calibers on hand, the responses you got would have been much different and better. The fact that you were considering a 338 Lapua Magnum for south Texas deer hunting led me to think that maybe you weren't an old pro at sendero hunting. Maybe others got that same idea. Nothing personal. Folks just offering their opinions.

Anyhoo, you have a 257 Wby, so you are already as well equipped as a fellow could be for sendero hunting.

Now, if you want to stir things up, ask what scope you need to buy. That'll get the discussion fired up again: mil vs MOA, turrets or not, FFP/SFP, fixed 4 versus variables, and on and on. You're just the guy that threw the hockey puck on the ice. Once the fight is on, we don't even need you anymore. Pretty much all forums are like that, though this one has better language, manners, and spelling.
There is no magical caliber.

Your time is better spent on 500 rounds of .22 LR a month and learning better hunting techniques.
Zorro...Your time is better spent minding the cattle....603, My friend in South Texas use a Lapua 338...and is making shots up to 600 yds...My thoughts was if there was anyone else out there using this rnd in their hunting situations?.....I was hoping the thread would produce some serious talk, but wrong forum I guess...if you have something to add please do,but cut the tripe!
pwillie said:
Performance:...Which is best for deer hunting on a Sendaro style hunt?

If you want a serious discussion maybe when you asked your original question you could have added in more details. Including details on why you're considering a .338 LM over your current .300 Weatherby would have been a better follow up, than leaving a pretty open ended question. So let me ask you a question, what do you expect the .338 LM to do that your .300 Weatherby doesn't on deer?

If you want to have a discussion on long range shooting and want to discuss attributes then you might as well forget the case head stamp and talk bullets. Bullets with high BC are what make the .338 LM an excellent long range round not what's stamped on the case. At the 600 yards your buddy is taking deer with his .338 LM, I'd just stick with your .300 Weatherby. Your Weatherby is flatter shooting to 600 yards than the .338 LM with a 180 grain Accubond only needing to come up 10.3 MOA from a 100 yard zero compared to the .338 LM needing 13.7 MOA come up from 100 yards with the 300 grain Accubond. Now the LM wins out on the wind call as it only needs 3.1 MOA of adjustment at 600 yards compared to your Weatherby needing 3.9 MOA.

Put the 210 grain Long Range Accubond in the Weatherby and you beat the LM at 600 yards in both trajectory and windage. Drop to a 225 grain Accbond in the LM and you match the trajectory of your Weatherby to 600 yards with 210 grain bullets but you need 3.7 MOA of hold or adjustment for wind. In fact with the 210 grain bullet in your Weatherby you beats the LM in everything for deer hunting out to 1000 yards except ft-lbs of energy.

I've not spent any time behind a .338 LM, but I have spent a day banging steel with a .338 Edge. I've had some time behind a Mark V .300 Weatherby as well. In my opinion both rifles are way to specialized (meaning heavy) for my type of hunting, but I'm more mobile and not sitting in a stand/blind. I just don't see on deer how one would outclass the other in performance, they both have plenty.
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pwillie, I suspect that you didn't really want an answer to your question. Try out the 24hour campfire forum. Lots of folks there with your attitude, so you'll feel right at home.
Two things I learned on this thread.

Some OPs only want the answer they want.

TFL probably has the most knowledgeable group of members of any forum.

I am now going to go hunt elk with either too much or too little gun. Merry Christmas.
see how respectful you folks are...?.....must be in the forum members! Want be donating to this forum anymore....BTW never owned a lever action rifle...Merkels and Winchester pre '64's....Swarovski TDS scopes...you folks shop at Walmart....
Well...asking whether a 300 Wby Mag or 338 Lapua Mag is better for long range shot on deer is a lot like asking whether a 10lb Sledgehammer or 12lb Sledgehammer is best for placing wall tacks to hang a picture.

Between the two, the 300 Wby Mag is probably the better choice, being only the 10lb sledge in this equation.

OK JIMRO....I get it!...You folks are "purest" and think anyone that shoots deer sized animal with a 300 anything is over kill....If possible, all animals I take, I do it with a neck shot.....I like flat shooting rifles, and can afford what ever I want....now that you know the situation, you will never ask (from experience) what caliber and cartridge is better ...and why would some one use a 338 Lupua ?...30-or 338 is not much difference in bullet dia. So, either come up with a true answer are forget it....Not trying to make anyone mad...just don't like flippant answers...:confused: Merry Christmas
Certainly I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think you made anyone mad. As far as I'm concerned, this was an amusing discussion with a "sendaro" hunter. And I don't know which of us is the "purest" of the purists.

The forum has been a little slow lately, so you stirred things up. I enjoyed it.
It seems like here lately it is a sin to want to use anything larger than a .30-30 to hunt anything.

The 338 Lapua is an excellent Elk rifle. My Elk rifle is a 416 Rigby Ackley improved necked down to .338. It is about 3% stronger than the Lapua. It is nice to have too much gun instead of not enough when you need to shoot from mountain side to mountain side.