327 Magnum

I have a Blackhawk Buckeye Special with 32/20 cylinder. I have shot about 20 rounds of 32/20 and around 2000 rounds of .32 H & R. First center fire pistol that I owned. First round that I learned to reload. It has been over 30yrs. of fun. Shot some sqirrels, rabbits and gars and carp. 900fps. 100 SWC and a few Hornaday XTP's. Life is good.
The round is still alive and kicking, and Taurus, of all makers, has released their new model 327 a few months ago. I scored one for under $350 at a local store while looking for something else. Keep an eye out or ask the store to order one - they are in production now!
I tried to post on this thread earlier today, but it disappeared in a flash of random electrons!:mad:

To slightly misquote Dickens, “these are the best of times, these are the worst of times.” The new 30 Super Carry may stir up renewed interest in all handguns in the 30/32 categories. If ammo and component production can catch up with demand, the interest seems to be there. The idea of a K frame Smith with moon clips or a properly bored Ruger Blackhawk in the new rimless cartridge sounds like a good one.

Of course the idea of making the 30 SC for tiny pocket autos strikes me as ill advised. If it’s painful to shoot, the word will quickly get around to the “target audience” and there will be no market for it. I’d like to see it in a well thought out S&W Gen 3.2.0. We really don’t need another plastic fantastic, even though that’s what they want to push on us.

While some folks tell me the SBH is too large a platform for any 32, I think it’s “just right”. With the Single Six, Ruger expressed the need for an odd number of chambers so the chamber cavity would not directly adjoin the locking notch. With the SBH being chambered for 357, 44, and 45, I would posit that the tiny little hole for a 32 cartridge of any sort that I would be willing to shoot with one hand (or even both hands) will still have more than enough steel around it for all the margin of safety I need.

In DA revolvers, the K frame S&W is also a Goldilocks gun… not too big, but not too small; it’s just right. I could see a 30 SC cylinder in the future for my 327 FM Project 616 if somebody makes moon clips for it. I’m not sure the J frame, even in its new improved configuration would be a good fit for the 327 FM or the 30 SC. While strength would probably be sufficient, it might be a bit too much of a handful with full house loads in either caliber, and I can’t see the advantage of building something just to download it.

OK, let’s see whether I can get this to post!
PS to last: Al Storey at Borchardt Rifle Co shows Ruger cylinders on his website, so one could easily be made up in 30 SC. :)