.327 Federal Club thread

327 dies

I just traded for a Blackhawk in 327 fed mag and now need some dies. I like Lee dies but do not see them listed. I'm wondering can you load 327 with the 32 H&R dies? If so how much additional adjustment is required? This maybe covered in this thread but I did not read all 35 pages of it. Thanks
Totally understandable that you didn't read the whole thread. Make that a rainy day project! ;)

I use Lee .32 H&R Mag dies with complete success.

Worth noting is that for any straight wall handgun round (must be STRAIGHT, not tapered) you not only can use dies specified for the shorter cartridge, it is the better choice.

You can use .38 Special dies for .357 Mag, .44 Special dies for .44 Mag.
The opposite is not always true because then you have a die set up for a l-o-n-g-e-r case and your brass may not reach all the way up.

Also, make sure you visit this thread:
I'll second what Sevens said about the utility of the 32 H&R Mag die set. No problems at all and no adjustment necessary beyond the resetting of the lock nut that the longer case requires when expanding, seating and crimping. I'm new to reloading and I've managed it. Getting load data is difficult. Lee does not send any with the .32 H&R mag die set for either the 32 S&W Long or the .327 Fed Mag, both of which can be loaded with the set. Hodgdon has load data for both, but not with many bullet choices. The .327 is too new for most reloading manuals. The entire set of 32 calibers is left out of some places where lists of common calibers occur and some only list 32 ACP. Speer has great downloadable data sheets for their two Gold Dot loads for the .327, but they neglect to offer any for the other Speer .32 bullets.
Hodgdon has load data for both, but not with many bullet choices.
:p ...But there simply aren't many bullet choices for .312" jacketed. I think when you consider what is commercially available, Hodgdon does a fine job.

As far as I know, there are Hornady's 85 & 100 grain XTPs, Sierra's 90 grain Sportmaster JHP, the Speer Gold Dot component bullets, which I've not actually seen in the flesh (but have seen clickable links to them) and the Federal Hydra-shock, which I've also never seen. Beyond that, you are talking cast bullets or bullets below 85 grains in weight that simply are not designed (and can be dangerous to use) in the .327 Federal Magnum.

If there are more component jacketed .312" handgun bullets out there, I'd like to know about them.
LOLBELL, pretty much any of the currently-manufactured .32 H&R dies have a deep enough internal cavity to work with .327 Federal. (I've seen mixed reviews about the Lyman dies.)

Personally, I use an RCBS .32 H&R sizing die. I bought the .32 H&R 3-die set (RCBS #21412). They are now selling exactly the same thing (under the same item number), but with .327 Federal added to the label. ;)

I shoot .32 Auto, .32 S&W, .32 S&W Long, .32 H&R, and .327 Federal in my Blackhawk. ALL of them get sized in that RCBS .32 H&R die. It is the only sizing die I use. For the shorter cartridges (.32 S&W and .32 Auto), I do need a different seating die.
I believe my full list of dies, and how I use them, is in the reloading thread that was linked to above. If it isn't in that thread, it's buried in this one somewhere. (I use a combination of RCBS, Redding, Lyman, and Lee dies to reload that cartridge assortment.)

For .32 S&W Long, to .327 Federal, almost any .32 H&R die set will do the job. (Lee, RCBS, and Redding have been 100% verified to not only work, but to have been intentionally reamed deeper to ensure compatibility with .327 Federal after the cartridge was released.)
Thanks for the info guys. I have been kind of under the weather for a few days and am just now reading this. I will get the Lee dies and go from there. I think I am really going to like this caliber. I have about 300 pieces of brass but will be in the market for bullets. I have Unique and IMR4227 powders and plenty of primers. These are the two I use in my other revolvers 357, 41, 44, and 45colt. Maybe I can come up with a couple of good loads. I like a mild plinking load and a full house magnum load for each
Beyond that, you are talking cast bullets or bullets below 85 grains in weight that simply are not designed (and can be dangerous to use) in the .327 Federal Magnum.

Nothing wrong with working up lead loads to the level they are capable of. Cast bullets are about all you can buy right now and if that keeps up, we'll want to cast our own and we'll need loads for them.
Okay, that revolver is ultra-cool. So many folks have begged and pleaded for a Single Six in .327 Federal... this one is even smaller. That's a lot of beef in a really small package right there. :cool:

Nothing wrong with working up lead loads to the level they are capable of.
Please understand that when I mentioned "Beyond that, you are talking cast bullets or bullets below 85 grains in weight" my point was never that cast bullets weren't appropriate in this round (I'm loaded 115gr FP cast slugs from Penn Bullets), my point was that Hodgdon is unlikely to have a whole heaping helping of load data for cast lead bullets.

Most published data sources don't list a lot of loads for cast lead bullets -- because cast lead bullets vary WIDELY depending on many factors and unless it is traditionally a lead bullet chambering (.32 S&W Long, .45 Colt), then a large powder distributor like Hodgdon is much more likely to list a bunch of jacketed loads and leave the lead bullets alone.

Sized diameter, alloy, bullet length & shape, gas check or no...? A lot of variable with lead bullets that aren't conducive to nearly as much published load data.

Not that this is a real problem. Find a proper powder that works in it's range, start low and develop your loads. This is what I've done, and I fully plan to update that other thread with more chrono numbers as soon as I drag that stuff out to the range. ;)
Does anyone else here have a Taurus Model 327? I'm looking for recommendations for a speedloader. I'm assuming the HKS 32-J would be close, but I would feel better if someone confirmed that.
Starline Brass

I heard from Starline Brass today. They have 327 brass available and they're shipping my order out. You can order direct from them. Not sure when they'll ship to other retailers.
Buds guns also has somke loaded ammo available, priced a little higher than recently. They have some defense loads too (this info accurate as of yesterday :) )

Received my Starline brass yesterday, very nice. It took about 3 weeks from my order date for enough orders to accumulate for them to run a batch. Starline is a great company.
Got my brass from Starline, but the headstamp says FC, same as the American Eagle ammo brass. I was expecting the *--* logo. I'm not complaining, just surprised. I got 504 cases in an order of 500.
That is both interesting -and- odd. At this point, it makes you wonder if Starline produced the recent run of brass for Federal, or if Starline somehow purchased a clear-out of component brass from Federal to resell.

Not that it really matters, but I'd like to know the answer to that one.
I suppose it could matter, since Starline brass has a reputation for being thicker and lasting longer, the cases could be inferior if they aren't made by Starline to Starline specs. But it could also be that Starline has a contract for making Federal's brass and can retail it. :confused: