phil mcwilliam
New member
A 22-250 round fired through a .243 sounds different. Don't ask.
I'd clean the barrel real good and have a local smith look it over. If you don't clean it before taking it in he will have to before he can inspect the bore. If he finds no damage I would take it back to the range, leaving all .308 ammo at home! Its probably OK but then again maybe not and a new barrel may be in your future.
are there really people who can't tell the difference between some rounds without reading headstamps?
Gimme a break fellas. I already admitted it was a matter of not paying attention, hurry, carelessness, stupidity - should I go on? I'm a man who can swallow his pride. Never heard this topic brought up before, so I figured gee, lets see if the 270 bullets will still fly - they did - but not straight... A call to TC, and probably after that, my gunsmith.
Ya'll have a good night
@ Briandg, I agree, it was a STUPID mistake - the buck stops here. When I started loading the 308 into the magazine, it seemed a tad short and fat.
it seemed a tad short and fat.
I would not have posted this.....
.270 and .308 share the same parent. The 30-06