270 WSM

Well the short mag is going to do everything the standard 270 will do, and I have no doubt of that, but I feel I should point something out here.

I am shooting a 150 grain Nosler Partition (flat base) in one of my 270s and it will stay supersonic to over 1200 yards. It is still going 1400 FPS + change at 1000. Some 270 boat tails will stay super sonic out to 1740 (which is a mile,) but I don't shoot those kinds of bullets myself.

The Nosler Partitions seem to suit me just fine. I use them in 130,150 and 160 grains.

So if you state "Partly because it helped me successfully drop a buck at such a long range at dark, that I am pretty sure no 270 Win or 06 would have worked."

How far away is that?
Farther than 1000 yards?

Not that I am calling BS, because I know that the rifles and the bullets can and will kill out there, but I just wanted to ask specifics. I have shot 1000 yards many times in my life with many different rifles and loads, but I have never killed anything that far away. The longest shot I ever made was just shy of 900, and I only did that one time. I have killed a LOT of deer at ranges of 500 to 650 however.

And all my longest kills have been made with a 270 Winchester, except for one moose I killed with a 375H&H that was waaaay out there.

The longest kill I ever made in my life with any rifle that was not a 270 (or that one shot with my 375) was probably about 475 to 500.

I have killed a bunch of western mule deer and antelope with 308s 30-06s 7X57, 303 Brit, 338-06, 25-06, 6.5 Swede, 300 magnums, and many other calibers too. And made some "long shots" but most of them were at 400 and under. If I were to count every single deer I have killed in my life I'd bet 75% were killed under 200 yards.

"Long shot" can mean different things to different people.
A long shot for a revolver is 125 yards.
150 yards for a flintlock rifle with a round ball.
A long shot for an iron sighted 30-30 is 250 to 300.
A long shot can be only 200 yards too, if you are shooting offhand, especially if the deer is running.

So "long" can mean different things at different times.
But the regular 270 Winchester with flat base hunting bullets is a killer out to and maybe past 1000 years, so I am curious as to what range you say the short mag will do it and the standard won't.
The reason I think 270 WSM really helped me is because of the extra velocity and energy. The rifle was sighted close to 2" high at 200 meters.(220 yards.) I held maybe a little above center on the shoulder and the round broke both shoulders at the very bottom. Any lower and the leg would have been broken. I estimate that the hit was 8" below point of aim with the 2" high at 200 zero. That shot was quite a ways out there. I am pretty sure If I had taken the same shot with a 270 WIN we would have had a broken leg instead of two broke shoulders. I have been as truthfull with you as possible. That is how I see it. I was glad I had the WSM . That was a long day hunting, I was real happy with the rifle in the end, that was the only opportunity for a shot and it was right before dark.
, my load is 64.5 gr. RL 19, good for 3250 FPS 130 gr. Sierra
If you are 2" high at 200 yards that means your zero range is about 245 yards. A hit 8" low would put the bullet impact at about 375 yards.
And yes, that's a good long shot.
dvdcrr, I don't shoot 130gr in my 270 but I do shoot 150gr ABLR and I'm mid 3000fps with 57.5gr/IMR-7828ssc and 140grTSX mid 3100fps with 54 gr/H-4350 and that was from 24.5" Lilja barrel.

I posted about giving my nephew 300WSM and 270WSM. The 270WSM was build Win 70 WSM action with 26" Lawton barrel and no question that rifle was 150gr faster but I used 10gr more powder for that 150fps.

I load 57.5gr IMR-7828ssc in the 270 and that's max and my 270Wby I load 68gr/IMR-7828ssc with 150gr ABLR @ 3210fps and it's on long action and don't have to worry about shooting the longer VLD.

I took pretty nice 5x4 mulie last year early season above 10K with 270 and had 270Wby as back up and I would hit him same spot with 270 Wby and he been just as dead with one shot.
Bayoubulldog: Earlier you posted about looking into a new Winchester XPR or spending the extra and getting a M70.... Given a choice between the two, get the M70, EVERY TIME!

My brother has a late New Haven M70 Sporter in 300WSM and he loves it. I have fired it a few times and didn't find it at all unpleasant to shoot. It is quite accurate with his handloads and he has taken his share of deer with it. As a matter of fact, his best buck (a nice 9-point) was the first blood he drew with that rifle. My favorite rifle I currently own is my new M70 Super Grade in 338WM, but were I to look into the WSM's, the 300 or 325 would be the ones most interesting to me. Just my opinion...and have fun on your quest for something "different", I can relate... ;)
Bayoubulldog: Earlier you posted about looking into a new Winchester XPR or spending the extra and getting a M70.... Given a choice between the two, get the M70, EVERY TIME!

My brother has a late New Haven M70 Sporter in 300WSM and he loves it. I have fired it a few times and didn't find it at all unpleasant to shoot. It is quite accurate with his handloads and he has taken his share of deer with it. As a matter of fact, his best buck (a nice 9-point) was the first blood he drew with that rifle. My favorite rifle I currently own is my new M70 Super Grade in 338WM, but were I to look into the WSM's, the 300 or 325 would be the ones most interesting to me. Just my opinion...and have fun on your quest for something "different", I can relate... ;)
Indeed! The 70 is a great looking rifle! I'm definitely leaning that direction!

Additionally, after reading all of the comments here, I'm beginning to think about the 300 WSM more now. Maybe that calls for a different thread! I will definitely be reloading and I've heard a lot of people have good luck with lighter loads as well as hot loads! That is definitely appealing.

I too want to go to the range!

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Yeah, it's getting to be that time of year... Some quality time at the loading bench and off to the range is sounding really good to me as well right about now.. ;)

Back to the XPR vs the 70, more than just appearance separates the two... The XPR has a totally different action than the tried and true m70 action. I may be mistaken, but I believe the XPR action is a brand new design...You can get into a m70 Sporter for about $300 more than the XPR... It's a no brainer IMHO. ;)
I don't have a 270 WSM, but I have a 270 I've hunted with for 40 years and I bought a well used 270 Weatherby a few years ago when I gave my 270 to my youngest son. They both shoot sub MOA. I can't imagine but that the 270 WSM is an awesome cartridge. A 150g Partition at just over 3000 fps will kill anything on this continent and be flat shooting enough for elk out past 500 yards. A little more speed than a 270 Win, a little less recoil than the 270 Weatherby, probably "just right".
I can't imagine but that the 270 WSM is an awesome cartridge. A 150g Partition at just over 3000 fps will kill anything on this continent and be flat shooting enough for elk out past 500 yards. A little more speed than a 270 Win, a little less recoil than the 270 Weatherby, probably "just right".

That's what got me to thinking WSM was the way to go and was the impetus for this thread! I found a used 270 WSM today at a LGS, but they were asking way too much... I'll watch it to see how resale goes.
Back to the XPR vs the 70, more than just appearance separates the two... The XPR has a totally different action than the tried and true m70 action. I may be mistaken, but I believe the XPR action is a brand new design...You can get into a m70 Sporter for about $300 more than the XPR... It's a no brainer IMHO. ;)

Went to a LGS today and felt actions on the 70, a browning X bolt hunter, Tikka T3, and a Bragara B14 (spelling?)... all the actions were smooth and the triggers were crisp and perfect (the T3 was definitely the worst of the group).

I say that because the Browning X was a 300 WSM and DANNNNNNG that thing felt good in my hands. The Winchester 70 was by far the best rifle I tested overall... any thoughts on the X Bolt Hunter?

They had both 270 WSM and 300 WSM in the Browning. Ammo prices weren't terrible either.
For me personally because I shoot nothing larger than big deer, 270 cal is my choice, Craig Boddington has written several very positive articles about hunting with the 270 WSM.
I think a 150-160 solid or partition in 270 is going to have plenty of penetration in 270 WSM
But if I had plans for larger game, and would not be using on coyotes or strictly just deer, then I would opt for 30 cal. WSM
Well Bayoubulldog, I cannot speak on the other rifles you looked at as I have neither owned nor handled any examples of them...

My experience in bolt actions is limited to the Rem 700 and Winchester 70. I find that my Rem 700 action does cycle a bit easier than my Win 70, but smoothness is very good with both. Both are very good actions in my opinion.

I can say that I am not surprised that you liked the Winchester though! :)