22 silencer input needed

I have a Pilot. Its a great can, but there are better ones out there. The SWR Warlock come to mind, SRT's Cheyenne XL is another one. AAC's Aviator is just a Pilot with an extra baffle stack in there. AWC also makes one hell of a good can as well.... Like I said I have the Pilot, but if I had it to do over again I would get the Warlock from SWR.

If you're wanting to compare Apples to Apples, you might want to look into GemTech's Outback II (the think sounds almost exactly like the Pilot).

All of your user serviceable cans, the ones that come apart, will not be as quiet as the sealed ones. I dont know why this is, but I've shot LOTS of various .22 suppressors, and every disassemblable can that I've shot (Tac (series), Prodigy, and some others Im forgetting right now) has been louder than their sealed counterparts.

The major myth one must get past is the one saying .22 is so dirty sealed cans will get too dirty to function and you have no way of cleaning them. The real truth is sealed cans are quiet easy to clean. Soak them over night in Paint thinner or give them a 5 day soak in Mineral Spirits, and tap the coupling end on a hard surface... then blow them dry with an air compressor. You're done. You do this about ever 5 to 7,000 rounds and they will last you a life time.

GemTech Outback II

I have a GemTech Outback II that I use on three different 22's and I really like it. Well made.
I'll never own another sealed .22 suppressor again.
I made that mistake, once.;)

My sealed integral was no more quiet than this one that comes apart. Both are stupid quiet.
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-04-20 043.avi (18MB) (not sealed)
http://www.brokevw.com/picc 002.avi (4MB) (sealed)
Video is bad to judge a suppressor by, but it gives you the idea. The low res video sounds louder, but it was a different camera. Both guns are equally as nice sounding... the 18MB vid just makes it sound better than the other vid.

Accumulation of carbon and lead build up... (they're huge pics that take a bit to load)
After 400 rounds:
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-04-20 018.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-04-20 040.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-04-20 041.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-04-20 042.jpg

After 1100 rounds:
expansion chamber-
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 026.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 031.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 023.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 028.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 029.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-24 036.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-26 024.jpg
http://www.brokevw.com/2008-05-26 027.jpg

The less volume the can has, the less space there is for hot gas to cool before being released.
The sealed gun got loud enough I didn't like shooting it, it sounded more like a small firecracker towards the end, with a noticeable pop. It had 5K rounds through it, but I shot it that much in about 3 months.

After reading www.silencerresearch.com and in particular this page http://www.silencerresearch.com/tac_67.htm it was clear to me why my sealed unit was loud, and I bought one that comes apart:cool:

I've got over 6000 rounds through my demo model 22S and it looks cleaner than yours at 1100, and it's still as quiet as when "new."

for a 22 rimfire my #1 concern is being able to take it apart for cleaning. I would only consider 22 cans that can be taken apart and go from there. The TAC-67 had a solid track record and the Quest should be better still.

/Still love my TAC-62
It only seems logical to me that some of the differences you guys are seeing in crud build up can be more related to the type of ammo being fired. Maybe we need to also mention in these post which brand of ammo you are burning.

Some powders I think are swept from floors. Just saying.....
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the SWR Spectre at this point. Its rated for full auto and 5.7, can be disassembled and is very quiet. I really like mine. Here is a vid of it on a 10/22. The firing pin dropping on an empty chamber at the end of the vid is almost as loud as the actual firing.

I love my AAC Aviator. Works great on my Mark III and S&W M&P 15-22. It is a little longer than the Pilot but was a good bit more quite and is still light.