.22 Cal.CCW How Common Really?

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I've always looked as at the .25 ACP as a more reliable version of the .22 LR.

At that to the OP and the responses will go up, a little bit anyway. I do occasionally carry my Colt 1908 Vest Pocket as a CCW.
I carry a 38spl revolver and I would be a bit uncomfortable carrying a similar handgun chambered in 22lr. I would feel I needed more firepower. I suppose it would work in just about every situation most of us would encounter in civilian life as a lifesaver but who knows. I wouldn't feel the same about 22mag, I think it would work pretty well and would give me an extra shot or two over my 5 shot 38, depending on the manufacturer.
Then again there are those out there who feel under gunned if their firearm isn't chambered in a caliber that starts with a 4!
There is no pre-Zamak Jennings. They are all made the same way-it's what makes them a Jennings.

I was suffering under the delusion that the early guns with the 'horizontal safety' were 'Pre-ZAMAK'...
I've always looked as at the .25 ACP as a more reliable version of the .22 LR.

I feel the same way. I felt if I chose to be "under powered", then a 22LR was just fine with me. For me, a self defense thing is or its need is a very uncommon event. Sure I'd like to be heavily armed if it ever happened, but it never bothered me particularly if it was only a 22LR that I was packing as long as I was fairly confident with the ammunition and the functionality of the gun. I find carrying a concealed gun to be a pain in the butt overall. But yes, I have other choices than 22LR.
My sister (carpal tunnel survivor) carries a charter arms 2 inch in 22WMR as her carry gun. Only one she owns actually. Pretty darned accurate too.

I will say this, I don't care how big a man you are, you crack off a 22 mag without ears on, and it takes some of the John Wayne out of ya. That little gun hurts my ears more than my cannons.
I'll admit to very infrequently carrying my PMR-30 with 25 rounds of CCI mags loaded (the spring makes it a bugger to load more than that). I would hate to shoot that indoors without hearing protection though, and I imagine the muzzle flash would be substantial at night as well.
I carried a little TP22 for a few years in summer as a pocket pistol, and a Taurus M94 once in a while. Always planned on dumping the magazine of the TP22 in the bad guy's face. I know a .22 is 'undergunned', but the .38 or the .44 Special or the .45 aren't always what I can get away with carrying.
I carried a Western derringer in .22 rim fire for a year when I was going to college. I got it for $40 and it fit in my shirt pocket.
I car carried a Browning Challenger III for a long time. It was primarily used for recreation (my job took my into the boonies often), but I also regarded it as a self-defense tool. It made me comfortable enough that I postponed buying centerfire pistols for carry for decades.

The biggest concern I have about .22 LR carry is ignition reliability.
I have been known to carry my walther p22 and my Taurus snub 94 9 shoot 22s at times. I do not own them anymore they was bought for around the house use. (snakes mice anything else) no so much for PD. But sometimes I had to run into town and hey they was light and easy to carry. I figured 9 or 10 shots very fast and close together would work fairly well. Both guns where accurate enough and I was fairly fast at empting them on target.
I'm not a fan of the 22 LR... but I have started carrying a S&W 351PD ( 7 shot 22 Magnum ) stoked with Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel ammo... I don't feel undergunned, the snubbie is super light weight, it offers 7 shots, & the Speer Gold Dots kill varmints much better than the 380 I used to carry, so I'd assume they'ds do a better job on larger targets as well :)
My sister (carpal tunnel survivor) carries a charter arms 2 inch in 22WMR as her carry gun. Only one she owns actually. Pretty darned accurate too.

I will say this, I don't care how big a man you are, you crack off a 22 mag without ears on, and it takes some of the John Wayne out of ya. That little gun hurts my ears more than my cannons.

I bought a 22 mag cylinder for my "cowboy" SAA revolver. I only shot it once. The noise was unbearable. I can't imagine how loud it is in a little bitty gun.
When I do finally get my CCL, I plan to carry a .22LR for summer time use. Taurus PT22PLY to be exact. 14 ounces loaded is appealing. Also, I have 300 rounds shot without so much as a single hiccup. CCI Mini Mag as ammo. For fall / winter carry, I will use a S&W J Frame in .38 Special.
I know a cop who carries a Beretta tip up type .22 for a back up gun in his pocket. Know a guy from the local VA who carries a little smith and wesson .22 snub nose for his only CCW gun.
I have carried my little Walther P22 numerous times, good ammo it is reliable and accurate enough. Only other choices were a GP100 and a Govt Model 1911.
When I do carry something small,,,

When I do carry something small,,,
I too grab my Taurus 22-PLY.

When I do finally get my CCL, I plan to carry a .22LR for summer time use. Taurus PT22PLY to be exact.

I've had mine for close to 4 years now,,,
It is extremely easy to hit your target with,,,
And like Mike38, I've found it to be 100% reliable with CCI MiniMags.

I started thinking about people I know,,,
Several of them carry .22 pistols.

One lady friend of mine carries a Bersa Thunder 22.

She originally bought it to practice with,,,
Thinking she would get a Thunder 380 later on.

But after taking some pistol courses,,,
She's like Annie Oakley with that little gun.

I've seen her draw and do the Mozambique thing at 7 yards,,,
Two rounds in center mass and one to the head,,,
She's better and faster than I am.

We always say it's the indian and not the arrow,,,
In some cases this is showing to be true.


When I do finally get my CCL, I plan to carry a .22LR for summer time use. Taurus PT22PLY to be exact. 14 ounces loaded is appealing. Also, I have 300 rounds shot without so much as a single hiccup. CCI Mini Mag as ammo. For fall / winter carry, I will use a S&W J Frame in .38 Special.

I love 22s. I think I have all variations (lever, bolt and semi auto rifles, little bitty and large semi-auto pistols and a revolver). However, because of the very rare failure to fire of rimfires, I selected a TCP 380 to carry. It is smaller and lighter than my friend's PT22 and I have never had a center fire fail to fire with me. The only thing different is that the TCP is not as accurate for me as I am with any of my 22s (or 9mm or 38 special).
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