20 years I'm happy with Cabela's and they finally tick me off.

I have... in the past, had to rewrite a form if I spelled something wrong in front of an ffl during a purchase.
I think the issue is they cant erase anything on a form. if its wrong, it must be redone.
I do believe you are at the advantage. they owe you your time.
sometimes shops need to make mistakes, so they wont do it again. once it starts costing them something, its amazing how fast their learning curve increases.
I have a Cabela's 15 minutes from the house and I would not let them dictate my schedule. I would press them for compensation.
Absolutely. . .

Absolutely. This was their serious error and you should get some kind of compensation. Press on it hard!

Life is good.
Prof Young
Multiple people seem to have assumed that it was the 4473 that was incorrect. Aarond never said it was the 4473. In fact, in speaking of Cabela's, he said "their" paperwork, which I took to mean a document that goes into Cabela's records, something other than the 4473. It should be impossible for Cabela's to have made an error on the 4473, because they don't fill out the purchaser's information -- the purchaser does.

If the document in question wasn't the 4473, I doubt it has any force of law and I don't think Cabela's can do a durned thing if Aarand tells them to fix it themselves, or send someone down to his house with the paperwork and a new, blank form.
I had a lady call me and rant and rave that I didnt sign a rental agreement for a peice of rented equipment, she INSISTED that I come back and sign her paper. I told her she was welcome to either mail it along with a postage paid return envelope or have some one bring it out to my house and I'd sign it on the spot. She said she would do neither. So I told her then her paper wasnt getting signed, have a nice day and hung up. I think thats what you should do.

Oh and that was only 12 miles.
I would be happy to help them correct their problem, and let them know I charge for my time and expenses to correct others' problems.

Do they want the hourly rate of $100/ hour, 4 hour minimum, or the corporate rate of 1% of annual store sales?

How did it pass the background check with the wrong name? Me thinks something else is amiss. I too would tell Cabela's where to go unless they want to make it worth my while. Their mistake, their problem, not yours.
This happens more often than you'd think, you're certainly not the 1st, and not just at Cabelas. In fact they are probably better than lots of other places. While it is a pain in the rear, it is something that has to be made right. In my experience Cabelas will work with you.

No its doesn't actually. Its their problem, not the OPs. His desire to help is purely voluntary on his part.
Here's the final outcome,,,

The last thing I want is any kind of trouble with the BATF,,,
I hoonlestly don't know what could happen to me,,,
But I prefer to err on the side of caution.

I asked my supervisor for the afternoon off,,,
I have plenty of annual leave so it was no problem.

I drove to the OK City store (65 miles) with the rifle.

I have to say that when I got there the people were very professional,,,
They showed me the error on the "electronic" 4473 I filled out.

It wasn't at all the error that the person who called told me.

I go by Aarond H. Graham with a middle initial only,,,
The new 4473 forms require an "IO" (initial only) to be behind the initial,,,
I typed "NMN" (no middle name) in that field like I have done over 60 times before.

Cabela's under-manager admitted that they should have caught that glitch at the time of sale.

So everyone was friendly and courteous,,,
But they offered nothing for my time and trouble.

I asked to speak with the main manager but they told me he wasn't on site,,, :rolleyes:
But the under manager was receptive to my suggestion that a gift card was in order.

They offered me a $25.00 card so I put my best cooperative face on,,,
I told them that wouldn't cover my gasoline for the round trip.

I honestly thought a $100.00 card would be more appropriate,,,
I make over $25.00/hour and took 5.5 hours leave to comply with their request.

We spoke calmly for a short while,,,
I walked out with a $50.00 gift certificate.

So all's well that ends well,,,
It was a hassle for certain but nothing life-altering.


20 years I'm happy with Cabela's,,,
And you throw it all away on one mistake?

I think that same question could be asked of Cabela's. "It's easier to keep a customer than to find a new one."
20 years I'm happy with Cabela's,,,
And you throw it all away on one mistake?

I never said I was going to throw Cabela's away,,,
I just said it took them 20 years to finally tick me off.

In all of my dealings with catalog companies and on-line retailers,,,
Cabela's has shown me consistent quality in their goods and services.

The only thing that truly angered me was the attitude of the first person who called,,,
She basically demanded that I bring the gun and myself in to the store,,,
Then was very unhelpful as I asked for more information.


I go by Aarond H. Graham with a middle initial only,,,
The new 4473 forms require an "IO" (initial only) to be behind the initial,,,
I typed "NMN" (no middle name) in that field like I have done over 60 times before.

Is H. your real middle name? If not, and you do have a middle name on your birth certificate, wouldn't the answer NMN also be incorrect? I ain't pickin' nits, just trying to clarify. I generally always just use my middle initial for legal transactions and many times that's all that's required, but I've always given my full middle name when filling out a 4473, thinking it was what was needed to be correct.

From what I read, the buyer needs to give their full legal name(name on birth certificate) which tells me one needs to give their legal middle name. NMN would mean one does not have a legal middle name at all. IO would mean your legal middle name is just an initial. Thus claiming you have no middle name when you do, is just as incorrect as putting down just the first initial. What am I missing?
Aarond H. Graham is my legal name.

Aarond H. Graham is my legal name.

I went through the courts in 1978 to make it so.

But I always carry (in my briefcase) a copy of my Birth certificate, Name Change Order, DD-214, and Social Security Documents.

You would be surprised how many times I need them,,,
Even after 39 years.


Aarond-I'm glad things are settled. A $50 store credit is ok but given the distance you had to drive it DOES seem a little lite.

Pardon me for pursuing this but what did Cabela's THINK they could do to you. That is when they said 'You MUST return to the store to change the paper work' if you would have said 'no' what did they say they were going to do?

And this next question is slightly different and for the legal folk on the forum but what can a retailer ACTUALLY do if the retailer makes a mistake on the paper work? Can they actually send the authorities to get back the gun or send in a report so you can't buy another gun? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hello DaleA,,,

I'm not sure what they could do to me,,,
I honestly don't think they have any authority to do anything.

I believe they would have simply reported to the BATF that I wouldn't come in and that they made every attempt to correct the situation.

At least that's what I think would have happened.

I put a letter in the mail to Cabela's Corporate yesterday,,,
Not so much griping about this but to suggest a better way of handling it.

I told them that the original phone call should have explained fully what the problem was,,,
And that an offer of some reasonable compensation should have been made at that time.

Just to show I was not trying to be an @$$ about this,,,
I did mention the names of the two employees who were polite and professional to me.


Thanks for the update Aaron.

It's nice folk post their experiences since if it happened to one person it could probably happen to others.