20 years I'm happy with Cabela's and they finally tick me off.


New member
20 years I'm happy with Cabela's,,,
They finally tick me off.

I used my Cabela's Bucks to order a Henry Mini-Bolt,,,
I had them ship it to the OK City store,,,
I picked it up last Saturday.

I just got a call from the store "demanding" I come back in with the rifle,,,
Apparently they misspelled my first name on their paperwork,,,
They used Arrond instead of Aarond.

I asked them why can't they just fix the misspelling on their end,,,
They told me that they must cancel the original transaction,,,
And start again as if it had never happened.


So now I hafta either take a half day annual leave and drive 80 miles today,,,
Or waste a weekend day and go this coming Saturday.

Crap happens,,,
I guess it's my turn.


I'd tell them to go pound sand. At best, I'll be by the next time I need to go to Cabela's. Plus, I haven't one dang thing that makes it worth my time.
If you filled out the 4473 properly, then it is entirely their problem.

They can wait until it is convenient for you.
Don't let them bully you.

I was in a similar situation with a regional company, when they accepted my ID with a taped-on address change (legal and acceptable at the time); and then the manager went ballistic because he had heard that the ATF was going to change the rules (which they later did).
They tried bullying me. They tried bribing me.
Neither worked. I knew the transaction was legal, and that everything on my side had been handled properly.

They had to wait until the next week before I could get back there.


Oh, and I hate Cabela's anyway. Not a fan of their pricing, customer service, limited selection, or policies.
(They may have some nice perks, like being able to return a malfunctioning firearm; but they also have some really crappy policies that "don't matter" until they apply to you.)
Their mistake so they need to come to you or offer something of value, maybe a bunch of ammo. If they get belligerent about it I'd refuse to do anything.
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Apparently they misspelled my first name on their paperwork,,,
They used Arrond instead of Aarond.

I've never had any FFL fill out a 4473 for me. This is confusing to me, why did they write your name on the 4473? They are to check your form against the ID, not fill it out for you, AFAIK.

Anyway, I'd go back and correct the problem, but I wouldn't bring the gun back - that makes no sense.
If they've aggravated you enough, mail the gun back to them,
(long gun going to a FFL).
Then, if you paid for it with a credit card (always a good idea, just to have recourse when necessary),
Call the credit card folks, explain and cancel the charge.
Won't even have to leave town.
Just a thought.
Skans said:
I've never had any FFL fill out a 4473 for me. This is confusing to me, why did they write your name on the 4473? They are to check your form against the ID, not fill it out for you, AFAIK.
Indeed; AFAIK there is no place in Sections B thru D of the 4473 (the dealer sections) where the transferring FFL even has to write out the purchaser's name. They need to transcribe the information to their bound book, but errors there are their problem, not yours.

Something is rotten in Denmark. I would call them back, talk to a manager, and have that person carefully describe exactly what the problem is. Although I try not to assume malice prematurely, this situation has the hallmarks of someone lying to cover the evidence of an unrelated record-keeping error, e.g. the Mini-Bolt that was logged out at the originating store was discovered sitting on their display rack, and the OKC store logged the same serial number off the box, failing to discover that the boxes had been switched when the rifle was shipped. :eek:

If such a thing occurred, THEY need to compensate you for having to deal with THEIR mistake.
Having dealt with Cabela's for over forty years, I've always found them to be very good and making things "right". I'm sure if you explain to them the cost to you for helping them fix a mistake on their end, they'll compensate you for your trouble. They've done things for me several times over the years to comp me and they were always more than fair about it. Yes, it's inconvenient, but just try to get enough to take the sting away and let them fix their mistake.
I'd tell them to go pound sand personally....or give me a nice discount or store credit or something. It's their mistake.
I've made several mistakes on 4473's over the years. Mostly "typo's" and such. I say "typo" because my handwriting, even my printing leaves something to be desired at times. I get a letter in the mail from the shop in a couple of days asking me to come in and make the correction, initial and date it, and that's it. I've never had to "do it over".

And I have learned to take my time and do it right over the years. It helps that the lady at the paperwork desk threatens to smack me up-side the head if I don't.
I'd Never buy a gun at cabelas ever. Ive done it twice and between their joke prices over MSRP and way they've acted I'll never be back.
Call and get the store manager and/or call Cabela's headquarters. I would not make a trip for them without compensation.

A story - years ago I buy a new car. I go home with it. I get a call Friday afternoon that they have filled out the paper work incorrectly and I NEED to bring it back. I have plans so I said that I would drop by Monday. Blah, blah, having a fit, blah, blah - TOUGH.

Just redo the forms. We can't do it - blah, blah.

Me - so I will see you on Monday.

Well, I guess they figure out that they will get back the car with lots of weekend miles on it, so on Monday - they tell me that they redid the paper work. So that's that.

Except - a few weeks later - I get a letter from the loan company thanking me for paying off my loan early and here's a check for doing that.

Ok - fine with me. The loan on the car I have continued as defined. Who knows!

But contact managers and corporate.
Several years ago, when I lived in Connecticut (years before the post-Sandy Hook madness) I bought a used handgun from the largest gun store in the state. Months later I got a letter from the state police informing me that I had failed to submit paperwork to close out a sale authorization I had requested for a [Megablaster 15]. I called the state police firearms unit and explained that on the date in question, I had purchased the firearm described in their letter, not sold it, and that I still had it and they could send an officer to my house and I would show it to him.

They checked further and found that the gun store had submitted two sets of paperwork -- one as a sale from them to me (correct), and one as a purchase by them, but set up that I would have been responsible for filing the paperwork. Which I don't think is even possible. The officer I talked to told me he could see what happened and not to worry about it. I suspect they had a long talk with someone at the gun store.

80 miles to Cabela's? The one "near" me is only 40 or 50 miles. I agree on telling them to pound sand. They can send someone to your house with the paperwork.
Just curious. What does Cabela's THINK they can do to you if you don't comply?

And of course the second question asked of the legal folk here, what could they REALLY do if you didn't comply?
This happens more often than you'd think, you're certainly not the 1st, and not just at Cabelas. In fact they are probably better than lots of other places. While it is a pain in the rear, it is something that has to be made right. In my experience Cabelas will work with you.
I was in GM one day looking through their Nagants and saw a similar problem. For 15 min one of the managers was helping a new person behind he counter with paperwork on a handgun. You could tell the man buying the gun was getting a little annoyed. Well to make a long story short. When he called in for the background check everything went ok until the manager came back and checked all of the paperwork for the last time.
The nit wit put the wrong SN on the form. By then I was done picking out the best of 20 Nagants and paperwork and was walking out the store then the person buying the gun started getting a little loud. And I don’t blame him one bit.