I am making no such assumption about Nethercott's racism, nor am I saying "Nethercott should've been sued because he couldn't be convicted in criminal court!". It is not a substitute for criminal conviction, and the reason is that the purpose of a civil suit is entirely different. Criminal courts punish, civil suits award compensation for measured damages. Losing a civil judgment doesn't go into an LE database so that the whole world can check at an instant that you've been sued. Civil and criminal are apples and oranges. And that's the way it should be. There are lots of civil cases that aren't even auto-accident, for example. Conviction of a crime never has been required for this kind of lawsuit.
My point is very simply this: Nethercott had a history of violent assault. That's settled. He was also running around with a gun when he wasn't allowed to, because of said convictions. Now, when he (if he had tried to defend himself, anyway) gets up in court and says "Hey, those damn illegals are lying!!! I didn't hit them at all and I would never think of it!", what do you think a jury/judge is going to say? "Hey, Nethercott must be telling the truth, because having felony convictions for violence doesn't mean anything now..."
The guy has a history that makes the allegations against him more credible. Just like the history and reputation of the Aryan nations' made it a lot more credible that they had chased down this poor woman for no reason.
I repeat, I am not saying Nethercott should have lost the suit only because of his past conviction, or as a substitute for failed criminal prosecution on the pistol whipping charge. What I am saying is that his past makes the allegations against him more credible, and that is most likely why he lost what he did. The basic idea that you can sue for people having done damage to you is a good one, IMO. So the only issue here is, "Is there evidence that Nethercott actually caused harm that entitles the illegals to compensation?"
The court sure seemed to believe so, and even though the size of the award is incredibly large, it is not a special award for illegals (the Keenan award was even more large, and they didn't even allege a pistol whipping!), and it's also not a criminal condemnation of Nethercott. Losing the civil case means he has to pay money owed, no more, and no less.