1917 DWM Luger

Very fair price for the rig these days.
Nice holster which is a big bonus including the tool.
Finding a Luger with even one matching mag is a minor miracle.
They are really not a concern in the Luger world except as a real premium if present.
They are often faked or attempts made at faking them.
Thanks folks. Yeah excited about it. I called and put it on layaway till I could get back to the shop and pick it up. Hoping to get down there this week. I don't plan to shoot it much at all. Likely only a magazine out of it here and there like once or twice a year.
One suggestion if I may..... If and when you plan to shoot it, taking the holdopen out is a completely safe option. The only change in performance would be that the toggle does not stay open after the last shot. Other than that, the safety of operation is not compromised at all.
Its not cheap, but if you want to protect the collector value of your Luger to the greatest amount possible and still shoot it, then get replacements for all the numbered parts, and put the numbered parts in secure storage.

Doesn't matter much with a lot of guns, but with Lugers, a significant portion of their value is having matching or non matching numbered parts.

There is always some risk, shooting an old all original gun. With proper ammo, one or two mags, once in a while, shouldn't hurt anything. Note, I said shouldn't, not couldn't.