1851 Navy .36,Powder,Ball,Cap,Wad......?

L I B M R Stocks! and they're in my back yard too. About 100 miles south of me. Maybe haps I'll get me one.
Thanks Mike. Saves a bunch of trouble trying to make one fit.
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Sounds like a nice way to spend a day Christmas shopping for yourself, a nice ride, stop for a good lunch, shop for a while, load your truck up with black powder goodys and head back home.:D
Yep it does, but....I don't drive the freeways here unless I have too. UPS/FEDX/USPS are way cheaper..and I won't see something else I just gotta have.
Now if there was a gunshow at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa.....then I'd have to do a pass by EMF. I don't know if they have a show room or not. Need to check them out further. I knew they were there as I had an EMF Colt clone once and needed a part, they had it.

BTW I just bought a powder scale and a powder trickler on an auction site. I'll be ready to load smokeless or BP cartridge very soon

Thanks Again.
I don't drive the freeways here unless I have too.

Dragoon, you sound just like me! lol! I try to stay off the interstate around here unless I have to hit it to get where I need to go...too many people out there behind the wheel with their head up their butt and can't see where they're going! :p
Bad Drivers in Memphis/ TN.......????

I'm sorry Low Key, I thought you were MPP1423

That's funny I thought the same thing when I went thru Memphis on Sept. 11 2005. Especially thru that construction twist and turn lane shifts. My sister was yelling at me to slow down....18 wheeler ahead, behind and beside...how in the DUBL Hockey Sticks can I slow down!?!?!?!?!
I actually drove coast to coast in 4 days, save for 60 miles on each end. We went I-40/-240/I-40 all the way to Asheville N.C. First night we made Albuquerque, NM, second night Salisaw, OK, third night, Knoxville TN, and We arrived in Chadbourn, N.C. at about 4:pm on the 4th day..just in time for the Hurricane.
I don't know where in TN. this park is, so if it's one of MPP1423 parks, I apologise, but the funniest sign I saw on the trip was the sign for Toad Suck Park. My sister land I aughed and laughed about that name, but I know there is history there...

The drivers out here are as bad or worse. I'm lucky to live on the property that I work on, so the truck moves only if I want, or need to..

I probably will go down and check out EMF in the near future, but probably not this month.
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You ain't kidden about the 18 wheelers! If there's one behind you that wants to run 95 miles an hour, you will be going 95 miles an hour whether you like it or not! :eek:
Good thing for me that I live in the boonies in N.E. TN away from all the big cities. I travel around when I have to, but otherwise I stay away from all the crazy traffic.
Old Dragoon
Great news that the stock for the 1858 Remington can be had.
I sure like my pistol stocks. It took the stocks for me to see the
difference between the round balls and conical

Ok now is a whistle pigs the same size as a prairie dog?

I know what a interstate is. I just have not seen one for
a while. I think that I live in the only state that doesn’t
have a interstate to it’s capitol. Last time I looked there
are only 750,000 people in the whole state.
Whistle Pigs, Pasture Puppies or Groundhogs......

All the same animal.
If I remember Right they are the size of a young badger, approx 10-20 lbs. You know Punxatawny Phil THE quintesential Ground Hog on GH day. Bigger than Prairie Dogs, smaller than a fox, dig burrows in field and fence rows I have seen them weave themselves up a stave fence to the top and hang there as king/queen of their domain, surveying, I guess, that domain. Saw it in Michigan at a blueberry field...I could just see him/her licking his/her chops. I was on the road going to a gun show so i couldn't take a shot.

Thought it was funny.

Almost as funny/scarey as the day I called a Tom Turkey right down to my car on the side of the Interstate in Michigan, again on my way to a gunshow.

He was strutting his stuff up on the hill with a couple hens, I stopped to see if I could call him down. I clucked at him, just gobbled at him like a fool. Evidently he took exception to another "Tom" in his woods. I had gotten out of my car and called. Here he came almost on a dead run, he actually tried to/did, chase me around my car. I finally got back around to the driver door again and jumped in. It was the first day of early spring season and my first encounter with a wild turkey. I had the firepower but no tag, so he let me go...LOL
Scared me a little until I could get back in the car. They are a formidable bird up close and personal and me unarmed. I have often wondered if he lived thru the season.

I been to the Dakotas, Williston,ND Coldest spot I ever been, working on a Silica sand transport for Smith Energy Services. Bundled up, waddled out to the truck, took the dimensions I needed and waddled back, 25 Below and a 40 MPH wind, Then we had to drive to Minot to catch a flight back to Denver that was the time they had the highway torn up almost all the way....dirt road all that way.
I was really glad to see that airplane after 3 days in Williston.

Which Dakpota are you in?

LIB! MR stocks! MR not! SAR! CM ID BD screws?

Liked that when it was first printed up. Still like it. Lotsa pipple don't get it.


Old Dragoon

“Which Dakpota are you in?”
Pierre, South Dakota

I have an appointment with some orthopedic surgeons on
the 12 &13 of December for reconstruction surgery for my
shoulder, upper arm, wrist, and hand. It will be 52 days
from the day I did this, to the day that they start to put it
back together. Then maybe work on my leg, ankle, and back.

I have buryed better looking things. At this time it just
hangs by the flesh and twitches at me. I have learned to
just twitch right back at it.

So wish me luck and thank you, you and all the rest of you
for some fun reading. It has helped keep me from going any
more bonkers. You are my friends and I thank you for a lot
of enjoyment and laughing out loud. Your turkey tail will keep
me smiling till I get back.

If ever I can return the favor, do not hesitate to ask.

William Alexander

Have a great holiday season.
I hope that your surgery goes well and wish you a speedy recovery, I'll keep you in my prayers.

I thought you were MPP1423 and I added to the post Sorry for the goof.
Not a problem, lol! I kinda thought that you had me confused with kevin when I first read your post. That turkey story is funny! I've never seen one do that before, it seems like they know when you're hunting and when you aren't!
Tinker2, Sure hope your surgery wells and you heal real quick. With winter fast aproaching it's a good time to have it done. Keep us informed as you go along. Take care, Mike
I'll keep you in my prayers also. Glad i can provide some comedic relief.
Hope the surgery goes well. Keep us posted and you have as good a holiday season as you can. We'll all be here to help cheer you up.


When i first saw the Tom and his hens I was about a 1/8 mile away, and just a dumb thought to stop and try to call him. I was really suprised when he came a running. I had a Dodge Daytona at the time, and at first I was in the car with the passenger side window down, you know, just a whim thing. Well I gobbled at him and he came across the fence, so I got out and walked around the front of the carand gobbled at him again and here he comes. I back around the front of the car watching for him to stop and he don't, so I continued backing around the car, and he keeps coming. There wasn't much traffic at all that day so there wasn't anything but me and the car and the Tom. I got to the back of the car and he just keeps coming towards me. i had quit calling to him. I walk up the passenger side and ,darn there he is coming around the back of the car, I thought, "CD, You might have bitten off more than you can chew here." He was gaining on me and I did cut and run around the front to my door and jumped in.He came around the front of the car and didn't see me. I started the car and he took off back up the hill, over the fence to his hens.

When I was a kid, a little kid that is, CD, we had leghorn roosters running loose on the place. Every now and then, one would act like that turkey and come at me. They would actually knock me down, jump on top and go to town, flogging and spurring. When I was 5 or so, I figured out I was bigger than them and stopped running. Then I kinda got "cocky" and started chasing them. A 6 or 7 pound bird was the first thing I was able to beat up! Sure do miss that.

Good luck, William, with your surgery. We won't have to call you Humpty-Dumpty any longer when that's all behind you. And, I thought I was the only one living in a state where the capital city had no interstate. Jefferson City, Missouri has 3 U.S. highways, 50, 54 and 63 running through it but no interstates.
Groundhogs can get pretty big, I've killed some out of the corn patch that were 36 inches around and probably weighed 20-25 pounds.

Mike, I don't remember which thread it was where you told me you used a piece of pipe nipple, sharpened, as a wad punch. I tried two different ones and couldn't get them to work right. The sharp end would curl up somewhere around the circumference after only a few wads. I sharpened them at a steeper angle to make a stronger edge and still had the same problem. I even have a thick vinyl or plastic cutting table from an old shoe factory to work on so the punch isn't going into anything hard. There's not enough carbon in the pipe I have to temper the punch. I have my Dixie catalog turned to page 303 where I am just before ordering a 45 caliber wad punch for $33.95. I could make one on my forge out of tool steel, I guess, but the way I go at stuff, the working model wouldn't arrive until I had invested a week's time, 5 or 6 prototypes and 15 pounds of cuss words. Do you have any suggestions?

[/IMG]Steve, I just bought a 1/2" (ID) pipe nipple threaded both ends from my hardware store. Then I bought a 1/2"to 1/4" reducer to screw on the end that I smack with a hammer. After useing a bench grinder to taper the outside edge of the pipe i finished it up with a basterd file to sharpen it.If you make the taper to fast and sharpen it down to a thin edge it wont last long. You need to bevel sharpen it like your would an axe.
I cut about 10 wads at a time and they stack up inside the pipe. Then I take a stick and shove them out and cut another 10. It takes a very shirt time to cut our a couple hundred. Good thing to do on a cold day like today.
The wood you see here is off an old computer desk and the felt is wool and 1/8" thick. A half is is just a hair big for the .44 (45) but that's the way I like them. Gives you a good seal.
he best thing to get for a punch is a hollow leather punch. They have an opening on the side where you can just shove out the wads or pieces of leather. They are cheap and sharp and good hard steel. Last forever and you can buy a whole set really cheap.They have then on ebay all the time.
If you buy from Dixie or any of them you will pay through the nose and they are no better than the leather punches.
Thanks, Mike, pictures sure help. That's pretty much what I have, only without the piece on the back. The bevel on mine isn't much if any shallower than yours. I guess the pipe I got is just softer. I may try to make my own out of some stuff I have laying around. I think I can drill a hole of the right size in the end of some bar stock at an angle so the hole comes out the side a couple of inches from the end. Work the outside down to make it look like a punch and then temper it. I'll have to heat and quench enough of the scrap stuff I have laying around to see what has enough carbon in it to harden. I have some real felt ordered so when it gets here I'll have an incentive to make the punch.

Steve, You sound like me. I'll look at something and even if it's cheap it will start my wheels turning and the next thing I know I'm try to build a better mouse trap:)
Yeah, I am inclined a little like that but the reason I HAVE to do it is, between the time I posted about buying a punch from Dixie and now, I ordered another Gun! I make a little extra money from time to time and just happened to have the $130.00 for a Colt 1849 .31 pocket replica. The wife gave her blessing so I went ahead and ordered one. I didn't think I should try to take a mile and order the punch, too!


A guy who was selling his last pack of Wonder Wads for like 50 bucks, so he could post his way of making your own, says to go to Harbor Freight for a set of 6 or 9 hollow punches. Set of 6 for 2.99, set of 9 for 5.99.

I don't know how good they are, but for the price, 'specially the 6 pack, which says "Lifetime Guaranteed.", how can you go wrong? If they break, you're out 3 bucks and shipping.

Here are the links:

If anybody is interested, I saved his tirade as a document. I could e-mail to you. He uses weather stripping and Murphy's Oil Soap.

A warning to those buying weather stripping. I bought a roll at Home Depot, real "felt", and it is, but it's plastic based felt. About a buck and a 1/4.

First thing I got home, snipped a piece off, lit it. Burned like a styrofoam cup, smelled like heck, NOT like when your Zippo flares up and singes your nose hair.

Mike, I think it was you who said he couldn't find any of the wads after shooting? I'm not second guessin' ya, but could the stuff you're using be fake felt, and completely be burnt up? I don't know, mebbe real wool would, too.

Try burnin' a little scrap of it and see if it smells like hair or like plastic.

I have half a yard or so in the garage, but it's 1/4 inch thick. Think I am gonna go flea marketing and see if I can buy up old hats, if they're marked real wool felt. They're like 1/16 inch hard felt.

