12GA Rifle From Hell

Back in the thread where I posted picture of my guns
leaning up against my " Safari Car " , I'm in the pic.
As far as 10ga choked rifled tubes no idea. Might be cheaper
to just get a NEF 10ga Ultra Slug Gun ready to go, about
250 bucks, already rifled heavy barrel.Nice gun.Ed
ED... thanks for the tip... but I've been to thier website many times in my research


yes they have rifled 12 gauges, but I have been unable to find any listings for 10 gauge rifled slug guns, as that would be an interesting & cost effective starting point for load & projectile developement ( I could also possibly machine a choke tube to fit either the Browning or Remington repeaters from a rifled barrel if I could find one...

... please understand, I'm not trying to out do what you have already done ( which is amaizing ), only trying to do something a little different... thanks again... MWM
I plan on testing a few hopped up loads in a 10ga
smoothbore I have here this winter. I want to see how
our powders work with 10ga smooth slugs, compared to what
factory loads with shotgun powders do.And if someone like you
does it in a heavy NEF, along with testing I
will do on lighter barrel double, that makes experimenting
easier for all of us and I will get whatever info developed around
the net for 10 ga owners. Ed

Both the Pardner® Turkey Gun and Pardner® Waterfowl come in 10 gauge and 12 gauge. They use the same receiver on both gauges so the chamber diameter of both the 10 ga and 12 ga barrels are the same. So rechambering the 12 ga barrel to 10 ga is quite easy.

What I'm wondering is if there is enough wall thickness to have the 12 gauge barrel bored out and rifled to 10 gauge? There might be enough metal in the walls to remove the .036" needed to go from the .729" smooth to a .775" groove diameter bore. There wouldn't be much more metal removed than when backboring.
BLUES.... I spent a week or so contacting a wide array of barrel makers choke tube manufacturers, etc... & was unable to find anyone with the tooling to rifle a 10 gauge barrel or choke tube...

admitedly the SP-10 repeater with the thumbhole stock is a very attractive base gun ( though it's hugely expensive when compared to the "handi's" ) so I would not be opposed to buying a Handi, even buying a barrel blank & having it fit to the gun, ( I could get that done locally pretty easily, if I could find anyone that could do 10 gauge rifled barrel or choke tube rifling )... I thought I'd read a few years back, that the difference in accuracy between a fully rifled barrel, & the same slugs out of smooth bore with a rifled choke tube was very marginal so I'd be happy to start with either...

... after that, a projectile will need to be chosen... a 1.75 ounce slug would be a shoulder buster, but would litterally shoot rainbow patterns... so a saboted "bullet" would likely be a better option, I could have some bullet molds machined ( again pretty easily ), as just using an existing bullet in that huge bore doesn't seem right, & buying .600 or bigger bullets seems costly, especially since I have almost a ton of lead on hand for bullet casting...
Hmmmmm, let's see who can do a rifleed 10 ga?
Have you contacted any companies that do custom black powder guns? What about the guys who make ¼ scale cannons? Thay might be able to do something in a bigger bore.

I have a Browning extended (4"), rifled choke tube that I use on my Winchester 1300 Defender. It's pretty dang accurate with anything I've put through it so far. Even the sabot bullets (I just can't bring myself to call a .45 fired from a 12 ga a "slug") that are marked "for fully rifled barrels only" shoot well.
I figure the Paradox guns were good enough for the big game hunters a hundred years ago and in essence that's what I have with my setup, a 12 gauge paradox repeater. :D

If I ever get around to finally getting my casting area set up I'm thinking of some nice large lead boolits that will fit nicely in a 12 gauge brass case since, in essence, the inside of a 12 ga brass case is 11 gauge. I'm thinking that very hard cast wouldn't lead the smooth bore and that looong tube would give it enough spin. I'm not looking for real long range. Just the ability to drop anything that walks on, swims in, flies above or might invade, the planet, up to about 150 yards. Plus I like the ability to quickly switch it over to shot loads.
I contacted several blackpowder & all the shotgun & rifle manufactrers that I could find with a few days of "Googling"

very few replyed back, but all that did, said they didn't have tooling to do a bore that size...

sounds like we are of the same mindset for a goal on the "big 10"
Funny you should mention the Cannon manufacurers, ( I had a thread on them here a while back... I always wanted a pair of them up by the house on each side of the driveway :eek:... my tastes are bigger than my wallet :D

I have several makers bookmarked, but I think all they do are smooth bore cannons ???
8ga, we gonna do a couple, first one a test
gun in an Enfield with rear locking lugs.
All locking is in the rear, it is not exactly like
my 700HE one, lugs seats all gone in the
front like a Mauser shotgun.
May have a way to get barrels 'fast'---
fast being like 2 weeks, from the time I
have money to do it. And only about
150 bucks each.......Am working on it.
In pic you see long case sticking out of
the action, a couple 8ga plastic cases, a
couple of the 8ga kiln slugs, 3 oz and
hardened. Am looking for a slug built like the
Federal 10 ga one that has rounded nose
and hollow base, that will fit bores tight.
The barrels I am working deal on will be smoothbore.Ed

We're going to test smoothbore slugs in 87
like these Brenneke KOs with our special
powder loads to get velocity up. Many guys are
getting accuracy with these in smooth and
rifled barrels, and I going to see if they
will stay together and be stable with speed added.Ed

Got an 8ga barrel blank being made now,
will be here end of the week.Found this
info on plastic 8ga kiln gun loads, they
load a frangible 710gr slug at 2300-
for 8300ft lbs, load 1275gr hard slug to
1700, 8100 ft lbs. We will outdo those easy
with our non-shotgun powder loads, in
a heavy barrel.Ed
Tested 35" smooth barrel in 1887. Got couple
1 oz foster slugs over 2400, with 110gr
of 4227. 3" plastic case, regular primers.
The 28GA FH cases on the way.Chambering
bolt gun for it now..Ed
In the 87 long smooth barrel got
1 oz Brenneke to 2400 with 110gr
of 4227, You could use 4759 and
VV110 also at lesser amounts.
Barrel is cylinder bore size.
Brenneke slugs need no wads as the
locked on wad works good.Ed
In the long barrel 87 got 600 grain
Dixie over 2000, got a Buckhammer slug
I took out of factory load over 1900.
Buckhammer and locked on wad is 630
gr. Tested in 3" plastic cases.

The firing pin on the 87 didn't protude out
like I like them to as it comes from factory,
so I removed .015 from the hammer stop.
It fires big and small primers perfect.Ed
10GA FH..a NEF 10ga, medium to heavy wt smooth barrel.
28" long, gun weighted to 14lbs. factory FED 765gr loads
are 1300 fps. 200 gr of first powder tested is 7383 surplus
and the regular shotgun primers got 765 gr to 1600,
for 4300 ft lbs. Case won't hold anymore 7383.
We will test 4227 with the same slug , and saboted slug
of some design. The 765 gr Fed slug is hollowbase for
smooth bores. Roll crimped with crimper in drill press.
Case expansion with 7383 very little(.006") like
the factory loads. 3.5" plastic cases.Ed
I am-it isn't bad as its weight and thick doubled
up pad does the job.It is like my 12ga Nef as far as
weight and pads. Just a single barrel break action.Ed
10GA FH info.Fed factory hollowbase slug is .025" smaller than
10ga bore. I bumped it up to the .775" size, by expanding
hollow base. With 7383 that gave another 150 fps.Fast starting
shotgun powders expand base better than much slower 7383.
The Federal factory load has 120gr of wads/seals about 1.4"
long. Better to replace with much more slower powder,
getting better velocity, still at low shotgun pressures.Ed