10mm or 45 acp glock?

G20/29 and the 10MM Great guns, great cal
G21/30 and the 45 ACP, same but,

With a G21/30 you can also have in the same gun:

40 Super, very powerful round, as good or better than a 10MM
Will need a new barrel and spring for your gun

45 Super, not quite as hot as the 40 Super, 10MM is hotter than this round I beleive, but it is potent

400 Cor-Bon, a very good round, little weaker than the 10MM
Will need a new barrel and spring

450SMC, coming out in jan 01 and is second only to 40 Super(according to the manufacturer, Triton). Can be fired from your existing barrel with only a spring mod

460 Rowland, don't know much about this round, but hell it sounds cool! Will need a new barrel and spring

And of course you have all of the various .45 ACP rounds out there in the various weights etc.......

The .45 ACP platform gives you much more possibilities than the 10MM. Not saying that it's better, just more options. Each has it's own place

AS Tamara said, you got yours and I got mine.....Only in this case, mine is more flexible! The other nice thing is you can revert back to your stock 45 setup for practice utilizing cheap, readily available ammo!

Now I hope I didn't piss off my 10MM buds....
If you haven't figured it out yet, I say go for the .45ACp and have fun. Either way, be safe and enjoy your weapon of choice
Hmmmm, lets see. Either of the 10mm or either of the .45ACP Glocks can be had for about $550± new stock.

Lets see, in all the options below don't forget to add $$$, or $$ to the above price when ever you see that sign.

~~~Now the .40 Super; irrelevant here unless you buy a .40S&W instead of the .45ACP or 10mm.

~~~.45 Super: on top of the price of the original gun, you have $$$339 for the true conversion kit, plus have to send the slide and barrel out $$$ to be auto-ported or Failure to have the auto-porting process performed prior to firing "45Super"® ammunition can cause damage to the pistol! Either that or maybe just fire the tactical rounds which are little better than +p ammunition. Additionally, ammo is $$ rather expensive and very little selection. Brass is more $$ expensive as well.

~~~.400 Cor-Bon; the re-invention of the 10mm by Cor-Bon, just a bit shorter and fatter. Have to buy the conversion kit $$$. Ammo is $$ expensive and very small selection. More $$ expensive to reload as brass is more expensive and it is more of a pain to reload the shouldered case.

~~~460 Rowland; Kit for Glocks is still in the R&D phase. They don't even know if they will be offering it or not. If it does come out: Have to buy the conversion kit $$$. Ammo is $$ expensive and very small selection. More $$ expensive to reload as brass is more expensive. However, I do like this round!! ;) but it is irrelevant to the discussion of the Glock 10mm vs. .45ACP

450SMC; another wildcat, $$$, not even available yet. Give me a break.

All the above are wildcats. Yes they are different things you can build or possibility build some .45ACP,s into. But then it is no longer a .45ACP and it costs additional $$$ to convert it over to any of these. Then costs more to shoot it in that caliber. Then it is a modified gun that you have to defend against, if you do have to use it in self defense.

I know, just go out and get a .50BMG and get it over with!! :D I mean seriously now! :(

In the beginning of this thread: bullfrog99 said he had decided on a Glock big bore, just not sure which between the 10mm and .45ACP. Nothing was mentioned about hybrids or wildcats or other non-standard calibers. Sheesh, I mean try and help this person out with some valid input, not confuse the matter that much more. :rolleyes:

Happy New Year Everyone!

Keep It In The 10 Ring,

"Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." - Benjamin Franklin
don't worry MLP, i understand the whould cartrige conversion thing, add a more powerful spring a new barrel, and pay out the but when you could just go out and buy a bigger gun. i am just simply looking for a gun that will last forever, and work in a pinch for both a deer, or punching holes in bad guys. i beleive that the 10mm is a better hunting cartrige, but feel that the 45 acp is better for defense(nice big hole) right now i'm leaning toward a psudo Elmer Keith 45 acp with a 250 grain swc over a moderate charge of 2400 powder. it should be ample in penitration, but the big meplat should punch a bigger wound channel than ball ammo. sounds good right now, but i'm also concidering a ruger redhawk in 45 colt for the same purpose, then again their is the taurus titanium tracker line, 41 mag ... 357 mag ... 25oz same as a glock... Such decisions. isn't it great to live in a (seemingly) free country!

Don't know where you're gettin' your info but you are mistaken about the 40 Super. It was designed to be fired out of 45 ACP guns with barrel/spring mods. KKM and Federal both make barrels for most popular 1911's, Glock 21/30's, Sig's, HK's and others for this round. IT IS NOT A 40 S&W round. It is similar to the 400 Cor Bon except slighty longer and alot hotter.

IRT reloading shouldered cartridges, talk to alot of guys that reload these types rounds. No more difficult than any other round, like 357 Sig.....

For the glocks, the barrels and spring can cost anywhere from 100.00 to 230.00, depending on whether you get a ported or comped barrel. So you are correct, more dollars, but more options from one platform. If you can't admit that the 45 ACP offers more options than almost any other handgun, you are misinformed.

As for 450 SMC, what do you mean, give you a brake? It is a new round that will be fired out of stock 45 barrels? A new spring will set you back a whopping 15.00. You give me a brake.....Triton is a reputable round manufacturer and Starline is making the brass for 40 Super as well as 450SMC.

As I recall, when the first 10MM came out, they were too WILDCATS, and people then said the same thing about them, they won't last etc....

IRT your last comment, quote:
"In the beginning of this thread: bullfrog99 said he had decided on a Glock big bore, just not sure which between the 10mm and .45ACP. Nothing was mentioned about hybrids or wildcats or other non-standard calibers. Sheesh, I mean try and help this person out with some valid input, not confuse the matter that much more."

That's exactly what I am doing, giving info about a handgun than with slight and easy modifications, can fire alot of other cartridges and be used for hunting, self defense, competition etc....I never knocked the 10MM bro, just being honest. It is only prudent to be aware of all of the capabilities a single platform can offer.

Read up on some of these WILDCATS before you spread bad gouge like your comments about the 40 Super. Go over to GLock talk and ask around about 40 Super, 400 Corbon, 45 Super and the upcoming 450SMC. You'll find alot of people in the BIG DAWG club who shoot these, and like them very much. Alot of us 21/30 guys are really excited about the 450SMC, just like the 45ACP was about +P's when they first came out.

Again, this is not meant to be confrontational towards you, hell I don't even know you...bet if we hung out and talked guns we would probably get along just fine....But I am trying to help this guy by giving him info that is factual and that I personally can atest too. I shoot 40 Supers alot. They cost 14.50 a box, pricey, yeah, but like I said, I can always switch back to 45ACP any time I want with just a simple barrel/spring change and shoot cheaper 45 ACP...

peace out----
Hi bullfrog99,
No worries. I suppose I was just a bit irritable last night.

i understand the whould cartrige conversion thing, add a more powerful spring a new barrel, and pay out the but when you could just go out and buy a bigger gun.
Many would have you believe that is simply a spring change to do the conversion. However, for extended safe operation barrel replacement is recommended in most cases and necessary in many.

i am just simply looking for a gun that will last forever, and work in a pinch for both a deer, or punching holes in bad guys. i beleive that the 10mm is a better hunting cartrige, but feel that the 45 acp is better for defense(nice big hole)
The 10mm is marginal on deer, and should only be used on such at very close range. Best if loaded with one of the heavy FPJ's for this, as penetration is a problem that must be overcome. Though the 10mm does do better here than the .45ACP.

The 10mm is an excellent defensive round as well. In fact, IMHO, it edges out the bigger hole of the .45ACP. Reason being, the big hole does no good if it doesn't go deep enough. Though we all have our own opinions on this. ;) Would I feel under armed with a .45ACP for self defense? Not really, just feel better armed with the 10mm.

Also, incase you have not heard, the use of lead bullets in a Glock Polygonal barrel is not recommended. Yes, you will hear many say they have done it with no problems. You will read that it is one of the possible causes leading to Kb's in Glocks. They choice is yours, just be advised it is recommended against. And yes Kb's have been documented in both the 10mm and the 45ACP as well as the 40S&W's from Glock.

Be cautious with using handloaded ammo for self defense. It can kill you in court should you ever use it for self defense. The same can be said for a modified or converted weapon. I personally recommend against using handloaded ammo for SD and recommend a factory stock pistol. Some tune-up work to help ensure reliable feeding and functionality could be acceptable though. I personally just hate to give the prosecution more ammo (pun intended) to use against me in court should it ever come to that. Again these are just my personal views and opinions

Then as you mentioned, There is always another "bigger" gun ;) LOL


My Bad on the 40 Super. :( I have heard some talk on this cartridge but hadn't researched it myself. Was going of something that was told to me by an obviously unreliable source, thus the error in my earlier post. However, after my earlier post I did some research on it, and found I was definitely in error with my statement regarding the 40 Super in my earlier reply. However, this still requires re-barreling and costly conversion to this caliber.

In regards to loading shouldered cases like the .357 Sig., .40 Super, .400 Cor-Bon, and .440 Cor-Bon. There are no carbide dies available for these that I have found as of yet. That means lubing the cases is necessary. So these, IMHO, are far more of a pain to load compared to the strait walled cartridges like the 10mm, 45ACP, 45 Super, the as of yet released 45 SMC, and the 460 Rowland that carbide dies are available for.

As for my "Give me a break" statement. It hasn't even been released yet. Recommending the purchase of a particular caliber based on the fact it can be converted to an as of yet unreleased wildcat! Well that was the reason for my statement.

Yes, in a way the 10mm was a wildcat. It was basically Jeff Cooper's brain child. By 1984 Factory ammunition was available from Norma and the Dornaus & Dixon Bren-Ten was released as a factory available gun to fire it. Not, hey here is a cartridge you can Convert your gun to fire. And not some ammo company making a cartridge that someone else's gun can be Converted to fire, in the hopes that one of the major firearms manufacturers would pick up the cartridge and begin marketing firearms in that caliber. The 10mm almost died a short lived life and probably would have if Colt hadn't picked up the cartridge and designed the Delta Elite to handle it. There was also the offspring wildcat the 10mm Mag. of which brass is still available for. Quite a formidable round (175gr bullet @ 1549fps) and even had a gun available for it.

I really do not see any of the major ammunition manufacturers or firearms manufacturers picking up either the 45 Super or the 450 SMC. Reason for this is the ability to chamber these rounds in a .45ACP's pistol not modified for or recommended to fire this round. Too much of a liability clause there. Not saying they are a bad round, just that they will always remain a wildcat, so to speak.

I can understand you feeling that you are giving beneficial info. And who am I to argue that fact. However, most people (the majority anyway) do not buy a gun because it can be converted to something else. Yes, it is nice to know that one can do such, but as a general rule is not the reason a person will choose a gun or cartridge.

Yes my mistake on the 40 Super, and your mistake on the 460 Rowland. I say we are even on that one. ;)

Trust me, I try not to take things confrontational or as flames. And I try not to give them that way either. Though that is sometimes hard to accomplish on bulletin boards where tone of voice and facial expressions are not part of the equation. I am always willing to discuss things though.

Yes, I am sure that if we were to hang out and talk guns or whatever, we would get along. No we would probably not agree on everything, wouldn't be human if we did. LOL :D

As I said at the start of this post, I suppose I was just a bit irritable, bad day ya know. I apologize for bringing that here and I usually don't, just we all slip at times.

Off the topic of this thread a bit:
I do like the 460 Rowland cartridge a bunch. And I think that the "Stainless Kimber Classic in .45ACP with the 460 Rowland Drop-In Comp kit" That Clark Custom Guns sells as a complete and matched gun kit for $1074 is an excellent deal!! :)

While I do love my Glocks, I personally feel that the 1911 format is a much better one to use for doing conversions on. Many more possibilities and variations available. JHMO, you understand.

Keep It In The 10 Ring,


"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Sir Winston Churchill
MLP, Cool......You bring up some very good points. I guess you can tell I'm a Glock21/30 fan and an avid .45ACP guy. While I agree the major manufacturers might not pick up the making these off shoots of the 45 ACP, the fact that Triton/Cor Bon does, and Starline is making the brass is a good indication that it won't be too hard to keep them in stock. There are carbide dies available, I trying to find the source now, I'll have to ask WalterGA and Turonatr over at GlockTalk. I know they were telling me about them. Will post it for info just in case somebody cares when I get it....

Bullfrog---what ever you choose, I'm sure it will be right for your...That's the bottom line--that you like what you get, not cause some guys on a board tell you that you will. If you can, find someone with a 10MM and go check it out. I personally like the round, just like the .45ACP better....

Anyway looks like a little debate taught us some stuff we didn't know and thats always a good thing! Hope all you semi-auto peeps have a safe New Years!
sorry i didn't clarify on my 45 ammo idea, i know that i would have to use an aftermarket barrel with non-polygonal rifling to use such a load as that. As far as using handloads for self defense, i think that a prosicuting attourny will use anything they can to make you look like an evil person. so i figure i should use the most effective round i can for defense, be it handload or not. in any case, i figure a one stop shot with a handload is better than firing 2 or 3 with an ineffective factory loading, at least from a defensive point of view, it would be nice to survive to be able to get procicuted for second degree murder in a street defense case. and if anyone asks? it's my hunting load,. it's not like i'm going to carry an explosive tip fragmenting mini grenade stuffed into a pisol round.(also an interesting load, a hand made copy of a velex load, a little birdy told me they work well on watermelons). it's simply a non threatening cast bullet.
Which would you rather buy conversion barrels for?

Strange calibers you had to order online at $30 or more per box?


.40 *&*, .357SIG, and (just for kicks) 9x25 Dillon?

Especially since the 10mm will do 90% of what those conversions will do, right out of the tupperware? ;)

Just some thoughts on "versatility". Don't get me wrong, I plan to do some tinkering with my G30, too, but out of the tupperware, with no extra $$$ spent, the G29 10mm is more versatile.

(Edited because poster was too dumb to remember that there's a, you know, difference between 9x23 Winchester and 9x25 Dillon :rolleyes: )

[Edited by Tamara on 12-29-2000 at 09:25 PM]
I learned my lesson along time ago about arguing with a woman, especially if she is packin' a 10MM!

I have been paying 14 bills and some change for my 165gr HI-VEL 40 supers. A little more than most run of the mill .45ACP +P's but not that much! But I live in Hawaii and all ammo is expensive. That's why there is 4 boxes in my luggage every trip I make to the mainland or Honolulu.

Tamara, I just got a Sprinco recoil setup(400 Corbon-heavy duty) for my G-30 and a KKM barrel/with the Glockmeister SS comp. I am dying to try these 450SMC's when they come out. Will shoot them from my G21 first but then I think my 30 with the heavy recoil setup and comped barrel should do just fine! Supposedly these 450 SMC's will be available after SHOT...will post.
I think Turbo and Walter are gonna do the same. Should be fun
Great, please do let me know if you can locate a source on carbide dies for any of these shouldered pistol cartridges I mentioned above. I have hunted on more than one occasion to no avail.

I never noticed you were a G21/30 fan! LOL ;) Seriously though, I have no problem with any .45ACP pistol (well there are a few makers that do not rate too high, but Glock is not one of them) A buddy of mine has a G21 that I shoot about as much as he does. Shoot, I even reload my own ammo for his gun! ROTFLMAO
I have spent my share of time on the range with a G30 as well, and have no complaints with it.
However, You understand I have to do all I can to sway people over to my cartridge of preference, the 10mm Auto. If we can form a new rising interest in this caliber, we will once again see more guns offered for it form more manufacturers. ;)
In fact, rumor has it that, Para-Ordinance is adding it to their line-up this year (01).

Let me know on those dies. My e-mail addy is available in my profile if you want to drop me an e-mail about it.

Looking forward to further discussions on other topics.


As long as you are happy with which ever you decide on and feel comfortable and confident with the round you choose. Then you have made the right decision! :)
and if anyone asks? it's my hunting load,.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!! :D LOL

BTW, I was looking at a .50BMG Snipers Rifle at my LGS today. Only $2999, such a deal! Now that is a hunting round!! ;)

Have a safe New Year!
Keep It In The 10 Ring,

"We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't."