10mm or 45 acp glock?


New member
I am sold on the glock for a woods gun, but i'm still stuck on caliber- i think i want to stick to the heavy side of the glock scale, but i'm not sure which full size gun to go with the g-20 or g-21
The G20 10mm vs G21 .45acp for a woods gun.

I'd personally go with the 10mm for stopping two legged and four legged vermin in the woods. With the added power of a full power 10mm load, I'd think that penetration would be better. And I really love my G20!! :D

Comparing the sectional density of the 200gr 10mm round to the 230 gr .45acp, the 10mm wins hands down. Figure the 180gr 10mm loads at full power (not the FBI Lites) have the same sectional density as the 230gr .45acp but are offering an extra 200-300fps.

For example, I am getting 1130fps with the Hornady 200gr XTP from my G20. That's about 570ft/lbs of energy with a high CSD.

I have *heard* that folks are getting 1350fps+ with the CorBon 180gr bonded core hunting load. That's some serious power there from the 10mm, figure almost 730ft/lbs of energy.

Bullfrog the 10mm is a very hot round. In my personal experience the 10mm will have a considerable more amount of kick than the .45 ACP but I have found it's accuracy to be very acceptable.

If you use the weapon for CCW or any type of personal protection the 10mm will be (IMHO) harder for any type of follow up shot.

But both will definitely be BIG BORE.
I agree with the above posts. If you can handle the raw power of the 10mm get a 10mm g20. Otherwise settle for a 45acp version. The g20 is very accurate and 16 rnds of full house 10mm would certainly get you out of most sticky situations.
I'd go with the 10mm G-20 hands down. IMHO, the 10mm has some very effective loads for the woods, the 45 cal (G-21) does not. I've carried the G-21 on my ATV and hiking and around camp. I always carried hardball ammo but wanted something more. I ended up getting a 41 magnum but a Glock 20 would do just fine also. If you're a woods guy like myself, get the 10mm. Just my thoughts, J. Parker
Having both M20 & M21, I'd go with the M20. For some reason, I shoot that better than the M21. Haven't figured out why though.
I'd go with the G20...it is more versatile than the G21.

You have the option of full power 10mm loads for the woods, and reduced velocity 10mm loads for defense if you can't handle full power loads. (which are equivalent to the .40 Auto)

Whats more is that you can buy an aftermarket .357SIG barrel also.
I'll have to vote for...

... the 10mm as well. With a 15-round magazine fitted with a plus-two or plus-five baseplate and either a factory or aftermarket 6-inch hunting barrel, it's the closest thing to an "assault rifle" that you can put in a holster. (Robertthe.41MagSlave's witticisms notwithstanding ;) If you think 10mm fans are a loyal bunch with a persecution complex, you've never seen more than one .41 mag fan in one place before...)
I'm with 4V50 Gary. I have a G20 and a G21. Both are fine pistols. But for some reason I shoot the G20 better.

Although this may be subjective, the recoil of the G20 doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find it a sweet-shooting pistol, and highly recommend it.

BTW, at first my G20 had some ejection problems such as stovepipes. But Glock upgraded the ejector and now it functions fine.
For a Glock that can credibly do both critter defense and protection from humans the 10mm is the way to go. What you load it with depends on the size of the critters involved. If you are worried about something on the order of black bears go with Cor-Bon's 200gr penetrators and aim for the brain. Against smaller ill-tempered critters the heavier full-power JHPs would probably be OK and would also double against humans. People have had good luck against deer with your basic 175gr Silvertip, for instance. Not that deer try to kick your butt often, but you get the idea.

And if recoil is a concern just get a 20C, or a ported extended barrel. You give up a negligible amount of velocity for a big increase in shooting comfort. My 20C works like a charm.

...and this goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: if you are worried about a critter on the scale of a grizzly bear, 10mm won't cut it. Get a .44 Magnum -- at least -- and load it with the nastiest roudns you can find.

Have 29 round high cap magazines for my Glock 35. If there were magazines of that size for the G20. Now that would really be down right dark and un-PC. :D

Re: "10mm Recoil"

I have little skinny girlie wrists (being a girl, and all ;) ), and I shoot 10mm out of the baby Glock 29. 10mm recoil from the full-size G20 is hardly unmanageable... :D
I have little skinny girlie wrists (being a girl, and all ), and I shoot 10mm out of the baby Glock 29. 10mm recoil from the full-size G20 is hardly unmanageable...

I am a male with skinny wrists and slight build. The 10 mm is manageable, but NOT comfortable. For those who can shoot it comfortably, I highly recommend the 10mm. But for those (like me) who find it NOT comfortable, use the .45 ACP.

In overall accuracy, I find the G21 has a slight edge, but both are great pistols.
If you stay out of Grizzly country, the G-21 .45 is fine. If you believe a 10mm will make a difference to a Grizzly, I'd rethink the timing. I'd go with the G-21 and stay away from Grizzlies. Then again, if you want a G-20 in 10mm and can shoot it, there's no such thing as over-kill.
I'm not a girl, or a slight of build kind of guy, but, I just cannot see how the 10mm kicks more than the .45! My wife (who is a girl), agrees with me. The .45, in my wife's and my opinion, has more muzzle flip. But to say that the 10mm is uncomfortable boggles my mind! OBTW, my wife is petite.