10,000rds Without a Malfunction (WWG/Colt AR)

I have five 308 rifle platforms,,,AR10T, FAL, M1A, PTR91 and VeprAK,,,I have had jams with all of them,,,I have five 556 rifle platforms,,,DIAR, piston AR, AK, and have had jams with most of them,,,I have five 762x39 rifle platforms,,,SKSD,,SKSM,,VEPR,,,and two Arsenal milled receiver,,,have managed to have jams with them,,,I have Glocks and Sigs and HK's and Walther pistols,, and other brands,have had jams with most of them....and two or three squib loads

Anything manmade and man operated and man maintained,,,firearms,,ammo,,magazines,,,power tools,,cars,,whatever will at some time fail,,,however the AR is more reliable than it's reputation.

It is always best to buy the best quality you can afford.

So far the only thing I have had 100% reliability with is hand grenades!
I am in the first stages of building an AR actually awaiting parts and was wondering how important the chrome lined barrel is ? I was told by a person who is an AR nut that it is not that important and actually a waste of money.

I only went chrome because the project concept was to have as close as possible to an off the rack A4 without the funflipper. When I toast this barrel I may or may not stay milspec, but it certainly seems durable.

I get it crazy hot several times every range outing, and at 11k rounds it shows no sign of group loosening. I can still put 10rds of fancy OTM into 2moa, with irons, same as the first trip to the range. And that's really about the limit of my skills, so I'm very happy.
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"10,000rds Without a Malfunction (WWG/Colt AR)"

sure pal. great "feel good" topic. ant the internets great, the wildest dreams can come true. its magical.
"10,000rds Without a Malfunction (WWG/Colt AR)"

sure pal. great "feel good" topic. ant the internets great, the wildest dreams can come true. its magical.

It's 11,000rds now. Try to keep up.:D

No magic, unfortunately. If I was all magical and stuff, all my rifles would be this reliable, and they most certainly are not.
to the original post:

.......and yet if the mag isn't top notch its a single shot. AK on the other hand: go the pawn shop and buy the cheapest milsurp mags you can find and your rifle will run like a champion.:cool:
And an AK is lucky to hit a pie plate at 100 yards... I'll take sub MOA accuracy and throwing away GI magazines over owning a rattle trap put together by some 10 year old in a third world country any day of the week.

I have a Colt HBAR that is now 26 years old. While it isn't always my primary match rifle, I don't recall it ever jamming.....

+1. That has been my experience. Mine is not quite as old - maybe 20 years - it has never FTF'd.
dvdcrr said:
.......and yet if the mag isn't top notch its a single shot.

I'm not going to drag this off into yet another stupid "this rifle vs. that rifle" thread. There certainly seem to be enough of those that we don't need to hijack this thread.

However, you argue that the magazine must be "top notch." It looks like B. Lahey is using $14 PMAGs, which are good quality mags, and hasn't had any problems in 11,000 rounds, which represents a fair amount of shooting and use. I'm not sure how you are defining "top notch"; but it looks like the rifle runs well with commonly available, easily affordable, magazines.
Is that Wild West Guns in anchorage?
Indeed. Kenny used to post here constantly, but has been MIA. I hope he didn't get trampled by a moose or something.

Kenny (aka Wild Alaska) got the boot from TFL forum...I believe he is over at the 24hourcampfire these days.

Spent all afternoon at the range, the mongrel Colt A4gery is now at well over 12,000rds without a stoppage of any sort. :)
Hey I saw this post awhile back and did not post . I now want to make sure I understand you correctlly . 13,000 rounds with out one FTF , feed jam , FTE ?
Few people will be able to repeat this reliability...

The way the prices are going on ammo, they won't be able to afford to try.
Heck, I can barely afford to shoot this much now, and I stocked up at decent prices and only shoot about 300 rounds per month, it just stacks up over time. If the drought doesn't break by summer I will have to slow down a lot.

Hey I saw this post awhile back and did not post . I now want to make sure I understand you correctlly . 13,000 rounds with out one FTF , feed jam , FTE ?

That custom AR build with 1:7" twist

I am a current AR rookie, a certifiable geezer, and come with some pre-conceived notions about the '16.

Is the 1:7" twist the man attraction of the current platform?...the bolt assist?...or?

The original post had to do with a purpose built AR. What is the relevance to RFI (Ready For Issue), off the rack rifles?

As stated before, I am ignorant and come with some excess baggage. Can't learn if I don't ask.


Is the 1:7" twist the man attraction of the current platform?...the bolt assist?...or?

1:7" is nice for shooting the 75-77gr open tip match (OTM) loads, which I shoot quite a bit of. I think the military went to 1:7" for the M856 tracer, which is quite a long projectile, and it came in handy later when Mk262 (77gr OTM), Optimized 70gr TSX, and other long projectiles came into use.

The forward assist has plusses and minuses. It can be used to be sure the bolt is fully in battery after a chamber check. It can also be used to cram a damaged or out of spec round into the chamber when that round should really be shucked out and discarded.

The original post had to do with a purpose built AR. What is the relevance to RFI (Ready For Issue), off the rack rifles?

The rifle in question is essentially a semiauto Colt M16A4 (used mostly by the Marines), but I understand that its performance is not unusual when compared to other Colt products and other ARs from quality manufacturers. If you get something in the milspec or better ballpark, you seem to be able to expect nearly flawless performance if you lubricate your rifle and stay away from steel-cased ammunition.
Will you have the same reliability without spraying the BCG with CLP?

Not being a goof as I'm not an AR owner, legitimate question.