From an old, scarred parent (whose two girls graduated in 1995), this
Have lots of time and money for legal battles ....
We live in Texas, where things are rational, right?
If my daughter stayed home from school because she was ill, I could write an
excuse for her and it would be accepted as a legal absence.
If I took my daughter to a doctor because she was ill, the school would not
accept an excuse from the parent. The excuse had to be written legibly and
signed by a doctor.
I took my daughter to the doctor and wrote the school an excuse. They
called it, "an illegal absence".
I courteously explained ... to no avail.
The “incident” was repeated a total of three times. The school then sent me
a lengthy registered letter (copy to the County Sheriff) that one more such
incident and Child Protective Services could take my child from me on the
grounds I was encouraging truancy.
This from the same teachers and administrators who bemoan the "lack of
parental involvement."
Well, by God, they got involvement!
The Sheriff knows me from my volunteer work in EMS and my support of his
campaign for Sheriff. (hint! hint!) He called to ask, "What on earth is going
on, Dennis?"
I explained it all in four-part harmony and warned him my daughter had
more appointments with the doctor (on-going medical treatment) and I was
going to push this all the way to the Supreme Court!! (I
used to be a
Sheriff said state law required him to arrest me if I pushed it. I said, "Great!
No problem between us, Bob!”
A former teacher (for whom I used to teach First Aid and CPR) retired early to
run her bail bond business full-time. I told her my tale and she became
irate! (Turns out the left-wingers drove her to an early retirement.)
We agreed that if I was arrested, she would have bail for me in hand - no
charge! Her husband, a retired criminal prosecutor would represent me
I was loaded for bear! Ready for a "test case". Sue the school district for
enough money that my entire family could retire and live off our investments.
Someone squealed to the school. (Accursed snitch!) The school accepted my
excuses by "making an exception" and calling the doctor's office for
confirmation. To rub salt into the open wound, they said they did it as a
“favor” to me because I once had been so polite and had explained the
I was ticked!
All that anger! All that preparation!
Nothing really accomplished because they continued the same stupid,
insulting (expletives deleted) policy with other parents.
"Parent involvement" is a lie. They want parent subservience.
I’ve offered to homeschool my grandchildren, but I think my kids might be
afraid of what the grandkids would learn.
(... and you clean the bore until it is bright and shiny, then apply just a little
bit of oil ... )
(Never mind what Barney says, repeat after me,
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state.......”)