Yuppie artists go after Boy Scout Range

We have the same problem in CT. These people move in and want their mcmansion cookie cutter subdivisions to exhibit nothing but their own sterile livestyle. :barf: We have them trying to close our only non-club type outdoor range and also the motocross track, both have been there for 60+years too. THey thought 'check out the neighborhood' meant for volvos and bimmers.:confused:
Normally I'd be all in favor of the original users. Wasn't long ago that one of the original homesteads in my area had to stop farming because the newbies didn't like being near livestock.
But this is the Boy Scouts, and since they decided that gays and atheists couldn't be good Americans I don't really care what happens to them.
1 bit of suspicion about the lady who stated the shooting interrupts her Sunday morning, I have been around Scouts and Scout Camps most of my life, I have never seen or heard about anyone running a range on a Sunday morning.

If it was a weekend camp then your are packing up and heading home Sunday morning.

If it is a week at summer camp, shooting only occurs Monday thru Friday, and ussually not till about 9am-11:30, 1pm to about 4pm then maybe 6:30 pm till about 8pm. And then hardly ever on Friday night.
There was a town here in Central NJ, the newcomers wanted to live in the
"country" and complained about the noise and smells from some nearby farms.
One farmer sold out to developers, they knocked down all the trees, crammed as many units as they could onto postage stamp lots, paved, etc.
Now the "oldtimers" are whining that their view is gone, the roads are crowded, the drainage is poor and their taxes keep going up to pay for schools, etc.
I was an Eagle Scout, and I think any organization that does not want homosexuals or atheists can't be all bad.
But this is the Boy Scouts, and since they decided that gays and atheists couldn't be good Americans I don't really care what happens to them.

Since when did the Boy Scouts decide who was and was not a good American. Weather or not the above listed types of individuals can be Scouts is a different matter. But this is going off on a different direction then dealing with a range and it ******* off the neighbors.
Not that it might be the case in this instance of the boy scouts, but how many of these whining home owners buy their properties at "bargain" prices because of the surrounding environment (airport, railroad tracks, race track, gun range, etc.) in close proximity to their property? They know full well what the surroundings are, but to save money, they make the purchase anyway, knowing that later on they'll just whine loud enough to "make the problem go away". I think there's a lot of that going on.
Normally I'd be all in favor of the original users. Wasn't long ago that one of the original homesteads in my area had to stop farming because the newbies didn't like being near livestock.
But this is the Boy Scouts, and since they decided that gays and atheists couldn't be good Americans I don't really care what happens to them

MY GOD, a group of people standing up and sticking to what they believe. HOLY CRAP you never see that.

Although, the Athesist got what they wanted by getting rid of prayer and religion in schools. That did a lot of good. Things really got better. I'm glad we made a few folks happy and crapped on the other 99%.

The Homosexuals can now be married and do whatever they want infront of my kids and the rest of the world. You can't even channel surf anymore without running accross two dudes kissing. But I'm a bigot because I believe it's wrong. That's my right.

But lets jump all over a group of people...an organization that has a set of morals and values that differ from some...and have it shut down. It is thier right to let whomever they want. If you don't like it, tough crap, go start your own organization for Athisist and Homosexuals. If you want to be in the boy scouts...don't be the above.
One of the things I've learned from the confrontational negotiations I've had to endure is to never look like you're retreating or compromising.

If I ran the range I'd just tell the couple who are complaining that I was *thinking* about selling the range to the Mafia in exchange for a 99 year lease for the BSA.

I'd smile and add, "Imagine that, firearms noise and black Cadillacs."

You know, you can *think* about anything you want, it doesn't mean you have to do it...
If I ran the range I'd just tell the couple who are complaining that I was *thinking* about selling the range to the Mafia in exchange for a 99 year lease for the BSA.

I'd smile and add, "Imagine that, firearms noise and black Cadillacs."

Very shrewd. I like it.
USAFNoDak said:
Very shrewd. I like it.

I can't take all of the credit. A similar scenario actually happened in Wisconsin.

There was a large resort built in central Wisconsin that was going under. They sold it to the Mafia.

The crime bosses actually used it for recreation.

During the 1940's and the 1950's the crime bosses where prosecuted and jailed one by one. Strapped for cash, they sold the entire ressort to the Baptist Church where my best-man is a member.

One winter about 15 years ago he took my wife and myself there on retreat. I was the first time I had ever played "broom ball" with forty guys to a team! I got body-checked by his pastor!

Beautiful area. The buildings are all functional, they have a huge building for the kitchen and dining. They are located on a lake, and their ice-tubing ramp empties right out onto the frozen lake.

My wife and my friend's wife went cross-country skiiing, and she told me it was some of the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen.

(It must be a common thing here. My Adventist church bought out the old Girl Scout resort called "Camp Go Seek." I have their badge sewn to my colors.)