Yuppie artists go after Boy Scout Range


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The Boy Scout range has been there for 60 years.

The sensitive yuppie artists moved out there in 1998.

Now they're going after the range.

At least the sensitive, chardonnay sippers haven't done anything childish like putting up loudspeakers aimed at the range, and yelling obscenities.....

Oh, wait......

Here are a couple of links.



Here's the website, if you'd like to go see the art.

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IMO suppressors should be mandatory in areas which have fairly close human proximity, they aren't perfect but they certainly would help with noise, it would also be a good reason to remove suppressors from the NFA list, but still regulate when/how they are used.
possum: "Here's the website, if you'd like to go see the art."

Yep, that's art. Of a type.

Looks a lot like what my grandkids did in the 3rd/4th grades. Must be college trained artists to do that level of work so well. ???
The article's author couldn't get through the first paragraph without including a lie:

"Then the gunfire started, spoiling their idyllic retreat." The gunfire started 40 years before the complainers moved in.
No different that what's been happening over near Twin Falls.

Retirees moving into the country (from a large west coast State) and discovering they don't like the smell of the Dairy, a mile down the road. Or they don't like Farmer John working his fields at all hours. Variations on a theme.

Sure wish some people would grow up.
Hey, did you go to the "One of a Kind" gallery at the art website and see the "sculpture" of the man in a shirt and tie worshiping an antelope?


Man in a shirt and tie worshiping an antelope.

Also check out the print called "Dog Walkers" that can be yours for only $40.

Most boy scout ranges are set up with 22's, so its not like these folks are suffering permanant hearing damage. They probably can't even hear it from inside the house. What selfish selfish people. Reminds me of the folks who called the cops because I was duck hunting on the same spot of the river that I have been for years. Now someone built a waterfront house there and called the cops and said I was duck hunting. It was kind of funny when the cops pulled up and tried to explain to this irate woman that I wasn't breaking the law. I could hear her yelling and waving her arms. The poor cop finally got on his loudspeaker and told me I couldn't step on the bank, (which I hadn't) just to pacify her. Folks move to the country and then try to force all country activity to stop.
kind of jerks if you ask me.

reminds me of a bad trip during my reckless youth!:o

I had a similar problem when i lived off post while stationed at Ft. Lewis.
except they were shooting artillery!:eek:
Arent these the same a**holes that say crap like the animals were here first and we need to leave them alone? Maybe they should take some of their own medicine and get the hell out. This art work is great if your blind! Seriously the Boy Scouts make mud pies better than this crap.
There used to be a strip club near a nearby town. It had been there since 1953. Then someone recently built a church 1/2 mile away and successfully convinced the county board that it's not appropriate to have that club nearby.
I don't know what pisses me off more:

1) That they are johnny-come-latelys who want to pick on the frickin' BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA, or

2) They are highly derivative rip-off artists who are copying Stephen Huneck's work. He's a good guy, and I own some of his work:


And they didn't know the range was there before they bought the property? Oh really? Is there some claim of fraud here? I buy property next to a junk yard, I live with the view...

Bogus pretenders on too many levels...
People that don't like their lives blame it on somebody else.

I live near Luke Air Force base under a flight path.

My windows rattle when jets fly over my house. I don't mind I got used to it.

Now these people complain of .22 rifles firing. The camp was there before them.
possum, why did you have to get so nasty with the attack?

I took offense to your "chardonnay sipper" crack, even though I'm more of a cabernet kind of a guy.:D
This reminds me of a similar problem in the world of automobile racing.

Rich yuppies build McMansions out in the country (where most racetracks are located). Said yuppies are 100% aware that they are building near a racetrack.

After a while, they get sick of the noise (that they knew was going to be there) and they use their superior resources to get the track shut down. (Most recreational tracks barely cover operational expenses, never mind profits to pay for lawyers.)

This is just a further erosion of personal responsibility in this country. People make a conscious decision to move near a shooting range/racetrack or similar, then sue the place out of existence when they can't deal with the reality of their decisions. :barf:
That's why I love Pennsylvania.

Pre-emption laws.

The sportsmen's club in my hometown has been in the same location since 1922. It's always been on the edge of town. No one ever really complained because it's semi-rural Pennsylvania and most people have been long-time residents.

In the 1980s a lot of land across the creek opened up for development, and the county was also "discovered." It's close to the state capitol, and land prices have always been a LOT cheaper.

Well, the houses started going in, and the newbies started screaming bloody murder about the range.

Too bad, though, as Pennsylvania had already passed pre-emption laws, and their deeds and sales contracts specifically stated that there's a range across the creek.

Boo hoo, carpetbagging pricks.
Maybe the Boy Scouts should start to complain about the visual polution cause by the 'art!'!

Unfortunately this is typical behavior for many folks who believe when THEY move into the 'country' everything that was there before them needs to begin to comply with their life styles and wishes.
Ya I love it when people buy cheap land near train tracks, factories, gun ranges etc., then demand that everyone should bend to their will.

There's a reason you bought the land cheap, and it sure wasn't because you magically discovered cheap property that everyone else missed...
If I could sell that kind of "art" for those prices, I could buy my own range and stock it with lots of guns! Quick where are my crayons!
Yeah, we get issues like this all the time. I figure if you can't deal with hearing a little gunfire every now and then, stay inside city limits. There's always property up for sale within city limits where you won't have this problem.
someone always moves somewhere nearby a noisy or smelly place. then complains and wants everyone else to have it shutdown. don't move in near a landfill if you can't stand stinky smells, don't move in near a racetrack if you don't like hearing cars roaring down the track or squealing tires, etc somehow people got to know whats going on nearby before they move in. and if they don't know maybe they should ask questions instead of moving in and complaining.